Backup - 02.25.2016 Meeting Details — original pdf

Task Force on Community Engagement Thirteenth Meeting February 25, 2016 6-9 p.m. Street Jones Bldg, 4th fl conference room 2/19/2016. Created by Diane Miller and Juli Fellows ThirteenthMeetingDetails.docx Meeting Goals 1. Seek consensus on whether to change the number of members considered quorum. 2. Seek consensus on additional recommendations for Theme 3. (Explain how input used…). 3. Seek consensus on recommendations for Theme 4. (Ensure that everyone who cares about an issue or is impacted has the opportunity to engage and that some voices don’t count more than others.) 4. Time permitting, discuss what the group wants to do about their charge to “consider fiscal implications of recommendations”. Agenda Agenda 6:00 Overview – review goals, agenda and discussion guidelines 6:03 Citizen Input 6:10 Approve Minutes 6:15 Seek consensus on whether to change number required for quorum. 6:30 Seek consensus on recommendations by topic – finalize theme 3 and work on theme 4 7:30 Break 7:40 Continue working on recommendations 8:55 Discuss next steps and evaluate the meeting 9:00 Adjourn