Meeting Notes - 03.24.2016 TFCE Regular meeting — original pdf

Created by Diane Miller, Pat Korbus March 25, 2016 Task Force on Community Engagement Meeting Notes: March 24, 2016 1 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Member Attendance List ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Action Items ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Meeting Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Citizen Input ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Recommendations Meriting Special Attention in the Final Report ................................................................................... 4 Clarification in Recommendations language: .................................................................................................................... 3 Fiscal Implications .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Fiscal, Type of Approach and Time Frame Descriptors ...................................................................................................... 4 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Future Meetings ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Overall Evaluation of the Task Force Experience ............................................................................................................... 6 2 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx Executive Summary The meeting convened on March 24, 2016, at 6:30pm with nine members in attendance. This meeting was conducted at the 1000 E. 11th Street, Austin. There was no citizen comment. The March 10, 2016 meeting minutes were approved with no changes. The Task Force reached consensus on their “recommendations meriting special attention” in the following order of importance: Theme Recommendation 1 - Make information clear, relevant and easily accessible 1A – Implement a website redesign 4 - Ensure that everyone who cares about an issue or is impacted has the opportunity to engage 4A - Invest in creating capacity and trust with under-represented communities. 5 - Ensure that City staff have the support, training, tools and resources to do engagement well 5A - Provide ongoing training to public-facing city staff who engage with the public so they can provide useful feedback and capture public input. 2 - Make it easier for people to give input in ways that are convenient, accessible and appropriate for them. 2F – Sufficiently fund, prioritize, and implement during FY2017 on-line agenda commenting system for community members to give input to Council, Commissions, Boards, and Task Forces on city issues. 3 - Explain how input will be used and show how that input had an impact on the decision made 3A – When the City designs an engagement opportunity, provide feedback in a timely manner to participants on what was heard and how the input is being used to inform future decisions. Also make this information easily available to the general public. 2 - Make it easier for people to give input in ways that are convenient, accessible and appropriate for them. 2G – Sufficiently fund, prioritize and implement during FY2017 an online engagement platform that has the following (listed in recommendation) capabilities. 1 - Make information clear, relevant and easily accessible B – Public content in a standardized machine-readable format to a data portal in real time. 1 - Make information clear, relevant and easily accessible F – Implement a content-creation policy that helps ensure: (1) clear communication in everyday language across all media types; (2) improves the clarity of legal public notices regarding land use cases; (3) create explanatory pieces about complex topics being discussed at Council meetings. 2 - Make it easier for people to give input in ways that are convenient, accessible and appropriate for them. C – Systematically work to engage and partner with community based organizations that have existing community relationships, community trust and community engagement expertise. 4 - Ensure that everyone who cares about an issue or is impacted has the opportunity to engage C – City Council, Boards, and Commissions should follow a consistent, structured, transparent process from proposal to decision that allows the public to track online the progress and status of items. Language was clarified, and in some cases modified, throughout the list of recommendations, and will be reflected the final Recommendations Report. 3 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx Fiscal implications will be included in the draft report for all Task Force members to review. This information will be based on research and input provided by CPIO. The group will also review and give feedback on the designation of “type of approach” and “time frame” descriptors in the draft report. The Task Force decided to add an appendix to the Report that includes information about each of the Task Force members, along with an optional personal statement from each. Preparation of Report - Overview (see rest of Meeting Notes for more detail) Action Responsible Party Deadline Draft presentation completed Mike Clark-Madison April 4 Submit presentation to Ray Baray CPIO April 11 Submit presentation to City Manager’s office CPIO April 15 Present at City Manager’s office meeting CPIO April 20 80% draft of Recommendation Report Mike Clark-Madison April 13 Review and feedback on 80% draft All Task Force Members April 20 Final full draft of Report Mike Clark-Madison April 25 Final approval of Final Report All Task Force Members April 29 Presentation of Report at City Council Work Session Mike Clark-Madison Task Force Members in attendance May 3 The Task Force members decided that no additional Task Force meetings are necessary. All writing, editing, and approval of the Recommendation Report will be handled electronically. They decided that a celebration will occur immediately following the City Council Work Session on May 3. 4 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx Member Attendance ListMike Clark-Madison Koreena Malone Chris Howe Chris Ledesma Ken Rigsbee Navvab Taylor Sara Torres Claudia Harrington Richard Fonte Action Items Who What When Doug Provide response and update to City Council on status of TF work ASAP Mike (with support from Diane) Draft of Powerpoint presentation for City Manager April 4 CPIO Submit presentation to Ray Baray April 11 Chris Howe Provide any needed clarification for Rec. 4C items 1 and 3 Not set Mike (with support from Diane) 80% draft of Report April 13 CPIO Presentation to City Manager’s Office to upload April 15 CPIO Presentation at City Manager’s Office office meeting April 20 All Task Force members Provide feedback on draft of report via Google doc April 20 Mike Final (full) draft of report; incorporation/reconciliation of feedback comments April 25 All Task Force members Final approval of report via email April 29 All Task Force members Provide photos and bios and personal comments (if desired) to be included in appendix of report April 29 Mike Final Report ready for City Council May 1 Mike to lead presentation; All Task Force members asked to attend. Presentation of report at City Council Work Session May 3 All Celebration following City Council Work Session May 3 Meeting Notes Citizen Input There was no citizen input.Recommendations Meriting Special Attention in the Final Report Of the 28 recommendations generated by the Task Force, each member identified his/her top three meriting special attention in the final report. Through consensus, the following were selected (listed in descending order of importance): 1A – Website Redesign 4A – Invest in (contract with) Community Organizations 5A – Ongoing Training for City Staff 2F – Online Agenda-Commenting System (same level of importance as 3A) 3A – Timely feedback to Participants on how input is used (same level of importance as 2F) 2G – Online Engagement Platform 3 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx The following all were deemed to be the same level of importance: 1B – Standardized, Machine-Readable Data 1F – Content-Creation Policy/Clear Communications 2C – Partner with Community-Based Organizations 4C – Track Progress & Status of Items on-line The Task Force members noted the strong relationship between 4A (Invest/contract with Community Organizations) and 2C (Partner with Community-Based Organizations). Clarification in Recommendations language: During discussion of all drafted recommendations, the Task Force made the following modifications and edits to be included in Final Report: 1B – add the following under 1B: 1. Agenda/Meeting posts 2. General Content 3. Calendar 1D – add the following: • “Going forward, “ to 1D1 • “televised presentations” to 1D2 • “with respect to community engagement practices” to 1D4 1F – Amended language in 1F3 to reflect the following – ! “clear communication of complex topics being discussed at Council meetings” and “use plain language. When that is not possible, include explanatory pieces.” ! Remove the word “glossary” 2F3: change language of 2F3 to • “collected and aggregated from various input sources as technology allows." 2G – delete item 9 (“access to other input channels”) and note that some functionalities are included in other recommendations 3A – add: “always provide feedback….” 3C – delete as this is redundant with 3A. 4A - revise language to 4A1 to say “Connect with or provide a position for an advocate / organizer…” 4B – modify language to the following: “Financially support, expand and strengthen public conversational, dialogue opportunities.…” and add “Expand what is already happening, such as approaches like CodeNext and Conversation Corps, and encourage ‘district-based’ updates.” 5E – Revise language as follows: “…based on three factors: participant demographics mirror that of the city or the relevant portion of it; affected districts are equally represented…” Other comments to be reflected in the Report: • Reference if something is already in the pipe-line with the City. Note it in the summary table. • Public Comment at Council Committee and City Council Meetings: The group had discussed this issue when discussing Theme 4, but did not reach consensus. Notes from that discussion should be included in the Final Report. 4 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx • Include in the Executive Summary: o “We hope these recommendations improve Council meeting/committee structure decisions.” Appendix to the Report • Information about the Task Force members will be in an Appendix, and will include: o Photo of each member o Short bio of each member o Optional personal statement by each member. This statement could be about what motivated them to be on the Task Force, what they are passionate about related to community engagement, a statement about a recommendation, or statement about a topic that didn’t make it into the recommendations. Fiscal Implications The Task Force reviewed the document provided by CPIO staff regarding fiscal implications and responded to the staff’s clarifying questions. Based on those clarifications, the staff will continue to research cost implications to be included in the draft of the Final Report. Clarifying question / Comment Task Force response 1A2 Flag the higher-cost item of multi-lingual professional translation 1D1, close caption of videos? All live, streaming videos from the date of the Recommendation Report. 1D2, which meetings? All meetings that are televised 1D3, clarify the scope of “scrolling function? Scroll all text documents (including PDFs) 1D4, clarify language Add the following language to recommendation: “…with respect to community engagement practices.” 1F3, clarify Modify language to reflect the following: “…clear communication of complex topics being discussed at Council meetings.” Mention “Twitter” as an example of using simple language. Remove the word “glossary” Add: “…use plain language. When that is not possible, include explanatory pieces.” 2F3, clarify Change language to: “…collected and aggregated from various input sources as technology allows.” 4B Indicate that is a high cost ($$$) item in the recommendation summary “table” in the Report. 4C Chris Howe agreed to provide any needed clarification on the details for items 4C1 and 4C3. The Task Force recognized that there would be one-time costs and/or on-going costs to implement the recommendations. Fiscal, Type of Approach and Time Frame Descriptors The group agreed on the following for fiscal implications and time frame descriptors to be included in the report. The approaches of “methods, technology, culture” will also be in the final report and reviewed by Task Force members. 5 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx Symbols for fiscal implications: $ = up to $1,000 $$ = around $10,000 $$$ = around $100,000 or more Symbols for Timeframes: Short term = 3 months or less Medium term = 3 months to 1 year Long term = longer than 1 year Miscellaneous • Many of the Task Force’s recommendations are already being addressed by CPIO. • The web site is currently being redesigned • Challenge: getting funds to translate into all the languages Future Meetings The Task Force decided that no additional meetings are necessary. Drafts, feedback, edits, and final report will be conducted electronically. All Task Force members are invited to the City Council Work Session at which the recommendations will be presented (May 3), and to a group celebration immediately following that work session. 6 3/30/16 TFCE3.24.16_V4MeetingNotes.docx Overall Evaluation of the Task Force Experience What we LIKED What we would CHANGE • Cake at the last meeting! • Attendance issues • Best practices review/info • Assumed we would be done in December • The way everyone made contributions and was willing to work • Unable to define scope. Discovered what it would take along the way • Facilitators were key • Lost detail on some of recommendations • Good email communication • Potential mismatch between Council expectations and what they will receive • Meeting notes • Staff support • Matthew • Learned a lot about community engagement and am already implementing it • Evaluation at end of each meeting.