South Central Waterfront Advisory Board - Feb. 22, 2024

South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Regular Meeting of the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board - 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr

Draft meeting minutes for January 18 2024 original pdf

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SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2024, AT 6:00PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened the Regular Meeting at the Permitting and Development Center Room 1401, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 in a hybrid format. BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Stephenson, Chair David Sullivan BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: Conners Ladner Julia Woods Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair Isaac Cohen Rebecca Edwards, Ex-Officio Housing Hopie Martinez, Ex-Officio Financial Services-Real Estate CALL TO ORDER Chair J. Stephenson called the Meeting to order at 6:05 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting of the November 20, 2023 The motion to approve the minutes was made by Board Member D. Sullivan, seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell and approved by a vote of (5-0). Board Member C. Ladner was not present. BRIEFINGS 2. Staff presentation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District with a Density Bonus Program by April Geruso, Tyler Tripp, and Chad Sharrard of the City of Austin Planning Department. April Geruso, Tyler Tripp and Chad Sharrard of the City of Austin Planning Department briefed the Board on status of the South Central Waterfront (SCW) Combining District and Density Bonus Program. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the Community Benefits, Infrastructure and Regulating Plan Working Group 3. Chair Stephenson provided the update that the Working Group met on Tuesday, January 16, 2023, with Planning Department staff to review SCW Combining District and Density Bonus Program. Update from Active Projects Working Group. 4. Chair J. Stephenson, Vice Chair F. Maxwell and Board Member D. Sullivan volunteered to serve on the Active Projects Working Group, established in 2019. The Working Group plans to convene a meeting with the developer of 500 South Congress to review and discuss their redevelopment plans. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Combining District and Density Bonus Program update from City Planning Department staff (Chair Stephenson); Updates from Working Groups (Chair Stephenson) ADJOURNMENT Chair J. Stephenson adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm.

Scraped at: Feb. 16, 2024, 2:30 a.m.

SCWAB Regular Meeting 2-22-2024 original pdf

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1. REGULAR MEETING of the SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2024 AT 6:00PM Permitting and Development Center 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr Austin, TX 78752 Some members of the BOARD/COMMISSION may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely or to listen in on the meeting, call or email Margaret Shaw at (512)-974-6497 or CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Jim Stephenson, Chair Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair Conners Ladner, Board Member David Sullivan, Board Member Julia Woods, Board Member Stephanie Bazan, Board Member Isaac Cohen, Board Member Ryan Puzycki, Board Member Vacant , South River City Neighborhood Association Rebecca Edwards, Ex Officio (Housing) Dewitt Peart, Ex Officio(Downtown Austin Alliance) Matiur Rahman, Ex Officio (Transportation) Hopie Martinez, Ex Officio (Financial Services - Real Estate) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up *prior* to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting of January 18, 2024. DISCUSSION Discussion on staff presentation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District with a Density Bonus Program by April Geruso of the City of Austin Planning Department. 3. Discussion on FY2024-25 City of Austin Budget Recommendations. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from Active Projects Working Group on meeting of January 24, 2024 with developer of 500 South Congress. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Note: City Code requires two board members sponsor an item to be included on an agenda. This section of the agenda provides members an opportunity to request items for future agendas. Staff should assume that if there is no objection from other members expressed at the meeting, the members’ silence indicates approval for staff to include on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at …

Scraped at: Feb. 16, 2024, 5 p.m.

Item #2 Density Bonus Program for South Central Waterfront original pdf

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South Central Waterfront Combining District & Density Bonus Program SCWAB February 22, 2024 History Combining District Density Bonus Program - Bonus Program Opt-in Requirements - Fees-in-Lieu - Additional On-Site Community Benefits Timeline & Ways to Provide Feedback South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan Adopted June 6, 2016 5 City Council Resolution 20220915-090 ▪ Directed Planning Staff to create regulations supporting implementation of the 2016 South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan. ▪ Program to be re-evaluated/updated at least every five years. ▪ Increased development square footage only available through the Density Bonus Program. ▪ Maximize community benefits: affordable housing, open space, and ▪ Maximize infrastructure investments: new streets, parks, bikeways, public art, etc. and trails. 6 City Council Resolution 20220915-090 ▪ Create a Density Bonus Program “akin” to Downtown. ▪ Support Project Connect transit investment. ▪ Allow entitlements significant enough to achieve required infrastructure and community benefits. ▪ Ensure entitlements meet market demand to account for increased costs and avoid continual requests to amend the code. ▪ Create enhanced environmental standards and protections. 7 City Council Resolution 20220915-090 Create a connected, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use district where “thousands more Austinites can live, work, and play.” 8 Updates / Changes ▪ First re-evaluation will occur sooner than 5 years to account for updated details from Project Connect and citywide density bonus analysis. ▪ The SCW regulations will be implemented by: – Council adoption an optional set of regulations and bonus program through the creation of a Combining District and a Density Bonus Program (spring 2024). – City-initiated rezoning of properties in the district (summer 2024). – Subsequent rezonings and code amendments will be required to add additional properties at a later date. 9 Combining District Components ▪ General Provisions (Policies, procedures, and who can participate) ▪ Land Use Standards (Permitted and conditional land uses) ▪ Development Standards (What will be built and where) ▪ Design Standards (How it will look) ▪ Definitions 10 Density Bonus Components ▪ Procedures/Requirements ▪ “Gate Keeper” Requirements – Affordable Housing – Environmental Protection – Improved Streetscape and Built Environment ▪ In-Lieu Fees and Dedications ▪ Onsite Community Benefits Eligible for Bonus Area 11 District Boundary New parcels added that are affected by Project Connect lightrail alignment. Project Connect Rail Alignment 12 Streets and Light Rail 13 Subdistricts Council approval is required to exceed FAR maximums 14 Critical Water Quality Zones 15 Land Uses ▪ Permitted land uses support: – …

Scraped at: Feb. 16, 2024, 5 p.m.

Item #2 REVISED SCWAB Density Bonus Program original pdf

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South Central Waterfront Combining District & Density Bonus Program South Central Waterfront Advisory Board February 22, 2024 History Combining District Density Bonus Program - Bonus Program Opt-in Requirements - Fees-in-Lieu - Additional On-Site Community Benefits Timeline & Ways to Provide Feedback South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan Adopted June 6, 2016 5 City Council Resolution 20220915-090 ▪ Directed Planning Staff to create regulations supporting implementation of the 2016 South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan. ▪ Program to be re-evaluated/updated at least every five years. ▪ Increased development only available through the Density Bonus Program. public art, etc. and trails. ▪ Maximize community benefits: affordable housing, open space, and ▪ Maximize infrastructure investments: new streets, parks, bikeways, 6 City Council Resolution 20220915-090 ▪ Create a Density Bonus Program “akin” to Downtown. ▪ Support Project Connect transit investment. ▪ Allow entitlements significant enough to achieve required infrastructure and community benefits. ▪ Ensure entitlements meet market demand to account for increased costs and avoid continual requests to amend the code. ▪ Create enhanced environmental standards and protections. 7 City Council Resolution 20220915-090 Create a connected, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use district where “thousands more Austinites can live, work, and play.” 8 Updates / Changes ▪ The SCW regulations will be implemented by: – Council adoption of an optional set of regulations and bonus program through the creation of a Combining District and a Density Bonus Program (spring 2024). – City-initiated rezoning of properties in the district (summer 2024). – Subsequent rezonings and code amendments will be required to add additional properties at a later date. ▪ Regulation review will occur sooner than 5 years to account for updated details from Project Connect and citywide density bonus analysis. 9 Combining District Components ▪ General Provisions (Policies, procedures, and who can participate) ▪ Land Use Standards (Permitted and conditional land uses) ▪ Development Standards (What can be built and where) ▪ Design Standards (How it will look) ▪ Definitions 10 Density Bonus Components ▪ Procedures/Requirements ▪ “Gate Keeper” Requirements – Affordable Housing – Environmental Protection – Improved Streetscape and Built Environment ▪ In-Lieu Fees and Dedications ▪ Onsite Community Benefits Eligible for Bonus Area 11 District Boundary New parcels added that are affected by Project Connect light rail alignment. Project Connect Rail Alignment 12 Streets and Light Rail 13 Subdistricts Council approval is required to exceed FAR maximums 14 Critical Water Quality Zones 15 Land Uses ▪ Permitted …

Scraped at: Feb. 21, 2024, 1 p.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 18, 2024, AT 6:00PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened the Regular Meeting at the Permitting and Development Center Room 1401, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 in a hybrid format. BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Stephenson, Chair David Sullivan BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: Conners Ladner Julia Woods Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair Isaac Cohen Rebecca Edwards, Ex-Officio Housing Hopie Martinez, Ex-Officio Financial Services-Real Estate CALL TO ORDER Chair J. Stephenson called the Meeting to order at 6:05 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting of the November 20, 2023 The motion to approve the minutes was made by Board Member D. Sullivan, seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell and approved by a vote of (5-0). Board Member C. Ladner was not present. BRIEFINGS 2. Staff presentation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District with a Density Bonus Program by April Geruso, Tyler Tripp, and Chad Sharrard of the City of Austin Planning Department. April Geruso, Tyler Tripp and Chad Sharrard of the City of Austin Planning Department briefed the Board on status of the South Central Waterfront (SCW) Combining District and Density Bonus Program. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES Update from the Community Benefits, Infrastructure and Regulating Plan Working Group 3. Chair Stephenson provided the update that the Working Group met on Tuesday, January 16, 2023, with Planning Department staff to review SCW Combining District and Density Bonus Program. Update from Active Projects Working Group. 4. Chair J. Stephenson, Vice Chair F. Maxwell and Board Member D. Sullivan volunteered to serve on the Active Projects Working Group, established in 2019. The Working Group plans to convene a meeting with the developer of 500 South Congress to review and discuss their redevelopment plans. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Combining District and Density Bonus Program update from City Planning Department staff (Chair Stephenson); Updates from Working Groups (Chair Stephenson) ADJOURNMENT Chair J. Stephenson adjourned the meeting at 7:32 pm. The minutes were approved at the February 22, 2024 Regular meeting on a motion from Board Member D. Sullivan and seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell on a 7-0 vote. (Absent: Board Member S. Bazan)

Scraped at: March 1, 2024, midnight

Approved Minutes original pdf

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SOUTH-CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 22, 2024, AT 6:00PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened the Regular Meeting at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, TX 78752 in a hybrid format. BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Jim Stephenson, Chair David Sullivan Ryan Puzycki BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE REMOTELY: Julia Woods Felicity Maxwell, Vice Chair Isaac Cohen Stephanie Bazan Rebecca Edwards, Ex-Officio Hopie Martinez, Ex-Officio DeWitt Peart, Ex-Officio Matiur Rahman, Ex-Officio CALL TO ORDER Chair J. Stephenson called the Meeting to order at 6:03 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the South-Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) Regular Meeting of the January 18, 2024 The motion to approve the minutes was made by Board Member D. Sullivan, seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell and approved by a vote of (7-0). Board Member C. Ladner was not present. DISCUSSION 2. Staff presentation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District with a Density Bonus Program by April Geruso of the City of Austin Planning Department. April Geruso and staff from the City of Austin Departments of Watershed Protection, Planning, Housing, Transportation and Public Works, and Parks and Recreation briefed the Board on status of the South Central Waterfront (SCW) Combining District and Density Bonus Program. Discussion on FY2024-25 City of Austin Budget Recommendations. 3. SCWAB staff liaison, Margaret Shaw, provided overview of City budget process and explained all Boards and Commissions may submit recommendations to City Council regarding allocation of resources (funding, staff) by March 31, 2024. WORKING GROUP/COMMITTEE UPDATES 4. Update from Active Projects Working Group meeting on January 24, 2024 with developer of 500 South Congress. Chair J. Stephenson and Board Member D. Sullivan shared update on their meeting with Michael Iannacone from The Related Companies on plans to redevelop 500 South Congress. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board action on Combining District and Density Bonus Program from City Planning Department staff (Chair Stephenson, Vice Chair Maxwell) Presentation by Michael Iannacone from The Related Companies on plans to redevelop 500 South Congress. (Chair Stephenson, Board Member Sullivan) Updates from Working Groups (Chair Stephenson, Vice Chair Maxwell) ADJOURNMENT Chair J. Stephenson adjourned the meeting at 8:13 pm. The minutes were approved at the March 18, 2024 Meeting on a motion from Board Member D. Sullivan and seconded by Vice Chair F. Maxwell on a 8-0 vote.

Scraped at: Aug. 9, 2024, 11 p.m.