Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 21, 2024 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 21, 2024 The Resource Management Commission convened in a Regular Called meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at Austin Energy Headquarters 4815 Mueller Blvd, Austin, TX 78723. Chair Louis Stone called the Resource Management Commission meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Commissioner Louis Stone, Chair; Commissioner Paul Robbins, Vice Chair; Commissioner Charlotte Davis; Commissioner Trey Farmer; Commissioner Dino Sasaridis; Commissioner Alison Silverstein. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Commissioner Shane Johnson; Commissioner Chelsey Scaffidi. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Resource Management Commission Regular Meeting on April 16, 2024. The motion approving the minutes of the Resource Management Commission meeting of April 16, 2024 was approved on Commissioner Silverstein’s motion, Vice Chair Robbins second on an 6-0 vote with Commissioners Farmer and Johnson off the dais, Commissioner Gary absent, and two vacancies. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Recommend approving issuance of capacity-based incentives to Individuals Directed to Excellence and Achievement (IDEA) Public Schools for installation of solar electric systems on their facilities located at 700 Showplace Lane, 9504 N IH 35 SVRD SB, 1901 E Wells Branch Parkway, 1438 E Yager Lane, 1701 Vargas Road, 5816 Wilcab Road, and 1700 E Slaughter Lane, in an amount not to exceed $924,858. The motion to approve a recommendation approving the issuance of capacity-based incentives to Individuals Directed to Excellence and Achievement (IDEA) Public Schools failed to pass on Commissioner Davis’s motion, Commissioner Scaffidi’s second on a 2-1-4 vote with Chair Stone voting against, Vice Chair Robbins, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Commissioners Johnson, Sasaridis, and Silverstein abstaining, Commissioner Farmer off the dais, Commissioner Gary absent, and two vacancies. STAFF BRIEFINGS 6. Staff briefing and process update on the Resource, Generation, and Climate Protection Plan by Lisa Martin, Deputy General Manager and Chief Operating Officer. The briefing was presented by Lisa Martin, Deputy General Manager and Chief Operating Officer of Austin Energy. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Approve a recommendation to amend the Resource Management Commission bylaws to include review of and advising on all matters related to natural gas companies that serve customers within the City of Austin, including franchise agreements, rates, and conservation programs. The motion to approve a recommendation amending the Resource Management Commission bylaws to include review of and advising on all matters related to natural gas companies that serve customers within the City of Austin, including franchise agreements, rates, and conservation programs, was approved on Vice Chair Robbins motion, Commissioner Silverstein’s second on an 8-0 vote with Commissioner Gary absent and two vacancies. 4. Approve a recommendation in support of certain Environmental Investment Plan recommendations approved by the Joint Sustainability Committee. The motion to approve a recommendation in support of certain Environmental Invest Plan recommendations approved by the Joint Sustainability Committee, was approved on Vice Chair Robbins motion, Commissioner Silverstein’s second on an 8-0 vote with Commissioner Gary absent and two vacancies. 5. Approve a recommendation on repurposing the GreenChoice Program and increasing dispatchable renewable energy. The motion to approve a recommendation on repurposing the GreenChoice Program and increasing dispatchable renewable energy, was approved on Vice Chair Robbins motion, Commissioner Silverstein’s second on a 7-1 vote with Chair Stone voting against, Commissioner Gary absent, and two vacancies. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7. Presentation by Texas Gas Service regarding a quarterly update of the Central Texas Energy Efficiency Program by Jasmine King-Bush, Energy Efficiency Program Manager. Jasmine King-Bush Energy Efficiency Program Manager was not present. 8. Discussion regarding a review of Austin Energy solar & battery deployment policies, with improvements identified. Part 1: The impact of “Value of Solar” on Solar and Battery deployment and use. The Commission discussed the review of Austin Energy solar & battery deployment policies, with improvements identified. Part 1: The impact of “Value of Solar” on Solar and Battery deployment and use. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 21, 2024 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Texas Gas Service quarterly update • Austin Water Capital Improvement Projects located in the Drinking Water Protection Zone • Austin Water staff briefing on the proposed landscape transformation ordinance • Invite advocates Tom “Smitty” Smith, Cyrus Reed, and Kaiba White to the discussion about Net Metering and Value of Solar. (Sponsor: Robbins) • Discussion on the Energy Building Code (Sponsor: Robbins) • Discussion on Texas Gas Service’s franchise agreements as it relates to the Resource Management Commission’s current purview, renewable energy, energy efficiency, rate structure, and conservation programs (Sponsor: Robbins) ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. The minutes were approved at the June 18, 2024 meeting on Commissioner Silverstein’s motion, Vice Chair Robbins second on a 6-0-1 vote with Commissioner Gary abstaining, Commissioners Johnson and Scaffidi absent, and two vacancies.