South Central Waterfront Advisory BoardSept. 23, 2020

Item 3.a._Presentation by ACM Gonzalez & Director Truelove on NHCD-PAZ Merger — original pdf

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SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 AT 10:00 AM Agenda item 3a: Discussion with Assistant City Manager Rodney Gonzales and Housing & Planning Department Director Rosie Truelove on Neighborhood Housing and Community Development & Planning and Zoning merger. NHCD & Planning and Zoning merger > HOUSING & PLANNING DEPARTMENT • Planning and Zoning + NHCD merger • Inclusive Planning & the SCW Plan • Department expertise w/ affordable housing to support the SCW Plan goals New HPD Org Chart – Inclusive Planning & the SCW Plan * South Central Waterfront *effective 10/1/2020 Inclusive Planning Team & the SCW Implementation Imagine Austin Team Small Area Plan Team Land Development Code Team South Central Waterfront Team HPD & the SCW 20% Affordable Housing Vision SCW P3 Funding Toolkit: SCW P3 approach: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE OPEN SPACES (Parks, Trails, Plazas) AFFORDABLE HOUSING Partnerships with the Private Sector for on-site & off-site affordable housing PRIVATELY FUNDED Baseline Development Requirement Bonus Development Requirement Public Improvement District Philanthropy (Conservancy) PUBLICLY FUNDED Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Public Utilities Affordable Housing (AHTF, tax credits) Questions & Discussion