F4 - 2016 PARD Financial Forecast Presentation — original pdf

FY 2016 Financial ForecastForecast Presentations:www.austintexas.gov/financeonline/finance/index.cfmAngela Means, Financial Services Division ManagerOrganization OverviewFY16 PARD Budget Forecast FY16 Revenue ForecastCapital HighlightsUnmet Service DemandsNext StepsRespondents rate overall satisfaction with Parks and Recreation at 75%Measure20132014PARD Overall Satisfaction73%75%National Average67%67%****Ranked # 3 in national survey of satisfaction with parks and recreation programs and facilities****4Community Services (46%)Parks, Planning, Development & Operations (36%)Requirements$38.7MFTEs313.25Requirements$30.0MFTEs308.75Requirements$83.5MFTEs681.75Requirements$14.7MFTEs59.75Total PARD BudgetSupport Services, Other (18%)General Fund: 85%; Golf Ent. Fund: 9%; Other: 6%General Fund Budget Increase‐$2.5 millionEmployee Insurance, Wage Adjustment IncreasesFleet Maintenance and FuelCity Support Services Department Cost DriversEmergency Cold Weather Shelter: ($16k)◦Contractuals, Commodities and Temp StaffForestry Transfer to PDRD: ($725k)◦5 FTEs, Contractuals, CommoditiesParking Meters: ($125k)◦Contractuals◦Butler Shores, ESB‐MACC, Walsh Boat •$70.9MFY 15 Budget•$73.4MFY 16 Forecast•3.5%% ChangeForecast HighlightsSouth Austin Senior Activity Center◦12,311 Square foot –Activity Center◦750 square foot –Renovated Facility◦New Programmable Space; Restrooms◦Contractuals and Commodities ($25k)Facility Services◦Brandt Rd/Onion Creek (25 acres); ($5k)◦Copperfield Neighborhood Park (9 acres); ($2k)◦Oakwood Cemetery ($6k)◦Old San Antonio Rd/Brown Homestead (6 acres); ($66k)1 FTE: Maintenance Worker II◦Tom Lassetter–South Austin Playground ($19k)◦Zilker Caretaker Facility Redevelopment ($2k)Forecast HighlightsNortheast Park District Grounds◦Mueller ($10k)◦Pomerleau(1,929 acres); ($4k)◦Upper Boggy Creek Trail ($8k)Central South Park District Grounds◦Brush Square ($3k)◦Brush Country Pocket Park/Westcreek(1 acre); ($2k)◦PoncianaPark (5 acres); ($6k)◦Shoal Creek Greenbelt/Downtown Library ($9k)Park Ranger Program: ($84k)◦1 FTE: Park Ranger Program Supervisor◦Contractuals and CommoditiesConstruction Administration ($62k)◦1 FTE: Heavy Equipment Operator IDepartment Revenue Changes: $0.2 millionTotal department revenue of $10.2 million, an increase of $196 thousand from last fiscal year.The conservative growth estimate factors in elements, such as (but not limited to), cemetery sales, parking meter revenue, and the impact of the financial aid program.•$10.0MFY 15 Revenue•$10.2M*FY 16 Forecast•2%*% Change* Does not include requested Fee changesGeneral FundMajor Accomplishments◦Auditorium Shores Trailhead◦Southern Walnut Creek Trail◦Dove Springs District Park Playscape◦Boardwalk at Lady Bird Lake◦Bartholomew Municipal Pool RenovationFY 2016‐2020 (Projects in Progress)◦Colony District Park Phase 1 Improvements◦Gus Garcia District Park Phase 3 Improvements◦Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 1◦MontopolisCommunity and Recreation Center◦Zilker Metropolitan Park Phase 1 Improvements◦Republic Square Phase 2 Improvements◦Waller Creek District Park and Open SpaceSafety, Security, and AccessRequestFTEsCostWalter E. Long Master Plan0.00350,000$ Trails and Playground Safety3.001,518,595$ Staffing for Programming8.00498,910$ Museums and Cultural Facilities Grounds Maintenance2.00107,584$ Master Planning, Long‐Term Planning and Parkland Survey0.00350,000$ Community Engagement and Marketing0.00100,000$ Forestry1.00270,177$ Parkland Development Coordinator1.0087,407$ Park Rangers and Equipment5.00374,277$ Nature‐Based Programs Staffing2.00132,607$ Recreation Program Instructor for Aquatics1.7597,656$ TOTAL23.753,887,213$ May/June Boards and Commissions Public EngagementCouncil Forecast WorksessionsJuly 30Proposed Budget Presented to CouncilAugust 10, 12Council Budget Work SessionsAugust 20, 27Budget, Tax Rate and Utility Rate Public HearingsSeptember 8 –10Adoption of Budget and Tax Ratewww.austintexas.gov/financeonline/finance/index.cfmDirector:Sara Hensley512-974-6700Assistant Directors:Cora WrightKimberly McNeelyMarty Stump512-974-6700Financial Services Division Manager:Angela Means512-974-6700Media Inquires:512-974-6745CONTACTS: