Late Backup - Survey Data Response Comparison — original pdf

Previous Individual Survey Responses = 661 respondents New Individual Survey Responses = 223 respondents Created by Juli Fellows, 2/8/2016 DataComparison_PreviousNew_v1 Responses with a 5% or more difference between previous and new are highlighted Question Response Previous Percentage New Data Percentage A. Stakeholder Group Neighbors/neighborhoods 75.9 68.6 Business 19.2 19.3 Underrepresented Pop 15.4 13.5 Civic/comm volunteers 35.6 29.1 Bd, commission members 6.1 4.03 None of these 14.5 19.3 2. How usually learn about opportunities to engage Neighborhood newsletter 43.6 48.4 Neighborhood web/Next Door 61.9 55.6 School folders 4.5 6.27 Other newsletters/email 21.9 26.9 City web site, email, social media 39.8 36.8 Other web, social 39.2 35.4 Formal mailed notices 27.4 31.8 Signs, public notices 22.2 21.5 Word of mouth 40.7 41.2 Other 15.1 20.2 3. Which of the above is most useful? Neighborhood newsletter 25.0 35.7 Neighborhood web/Next Door 53.1 44.8 School folders 2.1 3.1 City web site, email, social media 8.2 17.0 Other web, social 30.0 26.4 Formal mailed notices 27.8 26.4 Signs, public notices 18.0 21.5 Word of mouth 7.1 11.2 Other 16.8 17.0 4. How well does the City inform you about issues you care about? 1 (low) 20.0 23.7 2 23.0 28.7 (median) 3 37.4 (median) 34.1 4 16.3 11.6 5 (high) 3.3 .89 Previous Individual Survey Responses = 661 respondents New Individual Survey Responses = 223 respondents Created by Juli Fellows, 2/8/2016 DataComparison_PreviousNew_v1 5. How well does the City tell you how to get involved? 1 (low) 24.8 28.7 2 24.1 (median) 33.6 (median) 3 31.6 25.5 4 15.4 10.3 5 (high) 4.1 .89 7. How frequently do you take advantage of opportunities … 1 (low) 17.4 12.0 2 21.9 26.9 3 30.6 (median) 34.5(median) 4 21.0 18.4 5 (high) 9.1 7.2 11. How satisfied that you have fair, transparent and sufficient ability to engage… 1 (low) 24.4 25.1 2 19.4 22.4 3 31.9 (median) 33.6 (median) 4 18.0 14.3 5 (high) 6.4 3.1 12. How satisfied with outcomes of engagement? 1 (low) 24.5 30.9 2 23.8 23.3 (median) 3 35.1 (median) 34.0 4 13.2 12.1 5 (high) 3.5 1.8