Backup - DRAFT Minutes January 14, 2016 TFCE Meeting — original pdf

TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (January 14, 2015) 1 Task Force on Community Engagement REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2016 The Task Force on Community Engagement convened in a regular meeting on January 14, 2016 at the Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th Street, Room 400A, in Austin, Texas. Facilitator Diane Miller, with Civic Collaboration, called the Task Force Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Task Force Members in Attendance: Celso Baez III, Michael Clark-Madison, Andrea Hamilton, Claudia Herrington, Chris Howe, Christopher Ledesma, Koreena Malone, Ken Rigsbee, Navvab Taylor, Sara Torres Staff in Attendance: Matthew Chustz, Doug Matthews Facilitators in Attendance: Diane Miller, Julie Fellows 1. OPENING REMARKS a. Diane Miller provided an overview of the meeting agenda. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICTION: GENERAL a. One citizen spoke. John Woodley, advocate for Americans with disabilities, addressed the group. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The Task Force approved, by consensus, the minutes from the December 17, 2015 Task Force on Community Engagement (TFCE) Regular Meeting. b. The Task Force reviewed the December 17, 2015 TFCE Regular Meeting notes provided by the facilitator. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Global criteria for recommendations to Council. The Task Force members came to consensus on global criteria for their recommendations to Council. The addition of further criteria will be discussed at subsequent meetings. b. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic. Task Force members reached consensus on the recommendations to Council for one (1) of the five (5) main themes/topics identified in the needs assessment. The group will continue to develop recommendations on the themes/topics at the next Task Force Meeting on January 28, 2016. c. Discuss next steps, update to Council, timeline and drafting of report The group developed a final plan of action for the remainder of the Task Force Meetings and agreed to prioritize the recommendations once all recommendations have been developed. The Task Force came to consensus and scheduled four (4) more meetings taking place at the same interval as previous meetings – every other week on Thursday. The additional meeting dates are: TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (January 14, 2015) 2 February 11, 2016 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm February 25, 2016 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm March 10, 2016 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm March 24, 2016 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm d. Meeting Evaluation (standing agenda item) The facilitators lead the TFCE members in an evaluation of the meeting. 5. Future Agenda Items a. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic/theme (remaining 4 topics/themes). 6. ADJOURNMENT Facilitator, Diane Miller adjourned the meeting at 9:07 p.m. without objection.