Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (February 25, 2016) 1 Task Force on Community Engagement REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 25, 2016 The Task Force on Community Engagement convened in a regular meeting on February 25, 2016 at the Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th Street, Room 400A, in Austin, Texas. Facilitator Julie Fellows, with Civic Collaboration, called the Task Force Meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. Task Force Members in Attendance: Celso Baez III, Michael Clark-Madison, Margarita Decierdo, Richard Fonte, Andrea Hamilton, Chris Howe, Christopher Ledesma, Koreena Malone, Navvab Taylor Staff in Attendance: Matthew Chustz, Doug Matthews, Larry Schooler Facilitators in Attendance: Juli Fellows, Pat Korbus 1. OPENING REMARKS a. Juli Fellows provided an overview of the meeting agenda. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICTION: GENERAL a. None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The Task Force approved, by consensus, the minutes from the February 11, 2016 Task Force on Community Engagement (TFCE) Regular Meeting. b. The Task Force reviewed the February 11, 2016 TFCE Regular Meeting notes provided by the facilitator. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Amending the Task Force Guidelines for Quorum The Task Force members came to consensus to amend the group guidelines regarding the number of members necessary to make quorum. Since the number of members on the Task Force is now 12 instead of 13, the group agreed that the new quorum number should be six (6) members instead of the original seven (7). The group also agreed that quorum could also be reached if a Task Force member participates via telephone. b. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic. Task Force members began discussing the recommendations from theme four (4) of the five (5) main themes/topics identified in the needs assessment. The group will continue to develop recommendations on the themes at the next Task Force Meeting on March 10, 2016. TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (February 25, 2016) 2 c. Meeting Evaluation (standing agenda item) The facilitators lead the TFCE members in an evaluation of the meeting. 5. Future Agenda Items a. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic/theme remaining theme 6. ADJOURNMENT Facilitator, Juli Fellows adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. without objection.