Q 4 report — original pdf
Customer Energy Solutions FY20 – Quarter 4 Report As of 09/30/2020 Quarterly Rebates by District and Outside of COA Solar PBI not included. Rebates paid may not align with AE Finance eCombs system as of 09/30/20. Dollars are unaudited. Energy Efficiency Services Residential Programs AE Weatherization (WAP) – Direct Install • Recognizing that the income standard being used was out of alignment with cost of living in Austin, EES revised income requirements from 200% FPL, a Federal standard, to 80% MFI, a standard calculated by COA and used by NHCD to qualify low income customers. This change puts us in alignment with other city departments and the increasing cost of living in Austin. • EES also implemented a new one-page application that requires customers to “self-attest” they meet income requirements rather than submit sensitive personal information, such as W2s or pay stubs. This is in response to customer feedback on barriers to participating in the program. • EES is also including Smart Thermostats in the WAP. • If customers participate in WAP and would like to purchase a new AC, the Weatherization AC Rebate and Loan is now offering 0% financing and a rebate for a new unit through Velocity Credit Union. In Q4, 34 weatherization projects were completed. Some Q4 projects are still being invoiced. • 1 Appliance Efficiency Program (AEP) • The Appliance Efficiency Program has continued to perform despite the COVID-19 pandemic processing over 1,357 enrollments in Q4 of this fiscal year. • The program is moving the online application on the AE Website for HVAC and Variable Speed Pool Pumps. Participating contractors will now submit rebate applications via the Energy Efficiency Services rebate processing system, EECP, in order to improve the customer experience. • The program is updating its information on the Austin Energy Website Home Performance w/Energy Star (HPwES) • Due to COVID-19 the program marketing and outreach was suspended with the exception of the program website. The program marketing budget was diverted to the broader Austin Energy messaging of the utility’s response to COVID-19. The program anticipates resuming limited program marketing in the fourth quarter of FY20. • Due to COVID-19, the program’s new handbook and EECP configuration was not launched as planned in March of FY20. The program is monitoring the situation and will attempt to launch the new program at the start of FY21. • Despite COVID-19 the program was able to continue operating throughout the stay at home order. The program observed about a 39% drop in participation in total program participation in FY20 from FY19 due to COVID-19. • To further assist customers financially and to incentivize program participation, we implemented an End of Summer Offer rebate of $500 on qualifying HPwES programs from 8/28/20 through 9/30/20. • The program is gearing up for the start of our Limited Time Offer in FY21 that will run from 10/15/20 through 4/15/21. The Limited Time Offer includes a $600 rebate for qualifying Rebate projects and 0% financing for qualifying Rebate & Loan projects. Demand Response Programs Power Partner Thermostat • 2,519 thermostats were enrolled in demand response this quarter. Load Coop/Automated Demand Response (ADR) • DR season kicked off with first event on June 5 and the last of 11 events taking place on September 1. • First participant with OpenADR thermostats participated via AutoDR. • AutoDR capacity grew by 34% to 3.9 MW • Automated bill credit process enabled for Load Co-op and paid out this season. This saved weeks of time otherwise spent manually entering, verifying, and correcting bill credit entries. • The program met 78% of its MW goal due to COVID-19 and mandates to prevent its spread when all programs were paused. • The program resumed installation of timers in September. Water Heater Timers Green Building Awards • Honored by HIVE 50 Innovation in Housing as "The Pioneer" 2 Outreach • City of Austin honored by Green Builder Media as Sustainable City of the Year with specific recognition • Represented Texas Mutual Insurance (4 Star and LEED Gold) receiving the 2019 Building Health to Austin Energy Green Building Leadership Award at Greenbuild • Recognized as part of Green Business Certification, Inc (GBCI) 2019 class of LEED Fellows • Collaborated with Zpryme on our annual Community Celebration which featured an announcement of the new AEGB logo that will roll out throughout the fiscal year • Sponsored the annual Austin Green Awards which recognizes outstanding accomplishments in the broad arena of sustainable design and innovation • Celebrated Texas Mutual Insurance (4-star and LEED Gold) receiving an Austin Green Award for Project of the Year and B Austin Community (4-star) receiving a HIVE 50 Innovation in Housing honor as "The Placemaker" • Organized an Austin Design Week “Make Space” event, facilitated the panel discussion and led a tabled design challenge on Restroom Redesign to promote inclusivity • Created and delivered presentations for Development Services Division, Storybuilt (formerly PSW), a local Girl Scout Troop which included a tour of a 5-star rated home, American Youthworks and the Carpenter's Apprenticeship Program on the Future of Green Jobs, The Four Seasons Residents and Young Professionals on Designing for Plant-Based Diets, USGBC Equity Summit, AIA Texas COTE Climate Action Plans, the Carbon Leadership Forum's Austin’s Climate Plan: The 2020 Revision and two sessions for the AIA Austin Design Excellence Conference • Participated in the Sustainable Buildings Community Workshop hosted by the Office of Sustainability, the AI/ML for Social Good Project Design Workshop hosted by UT Austin and the City of Austin, the AIA Austin Allied Member Roundtable tour of Gensler and the Austin Young Chamber affordability panel • Hosted Green MLS classes for local realtors presented by Marc Richmond • Attended USGBC Greenbuild 2019 conference, spoke at the “Future of LEED” session and attended the LEED Committees meeting • Coordinated monthly Professional Development Seminars on the topics of Waste Management that included tours of Recon Services & 3B Automated Recycling, and Fire and Flood Resilience, tours of Austin Central Library, Talk the Walk, Building Industry Equity, Grid Connections, Regional Resiliency, Wood Innovations, Emerging Technologies, and Transportation Initiatives. • Converted all live seminars to online events which resulted in doubling attendance, provided recordings to all registrants not on the live call for viewing at their convenience and produced data from participants that will help inform future programming. • Transformed Green by Design and Cool House Tour to interactive virtual experiences using a backend production team, moderator, polling and live Q&A. These online events increased customer engagement and enabled us to broaden our sphere of influence to attendees from across the U.S. and as far away as Europe and Asia. Attendance tripled for Green by Design over previous in-person workshops. • Pivoted all residential rating inspections to virtual calls. Published a LinkedIn video story featuring a customer which led to a frontpage feature on the APPA Public Power Daily and a Zpryme podcast interview • Conducted a survey of Commercial and Multifamily rating participants to gather information that will inform rating recognition and celebration offerings • Recognized an AEGB Commercial Rating achievement through a plaque presentation ceremony for Next Door Creative Single Family Rating • Awarded ratings to 700 homes of which 59% are in SMART Housing developments 3 Multifamily Rating • Awarded ratings to an additional 496 homes in the surrounding area outside of Austin Energy service • Launched new 2020 rating version and innovation guide • Reported 15 projects through Q4 of FY20 representing an annual record of 3,473 units. • Awarded ratings to S.M.A.R.T. Housing developments: 5-star rating to The Jordan at Mueller, 132 units. 3-star rating to Works at Pleasant Valley Phase II, 29 units; Terrace at Oak Springs, 50 units. 2-star rating to Pathways at Chalmers Court, 86 units. 1-star ratings to Nightingale at Goodnight Ranch, 174 units; Goodnight Commons, 304 units; Aria Grand, 70 units; Pathways at Goodrich Place, 120 units. • Awarded 2-star ratings to Park at Estancia, 320 units; Domain L, 181 units; The Elizabeth, 373 units. Awarded 1-star ratings to The Copeland, 328 units; Saint Mary, 240 units; Flatiron Domain, 364 units; Plaza Saltillo, 702 units. • AEGB Multifamily Customers participated in other CES programs: 3 projects - AE Solar program, 5 • projects included EV charging Launched new 2020 rating version and innovation guide Commercial Rating • Reported 25 projects through Q4 of FY20 • Awarded 4-star ratings to Next Door Creative and 70 Rainey Street, 197 units. Awarded 3-star rating to Third + Shoal and Austin Marriott Downtown. Awarded 2-star rating to Austin Proper Hotel and Residences, 120 units, Lakeline Montessori School, Menchaca Elementary School, The Grove – 3A, and The Grove – 3B & 3C. Awarded 1-star ratings to the Church of Scientology, Domain Place, Paloma Ridge Buildings A & B, Schwab-AUS2, Schwab-AUSA, HPI Domain Office, Metric Industrial, Cava Domain, Dos Salsas Restaurant, The Otis Hotel (Autograph AC Collection Hotel), Harrison Building and The Villas at Nueces, 99 units. Reported LEED projects: Austin Film Society-Armory Building, ABIA Terminal Expansion & Improvements, Domain 12 and Domain 10. • AEGB Commercial Customers earned points for participating in other CES programs: 3 projects enrolled in Green Choice, 5 projects included EV charging, and 3 projects connected to AE district cooling through Downtown District Energy Plant • Conducted a focus group through a third-party to gather information that will shape the future of Integrated Modeling Incentive program • Engaged Dell Jewish Community Center, ABIA New Information and Technology Building, and Austin Energy Headquarters in the design incentive process and will begin the post-occupancy verification phase with Holdsworth Center, Harold Court, Cambrian East Riverside and Waterloo Terrace in fiscal year 2021. • Added 6 new approved qualified Energy Consultants for a total of 31 consultants from 25 firms Electric Vehicles & Emerging Technologies Project Highlights • Charging Infrastructure: The Plug-In EVerywhere Charging Station Network has grown rapidly to over 1,000 EV charging station ports, including 26 new DC Fast charging stations installed at nine sites in Austin. • Remote Marketing/Outreach: Austin Energy marketing plans focused on racial injustice and the safety and health of our citizens during the pandemic. EVET outreach turned digital with members of the 4 team supporting several EV panels and webinars both nationally and locally, including National Drive Electric week. • Equity: Austin Energy collaborated with Latinitas to provide an online augmented reality experience teaching girls about EVs, solar power, and other sustainable technologies. • EVs for Schools: EVs for Schools curriculum is now online and free of charge to families locally and nationally to support at home distanced learning. In addition, EVs for Schools curriculum is now bilingual, available in English and Spanish. • Rebate Programs: Despite COVID19’s effect on the economy, rebate enrollments continued to increase, with a skyrocketed number of E-Ride rebates up by 14% compared to the average growth rate over the last five years. • Awards: 2020 E-Visionary Award from The Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA) and World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA); 2020 Utility Industry Spotlight Award for Positive Change (Electrification) from Zpryme; Drive Electric Award from Plug-In America Customer Renewable Solutions Staffing and HR/Professional Development/Operational Achievements • Hired an Environmental Program Coordinator • Posted position for Conservation Program Associate • Reclassed position for second Environmental Program Coordinator • Posted and completed interviews for Conservation Program Coordinator – Solar Inspector position • Hired a new inspector who has helped us to decrease our wait times by 1 week and increase customer satisfaction • We have spent most of the year with 60-70% staffing. In spite of this we have been able to maintain program integrity and adapt to the changing work environment of COVID. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the team (especially Tim Harvey), we expect to close that gap by the beginning of next calendar year. Education and Outreach • Due to COVID-19 the neighborhood-centric solar education courses were suspended and the program outreach was limited to virtual engagements • Presented at a virtual conference hosted by Latinitas, an organization focused on empowering girls from the age of 9-18 to innovate and about renewable energy, electric vehicles and augmented/virtual reality • Presented a solar education course for members of the Wind Energy Transmission Texas team • • Established a cross-dept team (Marketing, CRS, EcoRise) to develop curriculum for 5-6 grade students Launched product development with Zpryme for a VR/AR engagement tool/game for kids and assess the performance of previously installed outdoor classroom demonstration sites Residential Solar Incentives • 295 Residential and Multifamily projects completed in Q4 • 1.84 MW Installed • $761,324 in rebates paid out to Residential and Multifamily Commercial Solar Incentives • 20 Commercial projects completed in Q4 • 2.423 MW Installed • Successfully pushed through one of the largest projects in the program with ~1MW of power going to a manufacturing facility on FM 973. 5 Green Choice • No significant updates Community Solar Program Issued RFP for 15 MW of Community Solar….see RFP for more information about it LMI • • Became a partner in The National Community Solar Partnership™ (NCSP) is a coalition of community solar stakeholders working to expand access to affordable community solar to every American household by 2025. • Collaborating with CAP program and marketing to enroll LMI customers in Community Solar capacity that will be added with ABIA. Shared Solar • Completed the first round of UAT testing for Shared Solar 6