South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardMarch 18, 2024

Item 2 Presentation on 500 South Congress — original pdf

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500 S O U T H C O N G R E S S M I X E D - U S E D E V E L O P M E N T CONFIDENTIAL : NOT FOR UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION RELATED A G L O B A L R E A L E S TAT E C O M PA N Y Widely recognized as one of the most innovative and prolific developers in the U.S., The Related Companies is one of the most prominent privately-owned real estate firms in the country with over $60 billion in assets owned, managed, or under development. Founded in 1972 by Stephen M. Ross, Related has become a fully-integrated, highly diversified industry leader with experience in virtually every aspect of development, design, construction, acquisitions, management, finance, marketing, leasing, and sales. Led by visionaries who are passionate about real estate and the future of cities, Related Companies has an extensive track record executing complex transactions across the country with the resources necessary to deliver successful development projects. Related’s capabilities include residential development ranging from affordable and workforce housing to luxury rental and for-sale residences; large format retail and industrial developments; hotel and hospitality opportunities; office developments; and unparalleled expertise incorporating all of these uses, along with verdant and reflective open spaces, into dynamic city centers. Headquartered in New York City, Related has additional offices and major developments in Austin, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., West Palm Beach, Abu Dhabi, and London - and boasts a team of over 4,000 professionals. WORLD CLASS OPERATOR R E L AT E D E X P E R I E N C E $60+ Billion Real Estate Portfolio Owned, and/or managed, and under construction Innovator in Mixed- Use Development Hudson Yards, Deutsche Bank Center (f.k.a. Time Warner Center), The Square Downtown West Palm, Al Maryah Central, Related Santa Clara, The 78, The Grand Los Angeles and Brent Cross Town 67,500 Residential Units 5,500 luxury condominiums 12,000 luxury rental apartments 50,000 affordable and workforce apartments 30 Million SF of Commercial Space Including retail, office and hotel Focus on Gateway Cities New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Miami/South Florida, Abu Dhabi, London and now Austin Developer of Hudson Yards, New York The largest private real estate development in US history, 28 acres, including 20 million SF of development 1 LADYBIRD LAKE 500 SOUTH CONGRESS 901 SOUTH CONGRESS OUR FOCUS H E L P I N G TO C R E AT E A U S T I N ’ S N E X T G R E AT N E I G H B O R H O O D . 9 E X I S T I N G C O N D I T I O N S Observations and Analysis CONFIDENTIAL : NOT FOR UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION FAILED URBANISM D E S I G N E D I N TO D I S R E PA I R Low Visibility No Street-level Engagement 3 2 Low Visibility Prioritize Parking 3 4 3 Setbacks and Safety Neglected Creek 1 2 OFFICE RESI RENTAL RESI CONDO HOTEL RETAIL NO PERIMETER ENGAGEMENT S O U T H C O N G R E S S A N D R I V E R S I D E D R I V E 1 2 3 (1) Elevated surface parking on South Congress creates a wall and platform, adding significant distance between the property and the sidewalk. (2) Surface parking on Riverside Drive generates additional distance from sidewalk and public access, alienating pedestrians from the building frontage. (3) Parking structures on South Congress renders the site uninviting - devoid of clear identity, safety and charm. PRIORITIZING PARKING C E N T E R O F S I T E 1 2 3 (1) An impervious concrete desert of parking displaces people, public activity and nature. There is no ‘open’ space. (2) Surface parking on Riverside Drive generates additional distance from sidewalk and public access, alienating pedestrians from the building frontage. (3) Site access from Haywood is delineated through fencing that transitions into surface parking. This lack of identity and the difficulty in lighting the site, renders it unwelcoming. DISREGARD FOR NATURE AND SAFETY E A S T B O U L D I N C R E E K 1 2 4 5 6 3 7 H O W W O U L D W E D O I T ? CONFIDENTIAL : NOT FOR UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION P R I N C I P L E S O F P L A C E M A K I N G Crafting Places for People to Gather in the Heart of South Congress CONFIDENTIAL : NOT FOR UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION PRIORITIZING PEOPLE A L I G N I N G V A L U E S We want to create a successful development – a place that present and future generations will take pride in, play, live and wok in. To do this, we have to put people first. “If you see a city with many children and many old people using the city’s public spaces it’s a sign that it’s a good quality place for people.” - Jan Gehl STREET WALL H U M A N I Z I N G S C A L E PERMEABLE PERIMITER C R A F T I N G C O N N E C T I O N PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY P R I O R I T I Z I N G P E O P L E MAKING PLACE E X C E P T I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E S Development is not just about building buildings. It is just as much about the spaces that surround the structures. What is residual. That is the public realm – mostly at grade, but at times an elevated experience. A sustainable characteristic of any successful experience, is that it curates personal moments within an intimate setting - because it is a fact of life that the greatest interest of people is other people. NURTURING NATURE P E RV I O U S P R O M E N A D E Potential to connect South Congress & South First Boardwalk Trail 7 Minimize interrupted Gradation of Natural to Urban for Improved Water Conveyance Preserve 100% of Heritage Trees Connect Nature to Open Space – Urban Interior Extend Boardwalk Connection 6 Appropriate Setbacks – Defensible Space with Visual and Physical Connections Activate Creek Edge with Lobby, F&B and Illumination 3 4 5 Introduce Site Landscaping, Flood Resiliency 1 Repatriate Creek, Remove Invasive Species 2 Improve Setback – Visibility, Safety, Erosion and Pervious Cover Reduce Creek Slope and Modify to Pervious Cover to Improve Erosion and Flood Volume Capacity, Filter and Direct Run-Off Average Set Back of 60’ from Existing Conditions – Introducing Green infrastructure for Greater Flood Plain Capacity, Resilience and an improved CWQZ SITE PLAN I L L U S T R AT I V E P R O G R A M RENT LOBBY BOH COURT CONDO LOBBY RENT LOBBY OPEN SPACE F&B/ RETAIL 2 BOH BELOW GRADE GARAGE PEDESTIRAN ENTRY LOCATIONS COURT YARD PLAZA F&B OPEN SPACE BOH CREEK PARK VIEWS TO AUDITORIUM SHORES & LAKE VIEWS TO DOWNTOWN AUSTIN TRUST COMPANY PROPOSED TREES AUSTIN TRUST COMPANY ONE TEXAS CENTER S COURT YARD ONE TEXAS CENTER VIEWS TO DOWNTOWN OPEN SPACE VIEWS INTO PARKS OFFICE POTENTIAL BELOW GRADE GARAGE ENTRY LOCATIONS ONE TEXAS CENTER PARKING PARKING GARAGE ENTRIES EXISTING TREES POTENTIAL BELOW GRADE GARAGE ENTRY LOCATIONS ONE TEXAS CENTER PARKING PARKING GARAGE ENTRIES PLAZA PLAZA WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO RENT LOBBY BOH S COURT YARD F&B/ RETAIL GROCERY OPEN SPACE F&B/ RETAIL COURT YARD F&B/ RETAIL OPEN SPACE HOTEL LOBBY ’ 0 4 F&B/ RETAIL 95’ F&B/RETAIL BOH K OPEN SPACE COURT YARD ’ 5 0 1 VIEWS TO CREEK 65’ HOTEL F&B A VIEWS TO SOCO TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF SITE PLAN SITE PLAN EXISTING BUS STOP 0 50’ 100’ GROUND FLOOR PLAN TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF EXISTING BUS STOP 0 50’ 100’ MASTER PLAN C O N T E X T U A L M A S S I N G 200 FOR SALE CONDO 300 FOR RENT RESIDENTIAL 300 FOR RENT RESIDENTIAL 300,000 GSF - OFFICE 150,000 GSF - RETAIL 300,000 GSF - OFFICE 225 KEY HOTEL CREEK EDGE A RT I C U L AT E D A X E S PUBLIC SPACE E N G A G E M E N T AT E Y E - L E V E L CONNECTIVITY C R A F T I N G C O R N E R S HUMAN-CENTRIC A P P R O P R I AT I N G S C A L E PERMEABILITY P U B L I C PA S S A G E WAY S SELECTIVE PRIVACY R E S I D E N T I A L E X P E R I E N C E SCWF PLAN PRIORITIES K E Y C O N S I D E R AT I O N S Utility Infrastructure Requirements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Construction Rules Affordable Housing Density Bonus Fee Calibration Above Grade Parking Community Benefits (Fees) Environmental Setbacks 8 Prescribed Design - Challenges