20201117-008: RMC to fully fund energy code enforcement — original pdf
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20201117-008 Seconded By: Commissioner Dielmann Date: November 17, 2020 Subject: Recommendation that the Austin City Council direct the City Manager to identify funding options to provide for sufficient staff and other resources to fully enforce the Energy Code. Motioned By: Vice Chair White Recommendation: The Resource Management Commission has identified the lack of enforcement of the Energy Code, including the Solar Ready provision, as detrimental to affordability, energy conservation and efficiency, and the adoption of on-site renewable energy. As such, the Commission recommends that the Austin City Council direct the City Manager to identify funding options to provide for sufficient staff and other resources to fully enforce the Energy Code. Vote: 7-0-3 For: Chair Harmon, Vice Chair White and Commissioners Blackburn, Brenneman, Chavarria, Dielmann, and Fralin. Against: None Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner Smith and Commissioner Babyak Vacancies: 1 Attest: Jamie Mitchell, Staff Liaison