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SMALL AREA JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING APRIL 17, 2024 The SMALL AREA JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE convened in a Special Called Meeting on April 17, 2024 at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 2204, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. in Austin, Texas. Commissioner Betsey Greenberg called the Small Area Joint Planning Committee Meeting to order at 11:40 a.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Betsey Greenberg Dave Floyd Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Jennifer Mushtaler Ryan Puzycki Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioners Barrera-Ramirez, Floyd, and Mushtaler attended remotely. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No one signed up for public communication. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 2. Approve the minutes of the Small Area Planning Joint Committee Regular Meeting on June 7, 2023. The minutes from the meeting of June 7, 2023, were approved on Commissioner Mushtaler’s motion, Commissioner Puzycki second, on a unanimous vote. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action to elect Vice Chair. 3. 4. On Commissioner Puzycki’s motion, Commissioner Barrera-Ramirez’s second, Commissioner Greenberg was nominated as Vice Chair and unanimously elected to serve. Discussion and action to approve the 2024 Meeting Schedule. On Commissioner’s Greenberg’s motion, Commissioner’s Puzycki’s second, the 2024 meeting schedule was unanimously approved. Discussion and recommendation on the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program (SCWCD). Following a presentation by April Geruso, Planning Department, the commissioners engaged in several rounds of questions and answers followed by discussion. Commissioners proceeded to offer amendments to the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program. • Commissioner Greenberg made a motion, second by Commissioner Mushtaler, that the City Council should not take action on the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program until after environmental modeling has been conducted to assess the effects of dense urban development in the South Central Waterfront District on stormwater runoff and increased pollution on Lady Bird Lake. The vote was Commissioners Greenberg, Mushtaler, Barrera-Ramirez, and Floyd voting in favor and Commissioner Puzycki voting against. • Commissioner Mushtaler offered an amendment to move the South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program building intensities away from Lady Bird Lake and locate them towards the southern boundary of the South Central Waterfront District. The amendment failed for lack of a second. • Commissar Greenberg offered an amendment, and was seconded by Commissioner Barrera-Ramirez, to support the Planning Commissions recommendations on the affordable housing fee-in-lieu: “Prioritize the following two as a part of the affordable housing fee-in-lieu: A. The preservation of affordable housing B. Expenditure of funds to support homelessness initiatives in a manner similar to the current utilization of the Downtown Density Bonus fee.” The amendment was unanimously approved. Commissioner Puzycki offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Barrera- Ramirez, to approve the South Central Waterfront Combining District and 5. Density Bonus Program with the proposed amendments. The motion failed with Commissioners Commissioner Barrera-Ramirez, Floyd, and Puzycki voting in favor and Commissioners Greenberg and Mushtaler voting against. Vice Chair Greenberg requested that the Small Area Planning Joint Committee’s recommendations be forwarded to the City Council. Discussion and recommendation on case number C814-2023-0027, 311-315 S. Congress Planned Unit Development. Johnathan Tomko, Planning Department, provided a brief summary of the case, and Amanda Swor, Drenner Group, presented an overview of the planned unit development (PUD) zoning request and about the proposed project. Following questions and answers from the applicant and a brief discussion, Commissioner Mushtaler made a motion to recommend the PUD zoning request, seconded by Commissioner Puzycki, and passed unanimously (4/0), with Commissioner Barrera- Ramirez having left the meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Vice Chair Greenberg adjourned the meeting at 1:42 pm without objection.