Resource Management CommissionJuly 16, 2024

Recommendation 20240716-003: Postpone Austin Energy’s Evaluation of Sale of District Chilling System — original pdf

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BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Resource Management Commission Recommendation No. 20240716-003 Resolution to Postpone Austin Energy’s Evaluation of Sale of District Chilling System WHEREAS, Austin Energy is proposing to hire a firm to organize the possible sale of its district chilling system; and WHEREAS, this proposal was not discussed with community stakeholders in advance of its consideration by the Austin City Council; and WHEREAS, it is possible that sale of the system could adversely affect peak demand and energy efficiency in over 60 large Austin buildings or building complexes; and WHEREAS, it is possible that this proposal could adversely affect the costs of district chilling customers; and WHEREAS, district chilling did not exist in Austin outside of the University of Texas before the commissioning of Austin Energy’s system; and WHEREAS, the legal ability to sell the system may require a public vote; THEN BE IT RESOLVED that the Resource Management Commission advise the Austin City Council to delay the proposal until it is more thoroughly reviewed by stakeholders in the community. Commissioner Louis Stone, Chair; Commissioner Paul Robbins, Vice Chair; Commissioner Charlotte Davis; Commissioner Trey Farmer; Commissioner Shane Johnson; Commissioner Chelsey Scaffidi; Commissioner Alison Silverstein Vote: 7-0 For: Against: None Abstentions: None Off Dais: Commissioner GeNell Gary Absences: Commissioner Dino Sasaridis Vacancies: District 2 and Mayor’s Office Attest: Natasha Goodwin, Staff Liaison