Resource Management CommissionJuly 16, 2024

Item 4- RMC 2023-2024 Annual Review — original pdf

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Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION The Board/Commission mission statement (per the City Code) is: A. Maintain an overview of all programs, studies and proposals concerning the efficient use of energy, alternate energy technologies, renewable energy resources, including solar and wind, and the conservation of energy, excluding the use of conventional coal, nuclear, natural gas, or petroleum technologies. B. Serve as a liaison with other city commissions, including the Electric Utility C. Receive citizen input on alternate energy technologies, renewable energy sources, and on Commission. energy conservation. D. Review and analyze: 1. energy conservation technologies and renewable energy sources as to their short- term and long-term feasibility in the city; 2. energy conservation policies, alternate energy technologies, and renewable energy projects in other cities and states; 3. water conservation policies, alternate technologies, and water conservation projects in other cities and states; and 4. City Code to identify potential amendments that encourage the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and the conservation of energy. 1. in developing and reviewing city plans and programs in the area of alternate energy technologies, renewable energy sources, and energy conservation. 2. as to available funding from private and public sources which are available to the city for alternate energy technologies and renewable energy, and for the conservation of energy; 3. on energy conservation, on alternate energy technologies, and on renewable energy sources and report to City Council on the status of its activities at least annually; E. Advise the City Council: Resource Management Commission Annual Review and Work Plan 2023-2024 4. in developing and reviewing city plans and programs that encourage water conservation as it relates to water consumption from the tap to customer and within structures or building; and, 5. regarding appropriate City Code amendments that encourage the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and the conservation of energy. F. Encourage: 1. 2. the conservation of energy, the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources in City-owned facilities; and the private and public sectors to develop and to use alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and to conserve energy 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. The Resource Management Commission (RMC) met 10 times during the reporting period. The January 2024 meeting was canceled. The RMC’s mission-specific actions included: • Reviewed and took action supporting the following Recommendations for Council Action (RCAs): o Authorized issuance of energy efficiency program rebates by Austin Energy for multifamily, commercial, and small business energy efficiency technologies o Authorized issuance of numerous Capacity Based Incentives for solar systems by Austin Energy o Approved Austin Water Capital Improvement Projects located in the Drinking Water Protection Zone for approval to include in the 5-year Capital spending plan o Declined to recommend issuance of energy efficiency program rebates by Austin Energy for government entities that have access to other sources of funding and should not (in the Commission’s opinion) be subsidized by ratepayers. o Approved two resolutions proposing changes to the Commission bylaws to expand the commission’s purview to include gas utilities (20230718-005 and 20240521-003) o Approved a recommendation to lower Texas Gas Service rebates in the 2024 budget year (20231017-005) o Approved a recommendation to seek a waiver from the Texas Railroad Commission allowing Austin to maintain local regulatory control of conservation rebate programs (20231017-006) o Recommended that Council discontinue financial incentives after Fiscal Year 2024 for Austin Water customers required by City ordinances to install water reuse systems or connect to reclaimed water. o Approved a recommendation to adopt an Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to achieve carbon and emissions free generation by 2035 (20240319-006) Resource Management Commission Annual Review and Work Plan 2023-2024 o Approved a recommendation to increase the FY 2025 budget for the Office of Sustainability to further its outreach efforts (20240319-005) o Approved a recommendation to explore Passive House Design in alignment with the City’s stated goals on climate, affordability and equity (20240319- 003) o Approved a recommendation encouraging selected items of the Joint Sustainability Committee Recommendation No. 20240430-002 that are aligned with the Austin Energy Resource Generation and Climate Protection Plan and the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals in the Austin Climate Equity Plan (20240521-004) o Approved a recommendation to repurpose GreenChoice revenues and increase dispatchable renewable energy (20240521-005) • Received briefings and reports on the following items: o Texas Gas Service Conservation/Energy Efficiency Program quarterly o Water conservation programs quarterly updates by Austin Water Utility o Austin Climate Equity Plan overview by the Office of Sustainability o GreenChoice, Green Building and Distributed Energy Resources presentations from Austin Energy o Customer Energy Solutions proposed budget and progress updates by Austin updates Energy o Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan 2. Determine if the board’s actions throughout the year comply with the mission statement. All actions of the RMC during the reporting period were within the scope of and in compliance with its Code-mandated mission statement. 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. a. Continue to provide: review of programs, studies and proposals; advice to City Council; and encouragement for the conservation of energy and water, use of emerging energy technologies and renewable sources in City facilities and departments, specifically highlighting departments that have accomplished goals toward this end. b. Encourage the use and greater adoption of sustainable building methods, emerging technologies such as energy storage, renewable energy sources, and resource conservation strategies, specifically through the advancement of customer programs, policies, and education. c. Continue to work with the staff of Austin Energy, Austin Water, the Development Services Department, the Office of Sustainability, CenterPoint Energy and Texas Gas Service, specifically to assist staff in achieving the City’s goals in regard to greater adoption of resource conservation, the use of alternate technologies and renewable sources, and reduction of CO2 emissions. d. Continue to regard citizen input on these issues as important as any other source. e. Support additional studies to evaluate energy efficiency and distributed generation, and to assist the staff in developing new programs and policies that have achievable, affordable, and aggressive goals. f. Support Austin Water staff in the development of a comprehensive water conservation plan and annual reporting. Resource Management Commission Annual Review and Work Plan 2023-2024 g. Support Austin Energy staff in the development of new energy conservation programs and policies, and renewable energy projects and policies, including community solar projects and additional programs to expand access to solar for low-income residents and those in multifamily housing. h. Continue to provide opportunities for City departments to highlight their successes in energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable practices. i. Utilize the concepts of triple bottom-line sustainability in the RMC’s decisions, recommendations, and advice to council, i.e., consider the balance between the environmental, economic, and societal equity impacts of our decisions, recommendations, and advice. j. Advocate for and monitor compliance with adopted policies, such as the Energy Code and water restrictions, and review proposed changes. k. Leverage synergies of existing and emerging methods and technologies to enhance resource management such as the water-energy nexus. l. Support the goals of the Austin Climate Equity Plan by exploring options and making recommendations on strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible. m. Review and monitor progress of the Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030, including studies called for in the plan, and participate in any updates to the plan.