Item 6a North Lamar IA Plan Presentation — original pdf

North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor Plan PilotSmall Area Plan Joint CommitteeMarch 10, 2019Stevie Greathouse, Planning and Zoning12Presentation Overview•Background•Study Area•Planning Process•Timeline•Scope •Public Participation Plan•Related Initiatives/Policy Goals•Discussion and Next Steps3Background•New method of small area planning•Focus on IA Corridors and Centers•Leverage city investmentsMobilityAffordability•Pilot Planning Process:North Lamar S. Pleasant ValleyNorth Lamar Study AreaLimits: Tech Ridge –US 183Boundaries:•Study area:Approximately ½ mile buffer from corridor Tech Ridge Center•Exact planning boundaries will be determined through process45About the North Lamar Corridor6Timeline and Planning ProcessScopeEngagement:•Public Participation Plan•Internal Alignment•Broad Stakeholder/Public Engagement Existing Conditions:•Community Inventory•Policy Scan•ListeningVision/Future Land Use Map Recommendations:•Land Use•Urban Design•CIP•ProgrammaticImplementation strategies (could include):•Land Development Code/Zoning•Incentives•Catalytic/Demonstration Projects•Housing Initiatives•PartnershipsAmendments to previously adopted plans (if needed)Evaluation of pilot process / lessons learned7Implementation StrategiesImagine Austin Corridor PlanRecommendationsCIPPartnershipsOther: housing incentives, TIF, etcFuture Land Use MapLand Development Code/ ZoningImplementation StrategiesVision, Goals, ObjectivesPolicies, Recommendations8Public Participation Plan: Stakeholders•Residents•Property owners•Small business owners•Major employers•Workers•Visitors•Students•Neighborhood Organizations and Community Groups•Transit Riders/Traveling Public•General Public•Citywide Advocacy Groups•Boards and Commissions•City Council•City Departments/AgenciesTargeted Outreach:•Limited English Proficiency (in particular Spanish, Vietnamese)•Renters•Young parents•Immigrant communities910Public Participation Plan: ProcessI.Pre-planning, preliminary outreach (Summer 2019)II.A.Active Planning (Fall 2019-Spring 2020)•Launch website, informational materials, marketing•Up to 5 rounds of iterative input (Visioning + Community Forum Series by Topic)II.B.Review Draft Plan (Summer -Fall 2020)III.Plan Adoption (Winter 2020-2021)11Public Participation Plan: Methods and Tools•Methods:•On-going check-ins with community leaders•Partner with community groups, Council District Offices•Build stakeholder contact list, reach out via Community Registry•Community Forum Series: Parallel in person/on line engagement•Open Houses•Pop-Up Events/One-on-Ones•Targeted Group Meetings/Speaker Series•Office Hours•Interpretation/Translation•Analyze participationTools:•Project Website•Presentation Boards•Handouts•Map Exercises•Surveys•Online Exercises•Electronic and Print Newsletters•Email Blasts•Social Media Content•Videos•Media Press Releases•Mailed notifications12Related Initiatives/Policy GoalsImagine Austin Plan•Growth Concept identifies North Lamar as an activity corridor•Designates two activity centers along corridor•Establishes vision for complete communitiesStrategic Direction 2023 •Identifies 6 key outcomes•PAZ has been aligned with “Economic Opportunity and Affordability”•North Lamar Plan will support all outcomes13Related Initiatives/Policy Goals: Housing AffordabilityAustin Strategic Housing Blueprint•Identifies strategies to preserve housing •Calls for density bonus expansion to corridors•Draft North Lamar Corridor Goal=1,326 units affordable to 80% MFI and belowUT Study of Gentrification and Displacement•Identifies southern portion of the corridor as a “future displacement risk area” susceptible to gentrification•Identifies portion of the area as “most vulnerable” (i.e. home to unusually high proportion of vulnerable people)14Related Initiatives/Policy Goals: MobilityAustin Strategic Mobility Plan/Project Connect •Identifies North Lamar as a “Level 3” Street on Transit Priority Network•Calls for transit supportive densities with ½ mile (16 residents per acre/8 employees per acre)•Identifies North Lamar as a future high capacity transit corridor with 3 potential “mobility hubs”Corridor Mobility Program•Identifies near term and long term mobility investments in the corridor15Related Initiatives/Policy Goals: OtherLand Development Code Rewrite •Could impact regulatory toolbox, zoning•Timing will impact scope of N. Lamar Planning processPAZ Equity Assessment •Underway•Will have findings applicable to planning processPARD Long Range PlanWatershed Protection Master Plan16Discussion1.Study Area Boundaries2.Scope and Deliverables3.Public Participation Plan4.Policy Goals5.Other?17Next StepsApril/May 2019: •Council initiates Pilot North Lamar Imagine Austin Corridor PlanSummer 2019: •Internal Alignment•Preliminary Community Engagement•Draft Public Participation Plan•Draft Community Inventory•Launch WebsiteFall 2019: •Formal Kick Off•Visioning18Questions?Stevie Greathouse, Program ManagerPlanning and Zoning Departmentstevie.greathouse@austintexas.gov512-974-7226Matt Dugan, Division ManagerPlanning and Zoning DepartmentMatthew.Dugan@austintexas.gov512-974-7665