Backup - 01.14.2016 Meeting Details — original pdf

Task Force on Community Engagement Ninth Meeting January 14, 2016 6-9 p.m. Street Jones Bldg, 4th fl conference room 1/6/2016. Created by Diane Miller and Juli Fellows TenthMeetingDetailsV1.docx Meeting Goals 1. Identify global criteria the group wants to use to help choose quality recommendations. 2. Begin identifying potential recommendations, by topic. 3. Seek consensus on recommendations. 4. Agree on update to Council, whether to ask for a time extension, and how to write the draft final report. Agenda 6:00 Overview – review goals, agenda and discussion guidelines 6:03 Citizen Input 6:10 Approve Minutes 6:15 Explore global criteria for recommendations 6:30 Seek consensus on recommendations by topic 7:30 Break 7:40 Continue working on recommendations 8:35 Discuss next steps, update to City Council, timeline and drafting of report 8:55 Evaluate the meeting 9:00 Adjourn