Draft Minutes from 6-5-19 Meeting — original pdf

1 MINUTES SMALL AREA PLANNING JOINT COMMITTEE Wednesday, June 5, 2019 11:30 A.M. ONE TEXAS CENTER (OTC), ROOM 500 505 BARTON SPRINGS ROAD AUSTIN, TEXAS COMMITTEE MEMBERS in Attendance: Greg Anderson (Planning Commission) Patrick Howard (Planning Commission) Jeffrey Thompson (Planning Commission) Ana Aguirre (Zoning and Platting Commission) David King, Vice-Chair (Zoning and Platting Commission) Staff Present Stevie Greathouse — PAZ Jeff Engstrom — PAZ D’Anne Williams – PARD Public in Attendance Amanda Swor J Segura Cameron Campbell Teri O’Glec Colleen Theriot Meghan Skornia Susan Benz CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair King called the meeting to order at 11:39 AM. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Amanda Swor – Request for Special Called Meeting of Small Area Planning Joint Committee in order to review two PUD site plans in the Waterfront Overlay district. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of minutes from the April 10, 2019 regular Small Area Planning Joint Committee meeting. 2 Commissioner Thompson moved approval of the minutes from the April 10, 2019 meeting of the Small Area Planning Joint Committee with a second by Commissioner Howard. Approved on a 4-0 vote. 3. OLD BUSINESS a. None 4. NEW BUSINESS a. SP-2018-0254B & SP-2018-0252CT – Norwood House (1016 ½ Edgecliff Terrace) – Discussion of a proposed site plan within the Waterfront District per Section 25-2-715 of City Code. (Discussion and/or Possible Action). Cameron Campbell and J. Segura presented the site plan on behalf of the applicant. . The Committee discussed the proposed site plan and made the following suggestions: Work with AFD and ATD to create a pedestrian safe place, with 10-foot travel lanes and parking on both sides of Edgecliff Terrace, where possible. Provide parking on both sides of Edgecliff Terrace where possible. Use Traffic Demand Management to help reduce onsite parking. Use minimum parking requirements as a ceiling on the number of parking spaces. Utilize new environmentally innovative green infrastructure. Use pervious pavers for parking lot where possible. Reduce pavement were possible. Commissioner Anderson moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, Approved on a 5-0 vote with Shieh and Kiolbassa not in attendance. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. None 6. STAFF BRIEFINGS a. Update on Small Area Planning —Presenting staff: Stevie Greathouse (512-974-7226), Stevie.Greathouse@austintexas.gov . (Discussion and/or Possible Action) Program Manager Stevie Greathouse gave a brief update on the Small Area Planning program. Staff will present to City Council in August to solidify the direction for the program and will report back to the Committee at the August meeting. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 PM.