SAPJC_April-12-2023_Approved-Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

SMALL AREA JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES APRIL 12, 2023 The SMALL AREA JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE convened in a Special Called Meeting on April 12, 2023, at the Permitting and Development Center, Room 2103, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. in Austin, Texas. Presiding Officer Greenberg called the Small Area Joint Planning Committee Meeting to order at 11:32a.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Patrick Howard Jennifer Mushtaler Cesar Acosta Ryan Johnson Betsy Greenberg Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Patrick B. Howard, Commissioners Greenwood, and Mushtaler; Commissioner Johnson joined at 11:38am. 1. 2. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No public communication occurred. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the Small Area Planning Joint Committee Regular Meeting on October 19, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of October 22, 2022, were approved with the amendment to include the approved meeting schedule, on Commissioner Mushtaler’s motion, Commissioner Howard’s second, on a 5-0 vote. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Discussion and possible action to elect a Chair and Vice Chair. On Commissioner Acosta’s motion, Commissioner Mushtaler’s second, Commissioner Greenberg was nominated as Chair and unanimously selected to serve. 1 On Commissioner Mushtaler’s motion, Commissioner Greenberg’s second, Commissioner Howard was nominated as Vice Chair and unanimously selected to serve. 3. Discussion and possible action on 200 S. Congress - Rezoning in Waterfront Overlay (C14- 2023-0015). The Applicant is proposing an amendment to the current Planned Development Agreement (PDA) site development standards. The Committee will review the proposed rezoning request in the South Shore subdistrict of the Waterfront Overlay. Agent: Leah M. Bojo (Drenner Group). Leah Bojo presented. Following discussion, on Commissioner Mushtaler’s motion, Commissioner Howard’s second, the request was unanimously approved to be forwarded to the Planning Commission with no recommendation. 4. Discussion and possible action on Hyatt West - Rezoning in Waterfront Overlay (C814-06- 0106.03). The Applicant is proposing an amendment to the current Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Committee will review the proposed rezoning request in the South Shore subdistrict of the Waterfront Overlay. Agent: Leah M. Bojo (Drenner Group). Leah Bojo presented. On Commissioner Acosta’s motion, Commissioner Mushtaler’s second, the motion was approved to recommend to the Planning Commission to amend the PUD to eliminate parking minimums. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussion and action on Small Area Planning initiatives specific to areas of fastest population growth, especially unplanned areas. ADJOURNMENT Chair Greenberg adjourned the meeting at 12:17pm without objection. The minutes were approved at the June 7, 2023, meeting on Commissioner Johnson’s motion, Commissioner Acosta’s second on a 5-0 vote. 2