Approved Minutes 8-14-19 SAPJC — original pdf
Approved Minutes

1 MINUTES SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE Wednesday, August 14, 2019 11:30 A.M. ONE TEXAS CENTER (OTC), ROOM 500 505 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS COMMITTEE MEMBERS in Attendance: James Shieh, Chair (Planning Commission) Jeffrey Thompson (Planning Commission) Ana Aguirre (Zoning and Platting Commission) David King, Vice-Chair (Zoning and Platting Commission) Staff Present Stevie Greathouse — PAZ Jeff Engstrom — PAZ Anne Milne – PAZ Wendy Rhoades – PAZ Public in Attendance Amanda Swor Susana Alanza David Piper Lorraine Atherton Bruce Wiland Steve Drenner Kate Kniejski Ben Turner CALL TO ORDER Chair Shieh called the meeting to order at 11:31 AM. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Lorraine Atherton spoke against granting a PUD for 218 S. Lamar, as it does not meet the minimum site requirements. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of minutes from the June 5, 2019 regular Small Area Planning Joint Committee meeting. 2 3. OLD BUSINESS a. None 4. NEW BUSINESS a. East Riverside Corridor Discussion – The Committee will discuss the East Riverside Corridor Master Plan's current impact on displacement and affordability, and possible future polices that can mitigate adverse impacts. (Discussion and/or Possible Action) Susana Almanza presented to the Committee regarding the impacts of new development in the East Riverside Corridor overlay district, and the need for policies to mitigate displacement. Chair Shieh moved to request that Staff look into creating a toolkit to chart mechanisms to combat displacement. 2nd by Commissioner Aguirre, passed on a 4-0 vote (Goff, Hempel, Howard not in attendance). b. 211 S. Lamar Boulevard and 1211 West Riverside Drive Planned Unit Development in Waterfront Overlay (C814-2012-0160.01) — The Committee will review the proposed changes to a Planned Unit Development for 211 S. Lamar Boulevard and 1211 West Riverside Drive (Butler Shores Waterfront Overlay District), case # C814-2012-0160.01. (Discussion and/or Possible Action) Wendy Rhoades presented the staff report. Steve Drenner presented on behalf of the applicant. Motion by Thompson, 2nd by Shieh, to forward the case to Planning Commission with No Recommendation, with individual Commissioners to submit their comments to staff no later than August 21st to be forwarded to Planning Commission. Motion approved on a 4-0 vote (Goff, Hempel, Howard not in attendance). 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. None 6. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. None 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Chair Shieh Adjourned the meeting at 1:43 PM.