South Central Waterfront Advisory Board - Jan. 21, 2020

South Central Waterfront Advisory Board Regular Meeting of the South Central Waterfront Advisory Board - 3rd Floor Room 325

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SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2020 AT 6:00 PM ONE TEXAS CENTER, THIRD FLOOR MEETING ROOM 505 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 Board Members: ___ Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) ___ Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) ___ Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) ___ Linda Guerrero (Environmental Commission) ___ Francoise Luca (Parks & Recreation Board) ___ Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) ___ Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) ___ Cory Walton (Bouldin Creek NA) ___ Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) Ex Officios: ___ Vacant (NHCD) ___ Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) ___ Gloria Aguilera (ORES) ___ Rolando Fernandez (FSD) ___ Molly Alexander (DAA) City of Austin Planning & Zoning Staff: ___ Alan Holt, Executive Liaison ___ Jodi Lane AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION a. Approval the minutes of the regular SCWAB meeting of December 16, 2019. 3. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. EDD process with Consultant for Development Corporation Entity – Rolando Fernandez b. Update on potential modifications to the 2018 CMR TIRZ report – Rolando Fernandez c. Update on OTC/CBRE Study – Gloria Aguilera d. Project Connect Blue Line – Nazlie Saeedi & Alan Holt e. 425 W. Riverside PUD – tracking community benefits – Alan Holt f. 305 S. Congress PUD application – Nazlie Saeedi & Alan Holt 4. PROJECT UPDATES AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM STAFF a. Consultant/Work Plan updates b. PAZ Staffing 5. WORKING GROUP UPDATES a. Outreach b. Community Benefits, Infrastructure, and Regulating Plan c. Finance and Governance d. Active Projects 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 7. ADJOURNMENT Future agenda items will NOT be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion, and/or possible recommendation at a FUTURE meeting. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. For information, please contact Sravya Garladenne in the Planning and Zoning Department at or (512) 974-3362. TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:49 p.m.

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Street Key Map Waterfront Park (OS1) Crockett Square (OS4) C A 1 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 EB1 EB2 EB3 EB4 C A 2 C1 D1 C2 D2 M L 1 D3 E1 M L 2 Green Connector (OS2) WR1 S F 2 B1 W WR2 HA1 C A 3 2 D A ER1 ER2 S F 1 Barton Springs Rain Garden Plaza (OS5) Bouldin Creek/TSD Trail (OS3) B2 W AD1 TL1 TL2 S F 3 New Street Shared Street Street A Local streets Street B Street C Street D Street E Texas Loop Haywood Avenue Collector Streets A1, A2, A3 B1, B2, B3 C1, C2 D1, D2, D3 E1 TL1, TL2 HA1 East Barton Springs Rd Moton Lane Armadillo Drive West Barton Springs Rd EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4 ML1, ML2 AD1, AD2 WB1, WB2 Core Transit South First Street Congress Avenue West Riverside Drive East Riverside Drive SF1, SF2, SF3 CA1, CA2, CA3 WR1, WR2 ER1, ER2 p.1 - 01/10/2020 6 Typical Street Sections Shared Street Collector New - 2 Local Street Collector Existing Collector New - 1 Core Transit p.2 - 01/10/2020 Streetscape Improvements S F 1 2 B W C A 2 C1 C2 D1 D2 D3 C A 1 A1 A2 A3 B1 EB1 B2 EB2 B3 EB3 EB4 M L 1 M L 2 ER1 WR2 HA1 AD2 E1 C A 3 WR1 1 B W S F 2 AD1 TL1 TL2 S F 3 ER2 p.3 - 01/10/2020 Shared Street Street A p.4 - 01/10/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Local Street Streets B-E Haywood Avenue Texas Loop p.5 - 01/10/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Collector New - 1 East Barton Springs Road Armadillo Drive (No rain garden) p.6 - 01/10/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Collector New - 2 Moton Lane 0’ 5’ 10’ p.7 - 01/10/2020 Collector Existing West Barton Springs Road p.8 - 01/10/2020 10’0’5’Scale 1” = 1’-10” Core Transit Congress Avenue (Section varies) South First Street (Section varies) Riverside Drive (Section varies) 0’ 5’ 10’ 20’ p.9 - 01/10/2020

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:49 p.m.

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Component Description Calculation Valuation Credit towards $3.1 M Community Amenity Fee? CREDIT PUD Ordinance Status Pedestrian Realm Upgrades # 1 $95,100. Yes. (Developer must build and dedicate to CoA to get $95,100. Owner must build during credit) construction. Approved in Site Plan Review. Will be built and inspected during construction. Concrete: Bike lanes, bus Queuing, subsurface pavers. New curb for sidewalks… Site: Upgrade pavers, 5” trees, tree grates, silva cell system…. $6/SF of bonus area Min. Requirement: $102,000. PUD proposal: $197,100 Min. Requirement: $287,900. PUD proposal: $838,313 SF PUD FAR: 310,045 SF Bonus FAR: 188,479 SF @ $6/SF Pedestrian Realm Upgrades # 2 Affordable Housing $542,366 No credit for Community Amenity Fee. The project is getting a PUD credit for Environmental Superiority for these elements/standards. 0. Required in Ordinance. Approved in Site Plan Review. Will be built and inspected during construction. Base FAR: 121,566 $1,130,874 Yes. $1,130,874. NOTE: This fee to be paid to Austin Housing Trust Fund, to be restricted to the SCW District for 5 years. A development fee equal to $6 per non-residential bonus area square foot shall be paid to the NHCD Housing Trust Fund prior to issuance of the building’s final Certificate of Occupancy. Restricted to within two- mile radius of SCW for 10 years. 11/15/19- Erica Leak of NHCD reports they have not yet collected the funds and that they currently have a hold on their building permit, which will be removed when the fee is paid. Reclaimed Water 350 LF from intersection of Riverside/S. 1st along boundary of project. Estimate: contractor, sub- surface utility & civil engineering $348,950 (or, $987/LF) Yes. (Developer must build and dedicate to CoA to get credit) $348,950. Owner must install during construction. Public Art On-site $180,000 Yes. (Developer must work with AIPP to deliver) $180,000 Owner must implement, in 3 corners @ $60,000 Transportation Mitigation Probable costs from ATD improvements) $1,070,000. Yes. (Developer work with ATD to build or pay for these conjunction with AIPP. Must be selected and installed prior to completion. $1,070,000 Pay 100% to ATD for costs including design and overhead, as set forth in TIA memo (2/8/2018) 363 LF of Reclaimed Water pipe approved in Site Plan Review. Will be built and inspected during construction. 11/14/19 – Susan Lamb, AAIP program manager, has sent public art instructions to Stream. The process of artist’s selection is up to the applicant, with review/approval from AIPP. 12/11/19 …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:49 p.m.

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SCW & PROJECT CONNECT Excerpts from Project Connect workshop with City Council & Captiol METRO Board on January 14, 2020 Full presentation @ SCW & PROJECT CONNECT Preferred Alternative for the Blue Line Crossing of LBL Excerpts from Project Connect workshop with City Council & Captiol METRO Board on January 14, 2020 Full presentation @ Accommodating the Blue Line Crossing Accommodating the Blue Line MotonLane ’ Transforming the Green Connector NOTE: This illustration from the 2014 South Central Waterfront Interim Report has not been updated to reflect current section. Transforming the Green Connector NOTE: This illustration from the 2014 South Central Waterfront Interim Staff Report has not been updated to reflect current section. Transforming Pontoon Bridge Landing NOTE: For illustrative purposes only. This image from the 2013 University of Texas School of Architecture / Texas Futures Lab Study, included in the SCW planning process.

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:49 p.m.

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SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD DRAFT MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 16, 2019 AT 6:00 PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened in a regular meeting on December 16, 2019 at Austin City Hall, Executive Session Room 1027 located at City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas. Vice Chair Lynn Kurth called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Board Members in attendance: Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) - late Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) Linda Guerrero (Environmental Commission) Francoise Luca (Parks & Recreation Board) Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a. No citizen communication. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION Ex Officios: Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) Molly Alexander (DAA) Rolando Fernandez (CCO) City of Austin Planning & Zoning Staff: Alan Holt, Executive Liaison Jodi Lane, PAZ Staff a. Board Member Linda Guerrero made a motion, seconded by Board Member Wendy Price Todd, to approve the draft October 21, 2019 minutes. The motion to approve passed with 7 yes and 2 absent (includes absentees Greg Anderson and Cory Walton) votes. 3. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. EDD process with Consultant for Development Corporation Entity- Ex-Officio Member Rolando Fernandez outlined the EDD process. The Board discussed this, no action was taken. b. Needed updates to the 2018 CMR TIRZ report- Per Board request, Executive Liaison Alan Holt provided the status on the 2018 CNR TIRZ report. The Board discussed this, no action was taken. 4. PROJECT UPDATES AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM STAFF a. Consultant/Work Plan updates i. ii. iii. District Project Costs - Executive Liaison Alan Holt presented costing spreadsheet, key maps, street sections, open space diagrams and other progress made on essential task of calculating infrastructural costs district wide. No action was taken. OTC & Affordable Housing - Executive Liaison Alan Holt presented affordable housing studies at OTC and provided update on OTC studies being conducted by CBRE focused on office space for city workforce. Ex-Officio Member Rolando Fernandez indicated the CBRE report may be finalized and made available next month. No action was taken. Other - No update The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give …

Scraped at: Jan. 19, 2020, 8:49 p.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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SOUTH CENTRAL WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD APPROVED MINUTES FOR JANUARY 21, 2020 AT 6:00 PM The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board convened in a regular meeting on January 21, 2020 at One Texas Center, 3rd floor conference room located at 505 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas. Chair Samuel Franco called the meeting to order at 6:17 p.m. Board Members in attendance: Ex Officios: Chair Samuel Franco (Design Commission) Vice Chair Lynn Kurth (Mayor & District 9 Appointee) Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) Linda Guerrero (Environmental Commission) Karen Paup (Affordable Housing Rep) Wendy Price Todd (S. River City NA) Alfred Godfrey (Trail Foundation) 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a. No citizen communication. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION Nazlie Saeedi (ATD) Gloria Aguilera (ORES) Molly Alexander (DAA) City of Austin Planning & Zoning Staff: Alan Holt, Executive Liaison Jodi Lane, PAZ Staff a. Ex Officio Member Molly Alexander made a motion, seconded by Board Member Linda Guerrero, to approve the draft December 16, 2019 minutes. The motion to approve passed with 7 yes and 2 absent (includes absentees Francois Luca and Cory Walton) votes. 3. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION a. EDD process with Consultant for Development Corporation Entity – Ex Officio Member Rolando Fernandez was not present at the meeting to offer report. Executive Liaison Alan Holt provided an update that the Consultant was in Austin but there were no meetings set up to engage with the SCWAB nor PAZ staff during this visit. EDD staff relayed they would arrange for the Consultant to engage with a SCWAB working group within the month. No action was taken. b. Update on potential modifications to the 2018 CMR TIRZ report – Ex Officio Member Rolando Fernandez was not present to provide update. c. Update on OTC/CBRE Study – Ex Officio Member Gloria Aguilera reported the study is not complete and they may have it complete in February. No action was taken. d. Project Connect Blue Line – Ex Officio Member Nazlie Saeedi & Executive Liaison Alan Holt provided updates on the potential route of the Blue Line through the SCW according to the Project Connect website and ATD’s role and work in progress. No action was taken. e. 425 W. Riverside PUD – tracking community benefits – Executive Liaison Alan Holt provided an accounting of the community benefits from this PUD. No action was taken. f. 305 S. Congress PUD application – Ex Officio …

Scraped at: May 13, 2020, 9 p.m.