Draft meeting minutes for January 18 2024 — original pdf

SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2024, AT 6:00PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened the Regular Meeting at the Permitting and Development Center Room 1401, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 in a hybrid format. BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Stephenson, Chair David Sullivan BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: Conners Ladner Julia Woods Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair Isaac Cohen Rebecca Edwards, Ex-Officio Housing Hopie Martinez, Ex-Officio Financial Services-Real Estate CALL TO ORDER Chair J. Stephenson called the Meeting to order at 6:05 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting of the November 20, 2023 The motion to approve the minutes was made by Board Member D. Sullivan, seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell and approved by a vote of (5-0). Board Member C. Ladner was not present. BRIEFINGS 2. Staff presentation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District with a Density Bonus Program by April Geruso, Tyler Tripp, and Chad Sharrard of the City of Austin Planning Department. April Geruso, Tyler Tripp and Chad Sharrard of the City of Austin Planning Department briefed the Board on status of the South Central Waterfront (SCW) Combining District and Density Bonus Program. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the Community Benefits, Infrastructure and Regulating Plan Working Group 3. Chair Stephenson provided the update that the Working Group met on Tuesday, January 16, 2023, with Planning Department staff to review SCW Combining District and Density Bonus Program. Update from Active Projects Working Group. 4. Chair J. Stephenson, Vice Chair F. Maxwell and Board Member D. Sullivan volunteered to serve on the Active Projects Working Group, established in 2019. The Working Group plans to convene a meeting with the developer of 500 South Congress to review and discuss their redevelopment plans. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Combining District and Density Bonus Program update from City Planning Department staff (Chair Stephenson); Updates from Working Groups (Chair Stephenson) ADJOURNMENT Chair J. Stephenson adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm.