Item 2- Draft Recommendation Against Merging RMC and ZWAC — original pdf

Recommendation Against Merging the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission WHEREAS, a proposal has been made to merge the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to create a Resource Recovery and Management Commission; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Resource Management Commission is to advise the City Council in developing and reviewing city plans and policies concerning the efficient use of energy including alternative and renewable energy technologies and on energy and water conservation; and WHEREAS, the Resource Management Commission is supported by Austin Energy staff resources and regularly engages with Austin Energy, Austin Water and Texas Gas on issues under its purview; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission is to advise the City Council on solid waste management policies and resources, and to promote an economical and environmentally safe system of waste reduction, recovery and disposal; and WHEREAS, the Zero Waste Advisory Commission is supported by Austin Resource Recovery staff; and WHEREAS, the overlap between the Resource Management Commission and Zero Waste Advisory Commission is narrow in scope, and a merged Resource Recovery and Management Commission would require both City staff and Commissioners to engage on an expansive array of issues unrelated to their primary areas of expertise and day-to-day responsibility; and WHEREAS, the two commissions may effectively coordinate on the few areas of overlap by sharing information, appointing members to serve on any applicable working groups and considering joint resolutions; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Resource Management Commission recommends against merging the Resource Management Commission and the Zero Waste Advisory Commission.