Backup - January 14, 2016 Notes — original pdf

Created by Juli Fellows, Diane Miller, Pat Korbus January 15, 2016 Task Force on Community Engagement Meeting Notes: January 14, 2016 1 1/20/2016 TFCE1.14.16Notes_V2.docx Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Member Attendance List ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Action Items ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Meeting Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Citizen input ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Consensus Process Used by the Group .............................................................................................................................. 3 Global Criteria for Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 3 Consensus Recommendations for Theme #1 .................................................................................................................... 3 Timeline ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Meeting Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 2 1/20/2016 TFCE1.14.16Notes_V2.docx Executive Summary On January 14, 2016 ten of the thirteen members of the Task Force on Community Engagement (TFCE) attended the meeting at the Street-Jones Building. Citizen comment was provided by John Wooley. The group approved the December 17, 2015 minutes with no changes. The group identified global criteria they wanted ALL consensus recommendations to meet. These included: • It’s legal. • It’s an improvement. • It’s easy enough to implement (in our view). • Whenever possible, it addresses a problem presented to the TF. • The City has the resources to do it (money, staff, skills, etc.) The group can ask for reallocation of resources. • The recommendation is quantifiable, measurable. • It produces a good return on investment. • It’s based on data. They decided to begin discussion of recommendations around theme #1 “Make information clear, relevant and easily accessible”. Each member proposed his or her top recommendation that he/she felt met the global criteria. These proposals could be something proposed on Bloomfire or a new idea. Using these as a starting place, the group sought consensus, applying the process shown on page four. The TF was able to reach consensus on seven recommendations for theme #1 (page 3). Consensus recommendations may be prioritized in some way once all the recommendations have been agreed on. The group may also use a legend or other way to categorize the recommendations, to make them easier to understand. They agreed that there were three categories in their recommendations for theme #1 – accessibility, digital communication and the notification system. They discussed the timeline and remaining steps to complete their work. They will meet on January 28, February 11 and February 25 to finalize recommendations. March 10 and March 24 will be held in reserve as meeting dates, if the group agrees that they are needed in order to finish their work. CPIO staff will provide a written update to advise City Council on the status of the Task Force. The Task Force agreed that it was unnecessary to get community input on the recommendations, because all the recommendations are based on what they heard from the community. They also agreed that after the report is presented, each TF member will have the option to schedule a 1-1 meeting with his/her Council member to get feedback and/or further explain the recommendations. The group will offer to be available for consultation until March 31, 2016. They agreed on a process for writing the report as follows. • Diane Miller will cut and paste existing text into the agreed-upon outline by Feb 11, 2016. • On 2/11/16 the TF will identify where new writing is needed and assign it to members. • Mike will do the final polish on the document. The group agreed to come to the January 28, 2016 meeting prepared to propose their top recommendation in each of the remaining four theme areas. These proposed recommendations may come from those included on Bloomfire or be a new idea and should be a recommendation that meets the global criteria. Member Attendance List Andrea Hamilton Celso Baez Chris Howe Christopher Ledesma Claudia Herrington Ken Rigsbee Koreena Malone Mike Clark-Madison Navvab Taylor Sara Torres 3 1/20/2016 TFCE1.14.16Notes_V2.docx Action Items Who What When TF members Review the Bloomfire posts for themes 2-5 and come to the meeting prepared to share your top recommendation for each theme. These proposals can be something already mentioned on Bloomfire or a new idea, but they should meet the global criteria agreed on by the group. 1/28/16 Diane M. Begin drafting the report by cutting and pasting existing text into the agreed-upon outline. Diane will create a Google Doc on GoogleDrive site and invite TF members to the group. She will also set up the document so that it tracks changes. 2/11/16 Meeting Notes Citizen input • John Wooley said that he was unable, in three minutes, to share all his thoughts about recommendations. He was disappointed that none of the Task Force members had contacted him to ask about his ideas and needs. Consensus Process Used by the Group 1) Agree on a recommendation to discuss. 2) Ask questions for understanding (not hidden opinions). 3) Identify any concerns, unmet needs. (This includes giving opinions.) 4) Brainstorm modifications to the recommendation that might meet the unmet needs/concerns. 5) Determine if there is consensus on any of the modifications. o If yes, that becomes a consensus recommendation in the report. o If no, decide whether to continue negotiating on that recommendation or move on to another. Global Criteria for Recommendations • It’s legal. • It’s an improvement. • It’s easy enough to implement (in our view). • Whenever possible, it addresses a problem presented to the TF. • The City has the resources to do it (money, staff, skills, etc.) The group can ask for reallocation of resources. • The recommendation is quantifiable, measurable. • It produces a good return on investment. • It’s based on data. Consensus Recommendations for Theme #1 A. Implement a website redesign that includes the following: 1. mobile friendly 2. multi-lingual with professional translation [Open question remains about what pages and what languages] with attention to limited English proficiency users for pages that deal with city services, events or that seek engagement. 3. accessibility for those who are visually impaired 4. an enhanced search function that works and search engine optimization. 4 1/20/2016 TFCE1.14.16Notes_V2.docx 5. a centralized community calendar with filters by topic and/or district. Examine the criteria for inclusion of events on the calendar. 6. Use analytics to develop the home page and use a User Experience professional for the redesign. 7. Dynamic, timely content on the home page 8. Prominent invitation to engage on the home page. B. Publish content in a standardized machine-readable format to a data portal in real time. C. Recreate the Community Registry to: 1. create an easier way to ensure it stays current. 2. Allow people to use the registry to choose what they want information about. 3. Link the Registry to other City communication channels with ways to opt in and out. 4. Consider moving management of the Registry to the Neighborhood Assistance Center. 5. Include information about the type or category of each group (e.g. neighborhood, non-profit, etc.) 6. Include a way to find groups that operate in your area. 7. Use a map-based interface as well as a list. D. Aspire to effective, useful, consistent accommodations for those with disabilities. 1. Provide onscreen closed captioning for all videos on ATXN (both published and streaming). 2. Include closed captioning during presentation (i.e. slide show) portions. 3. Include a scroll function on the website for transcripts. 4. Review ADA requirements and ensure that the City meets them. E. Create an Austin 101 to provide high-level information about how the City works. 1. Expand City Works Academy to include online and virtual classes and modules that are available to everyone. F. Implement a content-creation policy that helps ensure: 1. Clear communication in everyday language across all media types. 2. Improve the clarity of legal public notices regarding land use cases. 3. Create explanatory pieces (e.g. glossary) about the topics being discussed. G. Create better ways for people to curate/filter information they want from the City. 1. Filter AustinNotes by District. 2. Periodically remind people of the options they have to choose specific topics. Timeline • Continue developing recommendations - January 28 and February 11. • CPIO provide a written update to City Council – February 2. • Draft Report framework – February 11. • Finalize and organize/prioritize recommendations - February 25. • Potential Task Force meetings (if needed) - March 10 and March 24. • Ongoing work on Report – February 11 through March 24. • Presentation regarding Recommendations Report to Ray Baray – March 8. • Content of presentation / memo regarding Recommendations Report to City Manager’s office – March 11. • Presentation to City Manager’s Office – March 16. • Presentation at City Council Work Session to deliver final Recommendations Report – March 29. 5 1/20/2016 TFCE1.14.16Notes_V2.docx Meeting Evaluation What we LIKED What we would CHANGE • Pretty good meeting. • We got so much done. • It was productive • Provide food. • Do more “homework” in advance. • We’re braindead by the end.