Item 4b Applicant Presentation — original pdf

211 South LamarPUD AmendmentSmall Area Planning Joint CommitteeC814-2012-0160.01August 14, 2019Gensler Location Map Zoomed InZoning Aerial Existing Zoning: PUDRequest•Amend the existing PUD to:•Allow a hotel use•Shift off-street parking to fully below grade•Make minor changes to the building layoutProposed Project•Uses:•Multifamily Residential units: 27 condos•108 hotel rooms•18,000 square feet of commercial space•Maximum height = 96 feet (unchanged)•Maximum FAR= 5:1 (unchanged)•Underground structured parkingTHELORENATLADYBIRDLAKETHELORENATLADYBIRDLAKERIVERSIDEDRIVEANDLEEBARTONDRIVETransportation Mitigation•Contributions to the cost of the South Lamar Bond Project for Barton Springs to Riverside•Construction of the bond improvements behind the curb along the site frontage•Construction of the sidewalk improvements identified in the original PUDGensler Location Map Zoomed InNEW SIDEWALKSPEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK ACROSS RIVERSIDECORRIDOR PROGRAMIMPROVEMENTSTHELORENATLADYBIRDLAKE