Item 8- Discussion on Rebates Webpage — original pdf

Agenda Item for the RMC Mee�ng DATE: March 19, 2024 By Commissioner Caruga� Sponsors: Paul Robbins, Alison Silverstein U�lity Rebate and Incen�ve Website Page for the City of Aus�n: Discuss with All city u�li�es that have incen�ves/rebates to be placed on 1 city website. This includes gas, water, and electricity. If there could be 1 page that included ALL of the incen�ve programs provided by all city u�li�es on 1 main page at a high level so the ci�zens could be more aware of all the programs we incen�vize. From that main web page each u�lity could have links to their individual program that includes more detail. As of now, each u�lity has scatered websites with incen�ves in places ci�zens are not aware of and the websites are litered with so much informa�on its hard to read. Start at high level, then break each incen�ve down. The ques�on is who at the city can produce this one page and link to all other u�li�es?