Recommendation No. 20240521-003: Amend the Resource Management Commission Bylaws — original pdf

BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Resource Management Commission Recommendation No. 20240521-003 Resolution to Amend the Resource Management Commission Bylaws WHEREAS, in July of 2023, the Resource Management Commission passed a resolution asking for the Austin City Council to expand its purview to advise Council on issues concerning gas utilities operating in the city, including gas company rate cases, gas company franchises; and gas-related environmental or consumer issues; and WHEREAS, no proposed amendments for the Commission’s bylaws were forwarded for the Austin City Council Audit and Finance Committee to consider; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Resource Management Commission forward the attached bylaw amendments to the Council Audit and Finance Committee for review. Commissioner Louis Stone, Chair; Commissioner Paul Robbins, Vice Chair; Commissioner Charlotte Davis; Commissioner Trey Farmer; Commissioner Shane Johnson; Commissioner Chelsey Scaffidi; Commissioner Alison Silverstein Vote: 8-0 For: Against: None Abstentions: None Off Dais: None Absences: Commissioner GeNell Gary Vacancies: District 2 and Mayor’s Office Attest: Natasha Goodwin, Staff Liaison Proposed Resource Management Commission Bylaw Changes BYLAWS OF THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ARTICLE 2. PURPOSE AND DUTIES. The purpose of the commission is to: (A) Maintain an overview of all programs, studies and proposals concerning the efficient use of energy, alternate energy technologies, renewable energy resources, including solar and wind, and the conservation of energy, excluding the use of conventional coal, nuclear, natural gas, or petroleum technologies. (B) Serve as a liaison with other city commissions and commissions, including the Electric Utility Commission. (C) Receive public input on alternate energy technologies, renewable energy sources, and on energy conservation. (D) Review and analyze: (1) energy conservation technologies and renewable energy sources as to their short-term and long-term feasibility in the city; (2) energy conservation policies, alternate energy technologies, and renewable energy projects in other cities and states; (3) water conservation policies, alternate technologies, and water conservation projects in other cities and states; and (4) the City Code to identify potential amendments that encourage the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and the conservation of energy. (5) issues concerning natural gas utilities in Austin, including fair and equitable rates and bills, energy efficiency and renewable energy programs, environmental issues related to utility system operation, assistance to low-income customers, progress on the City of Austin’s Climate Equity Plan, and franchise negotiations. (E) Advise the city council: (1) in the developing and reviewing city plans and programs in the area of alternate energy technologies, renewable energy sources, and energy conservation. (2) as to available funding from private and public sources which are available to the city for alternate energy technologies and renewable energy, and for the conservation of energy; (3) on energy conservation, on alternate energy technologies, and on renewable energy sources and report to city council on the status of its activities at least annually; (4) in developing and reviewing city plans and programs that encourage water conservation as it relates to water consumption from the tap to customer and within structures or building; and (5) regarding appropriate City Code amendments that encourage the use of alternate energy technologies and renewable energy sources, and the conservation of energy; (6) natural gas utility matters, including: fair and equitable rates and bills that minimize consumer costs, cost-effective energy efficiency programs; cost-effective renewable energy programs; research and development of new technologies for energy efficiency and renewable energy; programs that reduce the burden on low-income households; gas utility progress on the City of Austin’s Climate Equity Plan; and renewal of franchises with natural gas utilities that improve the City’s financial position and align with the City’s community values.