F2 - Cemetery Master Plan Memo — original pdf

MEMORANDUM TO: Urban Forestry Board FROM: Kim McKnight, Project Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Dept. DATE: May 5, 2015 SUBJECT: Historic Cemeteries Master Plan The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) presented a briefing on the Historic Cemeteries Master Plan to the Urban Forestry Board on April 15, 2015. The board deferred action to May 20, 2015 to allow additional time for board review and response and to hear feedback from PARD Forestry staff. The master plan and associated appendices can be accessed by visiting the following website: https://www.austintexas.gov/cmp Of special interest to Urban Forestry Board Members will be the following chapters and appendices that include tree-related topics and recommendations: •Chapter 3: General Management Guidelines•Chapter 4: Oakwood Cemetery•Chapter 5: Oakwood Cemetery Annex•Chapter 6: Plummers Cemetery•Chapter 7: Evergreen Cemetery•Chapter 8: Austin Memorial Park Cemetery•Appendix E: Tree SurveyPlease do not hesitate to contact me at 512.974.9478 should you have questions.