Item 2- RCA: CBI IDEA Public Schools — original pdf

..De Posting Language ..Title Approve issuance of capacity-based incentives to Individuals Directed to Excellence and Achievement (IDEA) Public Schools for installation of solar electric systems on their facilities located at 700 Showplace Lane, 9504 N IH 35 SVRD SB, 1901 E Wells Branch Parkway, 1438 E Yager Lane, 1701 Vargas Road, 5816 Wilcab Road, and 1700 E Slaughter Lane, in an amount not to exceed $924,858. Lead Department Austin Energy Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $924,858 is available in the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Austin Energy Operating Budget. For More Information: Amy Everhart, Director Local Government Issues (512) 322-6087; Tim Harvey, Customer Renewable Solutions Manager (512) 482-5386. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: May 13, 2024 –Recommended by the Electric Utility Commission on a vote of 10-0 with one vacancy. May 21, 2024 – To be reviewed by the Resource Management Commission. Additional Backup Information: Austin Energy requests approval to issue these capacity-based incentives (CBI) to the Customer for the installation of solar electric systems at their facilities to produce renewable energy for on-site consumption. The table below provides a summary of the combined system sizes, costs, proposed incentives, and environmental benefits: Solar System Details* Total System Size (kW-DC) Total System Size (kW-AC) Annual Estimated Production (kWh) Total System Cost ($) Total Incentive ($) Percent of Cost Covered Reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in tons Reduction of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) in pounds Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) in pounds 1,028 853 1,521,102 $1,952,478 $924,858 47% 680 761 1065 Environmental Benefits** and Emission Reduction Equivalencies*** Equivalency of Vehicle Miles Driven Equivalency of Cars on Austin Roadways Equivalency of Trees Planted Equivalency of Forest Acreage Added *All solar equipment meets Austin Energy program requirements ** Environmental Benefits based on the US Energy Information Association’s state-wide electricity profile *** According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalency Calculator 1,577,727 147 10,200 720 IDEA Public Schools is a not‐for‐profit charter school serving grades kindergarten through 12th grade. The table below shows the estimated percentage of the building’s historic energy consumption offset by the proposed solar systems. Proposed Solar Projects Site Address Incentive Rate System Cost Austin Energy Incentive Generation kWh/yr System Size kW DC System Size kW AC Energy Offset 700 Showplace Ln Austin, TX, 78753 9504 N IH 35 SVRD SB Austin, TX, 78753 1901 E Wells Branch Pkwy Pflugerville, TX, 78660 1438 E Yager Ln Austin, TX, 78753 1701 Vargas Rd Austin, TX, 78741 5816 Wilcab Rd Austin, TX, 78721 1700 E Slaughter Ln Austin, TX, 78747 $0.90 $279,072 $132,192 217,590 146.88 121.91 43% $0.90 $500,688 $237,168 388,765 263.52 218.72 83% $0.90 $198,018 $93,798 154,246 104.22 86.50 24% $0.90 $116,964 $55,404 91,109 61.56 51.10 13% $0.90 $402,192 $190,512 311,729 211.68 175.69 36% $0.90 $181,602 $86,022 140,948 95.58 79.33 15% $0.90 $273,942 $129,762 216,715 144.18 119.67 29% The purpose of the Austin Energy Solar PV CBI Program is to expand adoption of solar by nonprofit organizations by helping to offset the capital investment. Under this program, customers who qualify as nonprofit entities are eligible to receive $0.90/W-DC up to $433,800. Per program guidelines, the installation is expected to continue producing for a minimum of 20 years or may be subject to repay the incentive at a pro-rated amount, if it stops producing for any reason short of the stated minimum. This project will advance the stated goals of expanding locally sited solar, carbon reduction, and resiliency.