TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT February 25, 2016, 6:00 – 9:00 PM STREET-JONES BUILDING, ROOM 400A 1000 E. 11th STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 78702 CURRENT TASK FORCE MEMBERS: Celso Baez III Michael Clark-Madison Margarita Decierdo Richard Fonte Andrea Hamilton Claudia Herrington Chris Howe Christopher Ledesma Koreena Malone Ken Rigsbee Irfan Syed Navvab Taylor Sara Torres AGENDA CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 PM 1. OPENING REMARKS a. Diane Miller, Task Force Facilitator with Civic Collaboration, will discuss the outline of the meeting. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a. Citizens wishing to speak will need to sign up ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Citizen communications will be limited to the first five (5) speakers and each citizen communicator will be given three (3) minutes to speak. Everyone will provide a sticky note to write their input which will later be sent to all of the Task Force members. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Consider approving the minutes from the Task Force on Community Engagement (TFCE) regular meeting on February 11, 2016. b. Review notes from the February 11, 2016 TFCE Regular Meeting. 4. NEW BUSINESS: a. Discussion and possible action on amending the Task Force guidelines to reduce the number of members needed to make quorum. b. Draft the recommendations to Council by theme. c. Discuss next steps and evaluate meeting. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: a. Discussion of topics for future TFCE Meetings. 6. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Matthew Chustz at the Communications & Public Information Office, at (512) 974-7270, Matthew.Chustz@austintexas.gov, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Task Force on Community Engagement, please contact Matthew Chustz at (512) 974-7270, Matthew.Chustz@austintexas.gov.
TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (February 25, 2016) 1 Task Force on Community Engagement REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 25, 2016 The Task Force on Community Engagement convened in a regular meeting on February 25, 2016 at the Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th Street, Room 400A, in Austin, Texas. Facilitator Julie Fellows, with Civic Collaboration, called the Task Force Meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. Task Force Members in Attendance: Celso Baez III, Michael Clark-Madison, Margarita Decierdo, Richard Fonte, Andrea Hamilton, Chris Howe, Christopher Ledesma, Koreena Malone, Navvab Taylor Staff in Attendance: Matthew Chustz, Doug Matthews, Larry Schooler Facilitators in Attendance: Juli Fellows, Pat Korbus 1. OPENING REMARKS a. Juli Fellows provided an overview of the meeting agenda. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICTION: GENERAL a. None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The Task Force approved, by consensus, the minutes from the February 11, 2016 Task Force on Community Engagement (TFCE) Regular Meeting. b. The Task Force reviewed the February 11, 2016 TFCE Regular Meeting notes provided by the facilitator. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Amending the Task Force Guidelines for Quorum The Task Force members came to consensus to amend the group guidelines regarding the number of members necessary to make quorum. Since the number of members on the Task Force is now 12 instead of 13, the group agreed that the new quorum number should be six (6) members instead of the original seven (7). The group also agreed that quorum could also be reached if a Task Force member participates via telephone. b. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic. Task Force members began discussing the recommendations from theme four (4) of the five (5) main themes/topics identified in the needs assessment. The group will continue to develop recommendations on the themes at the next Task Force Meeting on March 10, 2016. TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (February 25, 2016) 2 c. Meeting Evaluation (standing agenda item) The facilitators lead the TFCE members in an evaluation of the meeting. 5. Future Agenda Items a. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic/theme remaining theme 6. ADJOURNMENT Facilitator, Juli Fellows adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. without objection.
Task Force on Community Engagement Thirteenth Meeting February 25, 2016 6-9 p.m. Street Jones Bldg, 4th fl conference room 2/19/2016. Created by Diane Miller and Juli Fellows ThirteenthMeetingDetails.docx Meeting Goals 1. Seek consensus on whether to change the number of members considered quorum. 2. Seek consensus on additional recommendations for Theme 3. (Explain how input used…). 3. Seek consensus on recommendations for Theme 4. (Ensure that everyone who cares about an issue or is impacted has the opportunity to engage and that some voices don’t count more than others.) 4. Time permitting, discuss what the group wants to do about their charge to “consider fiscal implications of recommendations”. Agenda Agenda 6:00 Overview – review goals, agenda and discussion guidelines 6:03 Citizen Input 6:10 Approve Minutes 6:15 Seek consensus on whether to change number required for quorum. 6:30 Seek consensus on recommendations by topic – finalize theme 3 and work on theme 4 7:30 Break 7:40 Continue working on recommendations 8:55 Discuss next steps and evaluate the meeting 9:00 Adjourn
TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (February 11, 2015) 1 Task Force on Community Engagement REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 11, 2016 The Task Force on Community Engagement convened in a regular meeting on February 11, 2016 at the Leadership Austin office, 1609 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 202, in Austin, Texas. Facilitator Diane Miller, with Civic Collaboration, called the Task Force Meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. and went beyond the 15 minute deadline for cancelling a meeting for lack of quorum at the request of the Task Force Members that were present. Task Force Members in Attendance: Celso Baez III, Richard Fonte, Claudia Herrington, Chris Howe, Koreena Malone (phone), Navvab Taylor, Sara Torres Staff in Attendance: Matthew Chustz, Doug Matthews, Larry Schooler Facilitators in Attendance: Julie Fellows, Diane Miller 1. OPENING REMARKS a. Diane Miller provided an overview of the meeting agenda. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICTION: GENERAL a. Citizen comment was provided by Jeff Jack. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. The Task Force approved, by consensus, the minutes from the January 28, 2016 Task Force on Community Engagement (TFCE) Regular Meeting. b. The Task Force reviewed the January 28, 2016 TFCE Regular Meeting notes provided by the facilitator. 4. OLD BUSINESS a. Community Engagement Survey Results Facilitators provided a high-level overview of additional Community Engagement survey results. b. Finalize recommendations from theme two Task Force members reached consensus and finalized the recommendation from theme two. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Responding to request for input on Audit of Neighborhood Planning Task Force members agreed to send Michael McGill, Senior Auditor with the City of Austin, a written summary of their informal discussion in response to the question proposed. TASK FORCE ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MEETING MINUTES (February 11, 2015) 2 b. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic. Task Force members began discussing the recommendations from theme three (3) of the five (5) main themes/topics identified in the needs assessment. The group will continue to develop recommendations on the themes at the next Task Force Meeting on February 25, 2016. c. Meeting Evaluation (standing agenda item) The facilitators lead the TFCE members in an evaluation of the meeting. 6. Future Agenda Items a. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council on theme three (3) b. Seek consensus on recommendations to Council by topic/theme (remaining 2 themes). c. Discuss amending the Task Force guidelines to lower the number of members needed to make …
Created by Juli Fellows, Diane Miller February 12, 2016 Task Force on Community Engagement Meeting Notes: February 11, 2016 1 2/12/2016 TFCE2.11.16_V5MeetingNotes.docx Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Member Attendance List ................................................................................................................................................... 2 Action Items ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Meeting Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Citizen Input ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Discussion Notes on City Auditor’s Request ...................................................................................................................... 3 Additional Consensus Recommendation for Theme #2: Make it easier for community/public to give input .................. 4 Consensus Recommendation for Theme #3: Explain how input will be used and show how that input had an impact on the decision made. ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Discussion of possible Theme 3 recommendation concerning Bds & Commissions ......................................................... 3 Discussion of possible Theme 3 recommendation concerning reporting to Council on public input – timing and requirement for serious engagement. .............................................................................................................................. 3 Meeting Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 2 2/12/2016 TFCE2.11.16_V5MeetingNotes.docx Executive Summary On February 11, 2016 the meeting convened at 7:40 p.m. when a quorum of seven members was achieved. The meeting was held at the offices of Leadership Austin. Citizen comment was provided by Jeff Jack. The group approved the January 28, 2016 minutes with no changes. The group agreed to send Michael McGill, senior auditor with the City of Austin, a written summary of their informal discussion in response to the question “Are the City’s communication and governance structures effective in supporting neighborhood planning efforts?” The input would not be characterized as coming from the entire Task Force, but names of those participating in the discussion would be listed. Notes on this informal discussion are shown on pages 3-4. There was grave concern about the lack of a quorum interfering with the group’s ability to accomplish their work by the deadline. The group asked Diane Miller to contact City Council members whose appointees have missed a number of meetings, to let them know that this is a concern. At the next meeting the group will also take up the issue of changing the number required for a quorum because at least one more member appears to have resigned, bringing the active membership to 12. The group concluded their recommendations on Theme #2 - Make it easier for community/public to give input. They added the following recommendation. (H) Use innovative meeting practices that enable online or virtual participation during live meetings. (This should include meetings of the City Council, Boards and Commissions, town hall meetings, and other City engagement activities.) They also agreed on two …
Compilation of consensus recommendations of Task Force on Community Engagement Draft dated 2/15/16 Compiled by Diane Miller TFCE Consensus Recommendations as of 2-15-16.docx Page 1 of 3 Consensus Recommendations for Theme #1: Make information clear, relevant and easily accessible. A. Implement a website redesign that includes the following: 1. mobile friendly 2. multi-lingual with professional translation [Open question remains about what pages and what languages] with attention to limited English proficiency users for pages that deal with city services, events or that seek engagement. 3. accessibility for those who are visually impaired 4. an enhanced search function that works and search engine optimization. 5. a centralized community calendar with filters by topic and/or district. Examine the criteria for inclusion of events on the calendar. 6. Use analytics to develop the home page and use a User Experience professional for the redesign. 7. Dynamic, timely content on the home page 8. Prominent invitation to engage on the home page. B. Publish content in a standardized machine-readable format to a data portal in real time. C. Recreate the Community Registry to: 1. create an easier way to ensure it stays current. 2. Allow people to use the registry to choose what they want information about. 3. Link the Registry to other City communication channels with ways to opt in and out. 4. Consider moving management of the Registry to the Neighborhood Assistance Center. 5. Include information about the type or category of each group (e.g. neighborhood, non-profit, etc.) 6. Include a way to find groups that operate in your area. 7. Use a map-based interface as well as a list. D. Aspire to effective, useful, consistent accommodations for those with disabilities. 1. Provide onscreen closed captioning for all videos on ATXN (both published and streaming). 2. Include closed captioning during presentation (i.e. slide show) portions. 3. Include a scroll function on the website for transcripts. 4. Review ADA requirements and ensure that the City meets them. E. Create an Austin 101 to provide high-level information about how the City works. 1. Expand City Works Academy to include online and virtual classes and modules that are available to everyone. F. Implement a content-creation policy that helps ensure: 1. Clear communication in everyday language across all media types. 2. Improve the clarity of legal public notices regarding land use cases. 3. Create explanatory pieces (e.g. glossary) about the topics being discussed. G. Create better …