UPDATED: Item 3.a.: Staff Update Memo to SCWAB — original pdf
South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Project Updates & Communications from Staff To: From: Alan Holt, Principal Planner; Planning & Zoning Date: May 18, 2020 RE: To keep the May virtual meeting of the SCWAB focused on time-critical issues, I am providing this brief update memo instead of the usual staff presentation. Updates on recently presented draft materials: So far in 2020, key first draft deliverables have been posted as backup to meetings to the SCWAB. These materials are milestone deliverables in themselves. These important materials are also foundational prerequisites to updating the Financial Framework and to completing the draft Regulating Plan. As indicated in the memorandum to the SCWAB at the April virtual meeting, staff has improved these first drafts deliverables to correct errors and clarify information. These improved updates have been completed and are posted as backup for this agenda item. Outlined below is a summary of the corrections/modifications that have been incorporated into the updated deliverables: Package 1: 2020 Updated: SCW Street Typology and Sections (draft 2: April 18, 2020) Changed from the draft 1: January 10, 2020 version: Armadillo Drive (AD1 & AD2) has been changed from a Collector 1 Street to a Local Street. Packet 2: This packet combines two previous draft deliverables, both of which provide detailed cost estimates for the proposed SCW Physical Framework (streets, streetscapes, open spaces, utilities infrastructure) at full buildout (2040). The two documents include: 2020 Updated: SCW Physical Framework & Project Costs Estimates (draft 2: May 18, 2020) Changes from the draft 1: March 12, 2020 version: a. Adjust cost for Armadillo Drive from a Collector 1 Street to a Local Street (very small cost impact) b. Correct costs for open spaces inputs for direct costs (construction costs) only. c. Inclusion of a pie chart to show total district project costs as allocated into components (e.g., Open Space, Streetscape Improvements, etc.) 2020 SCW Modified Physical Framework & Project Costs Estimates (draft 2: May 18, 2020) Changes from the draft 1: March 12, 2020 version: a. Ditto from 2ai b. Ditto from 2aii c. Ditto from 2aiii Package 3: SCW Buildout Scenarios for Financial Analysis (draft 2: May 18, 2020). Changes from draft 1: March 16, 2020 version: 2020 Updated Buildout: a. Revised district framework map showing proposed bonus building heights for all “tipping parcels” from the SCW Plan. b. Summary table of modeled entitlements (heights and uses) for all “tipping parcels” from the SCW Plan 2020 Endeavor Buildout: a. Revised district framework map showing proposed bonus building heights for all “tipping parcels” from the SCW Plan and proposed building heights for the Statesman PUD proposal. The map also shows proposed building layout for Statesman and Crockett parcels based on the Statesman PUD proposal. b. Summary chart of modeled entitlements for the Statesman PUD proposal, with small adjustments for the adjacent Crockett uses only (not height) to accommodate the shift of the Barton Springs Road extension. 2020 Hybrid Buildout: a. New district map showing proposed bonus building heights for all “tipping parcels” from the SCW Plan and proposed building layout for Statesman and Crockett parcels based on the Statesman PUD proposal. b. Summary chart of a Hybrid buildout for the Statesman site. Under the Hybrid buildout, the building footprints, underground parking, and mix of uses stay the same as in the Statesman PUD proposal, but the building heights are restricted to comply with the SCW Plan’s recommendations. Package 4: Funding the Physical Framework (draft 1: May 18, 2020) This packet is a new stand-alone document. It provides a single-source for calculating the “baseline development contributions” (fee or in-kind) that projects might be expected to cover under existing zoning towards physical framework components (I.e., streets, streetscapes, open spaces, utilities infrastructure), before the application of “bonus requirements.” This new document also consolidates all Physical Framework and Project Costs and identifies potential sources of funding into spreadsheets and pie charts. Previously this information was embedded in Draft 1 of the Physical Framework & Project Cost Estimates spreadsheets. This information has been eliminated from the Physical Framework and Project Cost Estimates documents. Further explanation of this new document is attached to Packet 4.