South Central Waterfront Advisory Board - Sept. 5, 2024

South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Special Called Meeting of the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board

Agenda original pdf

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SPECIAL CALLED MEETING of the SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2024 AT 6:00PM City Hall 301 W 2nd St, Boards and Commissions Room 1101 Austin, TX 78701 Some members of the BOARD/COMMISSION may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely or to listen in on the meeting, call or email Aaron D. Jenkins (512) 974-7756 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Rebecca Edwards, Ex Officio (Housing) Dewitt Peart, Ex Officio(Downtown Austin Alliance) Hasan Manur, Ex Officio (Transportation) Hopie Martinez, Ex Officio (Financial Services - Real Estate) Jim Stephenson, Chair Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair David Sullivan, Board Member Julia Woods, Board Member Stephanie Bazan, Board Member Isaac Cohen, Board Member Ryan Puzycki, Board Member Vacant , South River City Neighborhood Association Vacant, Design Commission AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting on August 19, 2024 DISCUSSION AND ACTION 2. 3. Discussion and approval of a recommendation for the Planned Unit Development (PUD) application of 200 East Riverside to be given by Sherri Sirwaitis of the City of Austin Planning Department and by Amanda Morrow of Armbrust and Brown. Discussion and action to provide recommendations to Council on the updated proposed South Central Waterfront Combining District & Density Bonus Program. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Aaron D. Jenkins (512) 974-7756, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board, please contact Aaron D. Jenkins (512) 974-7756 of the Financial Services Department.

Scraped at: Aug. 30, 2024, noon

200 E. Riverside PUD Presentation original pdf

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200 E. RIVERSIDE DRIVE C814-2023-0057 Code Modifications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Section 25-6-532 (Off-Street Loading Standards) is modified to allow shared loading and unloading spaces for the various uses within the PUD regardless of where the use or loading and unloading is located within the PUD. Section 25-2-742(F) (South Shore Central Subdistrict Regulations) is modified to reduce the basewall setback requirements along Riverside Drive. Section 25-2-742(G)(4) (South Shore Central Subdistrict Regulations) is modified to allow for a maximum building height of 500 feet. Section 25-2-1065 (Scale and Clustering Requirements) shall not apply to development within the PUD. Chapter 25-10 is modified to provide that the Property shall be subject to the Downtown Sign District regulations. Section 25-2, Division 5, 2.3.1(L) (Planned Unit Developments) is modified to allowed for a PUD to be less than 10 acres. Section 9-2-21(A)(2) (Permit for Concrete Installation During Non-Peak Hour Periods) is modified to authorize the director to issue a Non-Peak Hour Permit to construct improvements on the Property. PROPOSED SUPERIORITY ELEMENTS • The PUD will provide water quality treatment using 100% Green Stormwater Infrastructure. (none • The PUD proposes to reduce overall impervious cover on the site by approximately 9.8%. The existing impervious cover is 89.8% and the proposed PUD will have 80% impervious cover. • The PUD will provide approximately 18,000 square feet of porous pavement for all pedestrian areas • The PUD shall exceed code requirements for street yard landscape area by at least 5,000 square feet. • The PUD commits to placing street trees to be planted at a maximum of 20 feet on center along public exists today). located onsite. right of ways. • All new perimeter right-of-way trees installed on the Property shall be planted with a minimum soil volume of 1,000 cubic feet at a minimum soil depth of 3 feet. Such soil volume may be shared up to 25 percent between trees in continuous plantings. Where necessary, load bearing soil cells shall be used to meet the soil volume requirement. If this condition cannot be met within the right-of-way due to a conflict, the PUD shall provide an equivalent offset on a 1:1 basis within other location of the Property. • Landowner shall install at least five trees species on the Property. The street trees will be a minimum of 3-inch caliper as measured 6 inches above grade. No more than 25 percent of …

Scraped at: Aug. 30, 2024, noon

200 E. Riverside Staff Review original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C814-2023-0057 (200 E. Riverside PUD) DISTRICT AREA: 9 ADDRESS: 200 East Riverside Drive ZONING FROM: LI-NP TO: PUD-NP SITE AREA: 3.95 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Garwald Company, Inc. AGENT: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis PHONE: 512-974-3057 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to approve the 200 E Riverside Planned Unit Development (PUD) subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions of the PUD shall be established in - a) the proposed Land Use Plan that includes a breakdown of: the planning site area, exhibit of the surrounding tract uses and acreages, the Site Development Regulations, Permitted Uses, Conditional Uses and Prohibited Uses Tables, proposed maximum Land Use Summary Table and Land Use Notes. 2. The PUD shall comply with the following Environmental staff recommendations: Tier 1 and Tier 2 Chart P. 3 of 3 Other Amenities Specific to PUD: Landscape superiority items. The applicant has agreed to amend the following superiority item: 4. All new perimeter right-of-way trees installed on the property shall be planted with a minimum soil volume of 1,000 cubic feet at a minimum soil depth of 3 feet. Such soil volume may be shared up to 25 percent between trees in continuous plantings. Where necessary, load bearing soil cells shall be used to meet the soil volume requirement. Nothing limits the City’s authority to reduce the minimum soil volume if necessary to reduce utility conflict or to address other constructability issues. If the City reduces the minimum soil volume, Landowner remains compliant with the PUD Ordinance and Environmental Criteria Manual. By replacing the strike-through with: C814-2023-0057 Page 2 “All soil volume and depth that cannot be achieved in the ROW due to utility placement will be offset, on a 1:1 basis, by providing soil volume and depth in other locations within the PUD, such as parking.” 3. Austin Fire Department requests the following to be provided by the developer: 9,000 to 11,000 square feet unfinished space within the level of discharge ("ground floor") and floor above, with a private convenience stair, adequate space for 2-3 apparatus bays and appropriate apron for fire/EMS apparatus, and an entrance/egress on a major roadway. Final selection of the location must be approved by the Austin Fire Department, Austin-Travis County EMS, and the Developer, with a lease executed or the space conveyed prior to 55% of certificates of occupancy …

Scraped at: Aug. 30, 2024, noon

August Meeting Minutes Draft original pdf

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SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2024 AT 6:00PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened the Regular Meeting at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 in a hybrid format. BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Stephenson, Chair Isaac Cohen, Board Member Dewitt Peart, Ex Officio (Downtown Austin Alliance) BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: Julia Woods, Board Member Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair David Sullivan, Board Member Hopie Martinez, Ex Officio (Financial Services - Real Estate) Rebecca Edwards, Ex Officio (Housing) CALL TO ORDER 6:04 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. • Wendy Price Todd addressed the board by asking not to approve any future PUDs. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting on April 15, 2024 a. The motion to approve the minutes was made by Board Member D. Sullivan and seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell passed with a vote of 5-0. Board Members S. Bazan and R. Puzycki were absent. DISCUSSION 2. Briefing on South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program to be given by April Geruso of the City of Austin Planning Department. a. April Geruso of the Planning Department, Darrin Smith of Economic Planning Systems, and Daughn Pitts of Hayat Brown briefed updated the board on the progress of the Combing District Plan. No action was taken. DISCUSSION AND ACTION 3. 4. Discussion and approval of a recommendation for the rezoning application of 305-311 South Congress to be given by Jonathan Tomko of the City of Austin Planning Department and by Amanda Swor of the Drenner Group. a. A motion to approve a recommendation for the PUD was made by Vice Chair F. Maxwell this by and seconded by Board Member D. Sullivan motion passed 5-0. Board Members S. Bazan and R. Puzycki were absent. Discussion and approval of a recommendation for the Planned Unit Development (PUD) application of 200 East Riverside to be given by Sherri Sirwaitis of the City of Austin Planning Department and by Amanda Morrow of Armbrust and Brown. a. Item was postponed to a September 5, 2024 Special Called Meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Draft deliverable of the Combining …

Scraped at: Aug. 30, 2024, 12:01 p.m.

Highlights of SCW Combining District Change Log original pdf

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Key Adjustments to the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program September 10, 2024 From late February to March 2024, the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus program underwent a one-month active public input process. Planning Commission then approved, with recommendations, for staff to submit the draft code to Council. The Council item was delayed from May 30 to July 18 then to September 12 wherein staff further refined the code. Throughout the process, feedback was provided by community members, Boards and Commissions, staff, and other stakeholders. Staff consolidated and assessed the feedback to determine recommended adjustments to the draft code for the South Central Waterfront. The following is a list of some of the key adjustments of the draft code from this input. The following key is the source of the adjustment: Boards and Commissions, Public Input, and/or Staff. Key: Source of Input Boards and Commissions Public Staff Items not highlighted are changes made as a result of the public input window in February and March. Items highlighted in yellow are key changes from Planning Commission recommendations incorporated in the May 30 staff draft of the code (Version 1). Items highlighted in blue are additional modifications in staff’s Version 2 of the draft code based on internal staff coordination and collaboration since May 30. District Boundary and Subdistricts Source Adjustment District boundaries were further expanded to include three properties on the western side of the South Central Waterfront. See the updated map for detail. Section 1.2 To underscore the commitment to transit-oriented development in the area, the FAR was adjusted to properties near to the proposed Project Connect station on the north side of East Riverside Drive. See the updated map for detail. Section 3.3.2 Added Public Access Easements over all Internal Circulation Route options. This was an approved recommendation from Urban Transportation Commission. Section Density Bonus 6.3(C) - 1 - Height limits have been added to Subdistricts 1 through 3. They are: 1 - 240', 2 - 300', 3 - 600'. Subdistrict 4 remains with unlimited height. This adjustment reinforces and improves the density gradient from the closest areas to downtown being the most dense, and for the density to transition down as one moves further away from downtown. Section 3.3.2 Removed Subdistrict 1 (3:1 FAR and 120’ max height). Subdistrict map changed per the request of the Planning Commission to match the map …

Scraped at: Aug. 30, 2024, 12:01 p.m.

SCW Combining District Plan Draft original pdf

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SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT COMBINING DISTRICT & DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM DRAFT – Staff Recommendations PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF AUSTIN Pending further legal review Draft for Adoption Process (8.27.24) City of Austin Page 1 of 50 This page intentionally left blank. Draft for Adoption Process (8.27.24) City of Austin Page 2 of 50 Contents BACKGROUND. .............................................................................................................................................. 6 USING THIS DOCUMENT. .............................................................................................................................. 8 Applicability............................................................................................................................................... 8 Organization .............................................................................................................................................. 8 ARTICLE 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS. ............................................................................................................. 10 1.1. Intent. ............................................................................................................................................... 10 1.2. Applicability. ..................................................................................................................................... 10 1.2.1. Conflicting Provisions. ............................................................................................................... 10 1.3. Application and Review Requirements. ........................................................................................... 11 1.3.1. Development Services Department Director’s Administration. ............................................... 11 1.4. Text, Graphics, and Maps. ................................................................................................................ 11 1.5. Density Bonus Program Evaluation. ................................................................................................. 11 ARTICLE 2: LAND USE STANDARDS. ............................................................................................................ 12 2.1. Intent. ............................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2. Applicability. ..................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3. Land Uses. ........................................................................................................................................ 12 2.3.1. Permitted (P), Permitted with Conditions (PC), and Conditional Uses (C). .............................. 12 2.3.2. Pedestrian-Oriented Building Frontage Uses. ........................................................................... 15 ARTICLE 3: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. .................................................................................................... 17 3.1. Intent. ............................................................................................................................................... 17 3.2. South Central Waterfront Overlays. ................................................................................................. 17 3.2.1. Waterfront Overlay (WO) Combining District. ........................................................................... 17 3.2.2. South Shore Subdistrict. ............................................................................................................ 18 3.2.3. Travis Heights Subdistrict. ......................................................................................................... 18 3.2.4. Auditorium Shores Subdistrict. .................................................................................................. 18 3.3. Allowed Density. .............................................................................................................................. 18 3.3.1. Units per Acre. .......................................................................................................................... 18 3.3.2. Floor-to-Area Ratios by Subdistrict. .......................................................................................... 18 3.3.3. Lot Size. ..................................................................................................................................... 20 3.3.4. Impervious Cover and Building Coverage. ................................................................................ 20 3.4. Building Setbacks ............................................................................................................................. 20 3.5. Floor-to-Area Ratio Calculation. ...................................................................................................... 21 Draft for Adoption Process (8.27.24) City of Austin Page 3 of 50 3.5.1. Density Distribution Areas. ....................................................................................................... 21 3.5.2. Floor-to-Area Ratio Calculation for Structured Parking. ........................................................... 22 3.5.3. Floor-to-Area Ratio and Dedication of Land. ............................................................................ 23 3.6. Parking. ............................................................................................................................................ 23 3.6.1. Vehicle Parking .......................................................................................................................... 23 3.6.2. Bicycle Parking. ......................................................................................................................... 23 3.7. Required Open Space. ...................................................................................................................... 23 3.8. Compatibility Standards. .................................................................................................................. 24 ARTICLE 4: DESIGN STANDARDS ................................................................................................................. 25 4.1. Intent. ............................................................................................................................................... 25 4.2. Streetscape & Built Environment Requirements. ............................................................................ 25 4.3. Right of Way Standards. ................................................................................................................... 25 4.4. Internal Circulation Routes. ............................................................................................................. 25 4.4.1. Internal Circulation Route Option 1: ......................................................................................... 25 4.4.2. Internal Circulation Route Option 2: ......................................................................................... 25 4.4.3. Internal Circulation Route Option 3: ......................................................................................... 26 4.4.4. Internal Circulation Route Option 4: ......................................................................................... 27 4.5. Supplemental Zones......................................................................................................................... 28 4.5.1. Supplemental Zone Standards. ................................................................................................. 28 ARTICLE 5: DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 30 SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT DENSITY BONUS PROGRAM .................................................................... 31 1. Intent. .................................................................................................................................................. 31 2. Applicability. ........................................................................................................................................ 31 3. Program Overview. ............................................................................................................................. 31 4. South …

Scraped at: Aug. 30, 2024, 12:01 p.m.