Recommendation 20241203-002: Resource Management Commission Bylaw Amendment — original pdf

BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Resource Management Commission Recommendation No. 20241203-002 Recommendation to Amend the Resource Management Commission Bylaws Whereas the Resource Management Commission passed recommendations 20240521-005 and 20240618- 003 regarding amendments to the bylaws of the Resource Management Commission, and Whereas changes to the amendments have been recommended by the City of Austin attorney and Whereas the Resource Management Commission agrees to these changes, Now therefore be it resolved that the Resource Management Commission amends recommendation 20240618-003 as follows: 5. Recommendations for the natural gas utility ratemaking, franchise agreement priorities, and operational policies for which the City has regulatory authority. 6. Regarding recommendations for the natural gas utility ratemaking, franchise agreement priorities, and operational policies for which the City has regulatory authority. Date of Approval: December 3, 2024 Commissioner Louis Stone, Chair; Commissioner Paul Robbins, Vice Chair; Commissioner Charlotte Davis; Commissioner Trey Farmer; Commissioner Martin Luecke; Commissioner Dino Sasaridis; Commissioner Raphael Schwartz; Commissioner Alison Silverstein (D) Review and Analyze: (E) Advise the City Council: 8-0 None None None Vote: For: Against: Abstentions: Off Dais: Absences: Vacancies: Commissioner GeNell Gary; Commissioner Chelsey Scaffidi Mayor’s Office Attest: Natasha Goodwin, Staff Liaison