Planning CommissionFeb. 25, 2025

05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 1 Staff Report — original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONAL USE SITE PLAN SITE PLAN REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SPC-2024-0259C PC COMMISSION DATE: February 25, 2025 PROJECT NAME: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway ADDRESS: 2800 Webberville Rd DISTRICT: 1 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Rosewood WATERSHED: Boggy Creek (Urban Watershed) AREA: 1.69 acres limits of construction APPLICANT: Sara Sallam, Project Manager City of Austin Building Services 2006 E 4th Street P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78702 Ray Hardaway Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 8911 N. Capital Of Texas Hwy Building 2, Suite 2300 Austin, TX 78759 AGENT: CASE MANAGER: Meg Greenfield, (512) 978-4663 EXISTING ZONING: P-NP PROPOSED USE: The applicant proposes to construct ADA-accessible parking, walkways, and ramp improvements at the existing Rosewood Zaragosa Neighborhood Center. No changes to the building are proposed (flatwork only). No increase to impervious cover is proposed. All site plan reviews are approved or informal status. REQUEST: This site is zoned P (Public) and is greater than one acre in size; therefore, a Conditional Use Permit is required, according to the Land Development Code {Section 25-2- 625}. WAIVER REQUEST: There are no waiver requests with this application. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 11 of 21 SITE PLAN DETAILS: The site plan proposes the reduction of 7 parking spaces (6 standard, 1 accessible) to accommodate new walkways that will be established in conjunction with existing Accessible Parking Spaces. Additionally, two ramps are designed for construction: one situated at the West Entrance and the other at the Front Entrance. These proposed walkways and ramps are designed to meet the TAS Standards. SURROUNDING CONDITIONS: North: Single-family residential (SF-3-NP) East: Single-family residential (SF-3-NP) West: Park (P-NP) South: Single-family and Multi-family (SF-3-NP and MF-3-NP) NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Central Austin Concerned Architects Del Valle Community Coalition East Austin Conservancy El Concilio Mexican-American Neighborhoods Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Govalle/Johnston Terrace Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Neighbors United for Progress, Overton Family Committee Preservation Austin, Red Line Parkway Initiative Rosewood Glen Oaks Neighborhood Association Rosewood Neighborhood Plan Contact Team SELTexas Save Our Springs Alliance Sierra Club Austin Regional Group 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 12 of 21 Property Profile Legend Appraisal Districts TCAD Parcels Review Cases Site Plan Review Cases (All) Zoning 1 Zoning CS GR LI MF NO P SF Zoning Text Notes 0 450 2/20/2025 900 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 13 of 21 June 14, 2024 City of Austin Development Services Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. Austin, TX 78752 Re: Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkways and ADA Ramps Engineer’s Summary Letter To Whom It May Concern, The documents required by the City of Austin Consolidated Site Plan Permit Application for the Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkways and ADA Ramps are enclosed herein. Acreage to be Developed: - 1.22 acres or 53,085.61 sqft. Watershed in which the Project is Located: - Boggy Creek Type of Development: - ADA-accessible parking, walkways, and ramp improvements. This project consists of Sixteen Proposed Accessible Parking Spaces, an increase from the existing Fifteen. Furthermore, proposed walkways that meet the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) will be established in conjunction with Accessible Parking Spaces. The relocation of Accessible Parking Signs to these newly designed areas is also part of the plan. Additionally, two ramps are designed for construction: one situated at the West Entrance and the other at the Front Entrance. These proposed ramps are designed to meet the TAS Standards. Explanation of any Proposed Project Phasing: - West, Front, and Back Entrances will consist of temporary fencing, type 1 barricades, signage, and staging area. This project will be publicly bid and constructed as one phase. Methods to be used for Handling Stormwater Runoff: - Incorporating the use of silt fence and triangular filter dike during construction. Effect the proposed development will have on the Drainage System: - Expect no change to existing Drainage Systems. Justification for Exemption from Watershed Protection Regulations: Address Dam Safety and Landfill Certification Requirements: - N/A - N/A - N/A Include Variance Request: 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 14 of 21 The outlined improvements align with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) TAS Standards and signify our commitment to enhancing accessibility while ensuring compliance with regulations and quality standards. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 512-338-2745 or should you have any questions or need any further information. Sincerely, Travis M. Michel, P.E. Sr. Associate, Team Leader 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 15 of 21 This Master Comment Report includes all staff comments received to date about your most recent site plan submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated site plan submittal. Case Number: SPC-2024-0259C Revision #: 00 Case Manager: Meg Greenfield Phone #: Update: U1 Email: Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Location: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD Submittal Date: January 13, 2025 Report Due Date: January 28, 2025 Final Report Date: January 27, 2025 Update Deadline (Expiration Date): August 26, 2025 Final Update Deadline [LDC § 25-5-113]:  Failure to submit a final update by the deadline will result in the automatic denial of the application, unless: (1) The site plan application has been approved; or (2) A request for an extension has been granted. [LDC § 25-1-82(F)]  If the deadline falls on a weekend or City of Austin holiday, the next City of Austin workday will be the deadline.  The applicant or their agent is responsible for updating this site plan application and clearing all comments. TO RESUBMIT:  Upload updated documents into the Bluebeam project previously provided. o Add documents to the folder “SITE” > “4 – SP Formal Review” > “U#.” If there is not a folder for the o o subsequent cycle, please create one for the next cycle number. Include a full set of plans for each rejected discipline and responses to all comments. Please do not upload outdated or unnecessary/repetitive documents to the new folder. Only upload UPDATED plans, responses to the last comment report, or documents asked for by reviewers.  Inform and Meg Greenfield once the documents have been uploaded. Site Plan Approval:  The site plan will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 16 of 21 REVIEWERS: Planner 1 : Katie Luna Drainage Engineering : Juany Benitez Site Plan : Meg Greenfield Water Quality : Juany Benitez Electric Review – Tiezheng Zhao (512) 972-8482 - Approved. All U0 comments cleared. Be advised, however that the electric facilities shown on this site plan are considered conceptual. The layout shown should not be used for bidding and the final electric design as done by Austin Energy may vary from that shown. Changes to the site plan may be required. Keep in mind the designer may require and/or request additional information to be able to complete the design and the proposed facility locations may be subject to change based on design. FYI: Austin Energy must review any changes to this plan that may affect electric requirements. These changes include, but are not limited to, changes in building square footage, building location, detention facilities' location, grading, spoil site locations, etc. Drainage Engineering Review – Juany Benitez - DE – Current Status: For Information Only  FYI: Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. DE 0 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Description of changes to the drainage area maps and the engineering report were provided.  U0: Provide a description of any changes made to the drainage design since the last update. If necessary, provide an updated engineering report to reflect those changes. DE 1 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: U1: If a comment does not apply to this application or has already been addressed, please provide a description of why the comment does not apply. Responses should provide a detailed narrative describing how a comment has been addressed and specify on which sheet(s) any changes were made. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 17 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C DE 2 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Note provided.  U0: Provide the following note on the cover sheet of the plans: "Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for Code compliance by City engineers.” DE 3 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Approved plans were provided for the Conley-Guerrero senior activity center and the Rosewood-Zaragosa neighborhood center and health-clinic.  U0: It seems that there is impervious cover being claimed for existing drainage calculations, please demonstrate that this impervious cover was constructed prior to 1977 or has been permitted prior to this application. Please provide an aerial photo of the impervious cover that was in place before 1977 as well as an exhibit showing square footage, shaded areas and the dates the impervious cover was constructed or copies of previously permitted Site Plan(s) DE 4 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: The information requested has been provided in the Impervious Cover Breakdown sheet.  U0: Please provide new and removed impervious cover square footage. Clearly identify these areas separately in the drainage area maps with appropriate shading, labeling and Site Plan number for each category of impervious cover. This information is necessary to verify the drainage calculations DE 5 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: Please show the direction of flow(s) from building roofs/gutters. DE 6 – Current Status: Cleared easements on this site.  U1: The consultant’s response indicates that there are no existing or proposed drainage  U0: Clearly show and label all existing and proposed drainage easements on drainage layout sheet as per final plat or by separate instrument. DE 7 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: Please identify the property line and the LOC in the drainage area maps. DE 8 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Drainage area maps have been updated.  U0: Please clarify the following items on the drainage area map: - Flow paths and Tc path 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 18 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C - Area designation (amount of impervious cover) - Off-site areas draining onto the site - Existing and/or proposed infrastructure (storm sewers, outfalls, ponds, etc.) - Point(s) of analysis - Conveyance downstream DE 9 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Drainage area maps have been updated.  U0: On-site drainage areas should end at the site/project boundary and any point(s) of analysis should also be on that boundary. Provide separate drainage area boundaries for any offsite areas that flow through the site. Provide the fully developed (max impervious cover) 100-year storm peak flow conditions for the offsite flows. Please demonstrate compliance. DE 10 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Drainage area maps have been updated.  U0: Stormwater runoff peak flow rates shall not be increased at any point of discharge from a site for the two (2), ten (10), 25 and 100-year storm frequency events. Please provide the information necessary to verify compliance. If proposed conditions result in increased runoff, the flow must be detained to existing conditions, or the site must participate in RSMP. DCM 1.2.2(D) o On-site drainage areas should include the entire site. Please include the northwest corner in the drainage analysis. o PoA A-2 should be located at the property line, and o Include the points of analysis in the tables provided for drainage calculations. DE 11 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addessed.  U0: Please show the conveyance downstream for PoA’s A-7, A-6, A-5 and A-3. DE 12 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: Show location of all existing drainage structures on or adjacent to the project site on all drainage sheets. DE 13 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: Clearly show all proposed drainage infrastructure in the drainage layout plan. Public storm pipes, channels, appurtenances, etc. should be shown and labeled. DE 14 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: Refer to WQ4 regarding the different types of impervious cover. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 19 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C DE 15 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Copies of the existing pond plan sheet have been provided.  U0: Provide a copy of the existing pond plans, calculations, and drainage area maps to show that the existing pond is sized to detain for the increase in proposed impervious cover for this site. Include the copies in this proposed plan set. DE 16 – Current Status: Informal  U1: Note provided. Awaiting inspection report. Any deficiencies noted in report must be addressed with this application.  U0: Refer to WQ14 regarding pond inspection for the existing pond. DE 17 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Note provided.  U0: Indicate by note on the cover sheet if any part of the project is within a 100-year floodplain. DE 18 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Information provided as requested.  U0: Provide Atlas 14 depth-duration frequency (DDF) values used for hydrologic calculations per DCM Table 2-1A or 2-1B. Or Atlas-14 Intensity-Duration-Frequency per DCM Table 2-2A or 2- 2B DE 19 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: An analysis of the Erosion Hzard Zone has been provided, indicating that the existing channel is lined with concrete and includes its own protective works.  U0: According to the COA GIS it appears that the proposed improvements encroach on the Erosion Hazard Zone Buffer established by Watershed Protection Department, see image below. An Erosion Hazard Zone analysis is required. LDC 25-7-32 DE 20 – Current Status: Informal  U1: Comment to remain until all DE comments have been addressed.  U0: Additional comments may be generated from new material submitted during your next update. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 110 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C Environmental Review – Brad Jackson (512) 974-2128 - All Environmental Review comments cleared. Environmental Inspection fee must be paid prior to permit approval. EV 01 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Add a note to the cover sheet stating: “This project is located in the Boggy Creek Watershed, which is classified as an Urban Watershed.”  U0: Add a note to the cover sheet stating: “This site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer EV 02 – Current Status: Cleared Recharge Zone.” EV 03 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Add the following note to the plan set coversheet: “If at any time during construction of this project an underground storage tank (UST) is found, construction in that area must stop until a City of Austin UST Construction Permit is applied for and approved. Any UST removal work must be conducted by a UST Contractor that is registered with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Contact Elizabeth Simmons at if you have any questions. [COA Title 6]” EV 04 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Include the following details in the plan set: o J-hook detail ECM Figure 1.4.5.G.4 o Silt fence turnback detail ECM Figure 1.4.5.G.3 EV 05 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Replace the Sequence of Construction notes on sheet 2 with the current ECM Appendix P-4: Sequence of Construction Notes in the plan set. The notes can be found at: 4STSECO EV 06 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Add the following notes to all ESC sheets: “If disturbed area is not to be worked for more than 14 days, disturbed area needs to be stabilized by revegetation, mulch, tarp, or revegetation matting. [ECM 1.4.4.B.3, Section 5.I] Environmental Inspector has the authority to add and/or modify erosion/sedimentation controls on site to keep project in compliance with the City of Austin Rules and Regulations [LDC 25-8-182] Contractor shall utilize dust control measures during site construction such as irrigation trucks and mulching as per ECM 1.4.5(A), or as directed by the Environmental Inspector. The contractor will clean up spoils that migrate onto the roads a minimum of once daily. [ECM 1.4.4.D.4] 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 111 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C Per LDC 25-8-323(C), for areas on the site that are to remain pervious after development, any soils that are compacted during site grading and construction operations must be decompacted in compliance with the ECM and in compliance with SSM 661S. Finished elevation for parking-lot islands, medians, peninsulas, and similar landscape areas must be at least six (6) inches below the finished curb elevation to allow for placement of six (6) inches of topsoil [ECM 1.4.7].” EV 07 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Surface water should be prevented from entering into the LOC from offsite upslope areas. Provided that it won’t flood other property, add silt fence along the entire upslope LOC boundary to prevent surface water from draining into the LOC. [ECM 1.4.4.B.2] EV 08 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: Add a note to the demolition plan (sheets 11-13) stating: “A preconstruction meeting with the Environmental Inspector is required prior to any site disturbance.” PARD / Planning & Design Review – Kathleen Stanford (512) 974-9717 - Update 1 – 01/23/2025: PR1 – Current Status: Cleared.  U1: Thank you for labeling the parkland on sheet 4; all comments cleared.  U0: This project was reviewed during the pre-submittal stage of the Public Projects Review (PuPR) process. Please delineate City parkland boundaries and label City of Austin (Parkland). Site Plan Review – Meg Greenfield SP1. Please add approval signature line for AWU on coversheet. U1: comment cleared. SP2. Add the following notes to the coversheet:  Approval of these plans by the City of Austin indicates compliance with applicable City regulations only. Approval by other governmental entities may be required prior to the start of construction. The applicant is responsible for determining what additional approvals may be necessary. Other governmental entities may include but are not limited to the County, TxDOT, TCEQ, County Fire Marshal (or applicable ESD), MUDs, etc.  All improvements shall be made in accordance with the released site plan. Any additional improvements will require site plan amendment and approval of the Development Services Department. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 112 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C  Approval of this Site Plan does not include Building and Fire Code approval nor building permit approval.  All signs must comply with requirements of the Land Development Code (Chapter 25-10).  Additional electric easements may be required at a later date.  Water and wastewater service will be provided by the City of Austin [or identify the service  All existing structures shown to be removed will require a demolition permit from the City of Austin provider if other than the City of Austin]. Development Services Dept.  A development permit must be issued prior to an application for building permit for non- consolidated or Planning Commission approved site plans.  For driveway construction: The owner is responsible for all costs for relocation of, or damage to  For construction within the right-of-way, a ROW excavation permit is required. utilities. U1: comment cleared. Add the following information to the coversheet:  Name of watershed and classification.  State if subject to or exempt from the watershed protection regulations Indicate by note if any part of the project is within a 100-year floodplain   Name and type of Principal Street (Webberville, Urban Roadway)  List of all waivers and variances granted. U1: comment cleared. SP3. Add case/permit number to each page: SPC-2024-0259C U1: comment cleared. SP4. This site is zoned P (Public) and is greater than one acre in size; therefore, a Conditional Use Permit is required, according to the Land Development Code {Section 25-2-625}. Please contact this reviewer to place this item on the agenda of the Planning Commission or the Zoning and Platting Commission when all design-related comment are cleared. U1: comment pending. SP5. When all comments are cleared, collect signatures/authorizations from reviewers external to the City of Austin, if required. Then coordinate with the Case Manager to circulate the final plan set for City of Austin required signatures. Please allow up to 5 business days for signatures to be completed. NOTE: Any changes to the plan set following the final submittal will require the Case Manager to restart the process of collecting signatures. U1: comment pending final approvals. Water Quality Review – Juany Benitez - WQ – Current Status: For Information Only  FYI: Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 113 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C WQ 0 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: The comment has been addressed in the response letter.  U0: Provide a description of any changes made to the water quality design since the last update. If necessary, provide an updated engineering report to reflect those changes. WQ 1 – Current Status: Cleared  U0: U1: If a comment does not apply to this application or has already been addressed, please provide a description of why a comment does not apply. Responses should provide a detailed narrative describing how a comment has been addressed and specify on which sheet(s) any changes were made. WQ 2 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Approved plans were provided for the Conley-Guerrero senior activity center and the Rosewood-Zaragosa neighborhood center and health-clinic.  U0: If existing impervious cover is being claimed, provide evidence that the existing impervious cover existed on September 10, 1991, for Urban Watersheds. If the existing impervious cover was added after this date and water quality controls were not provided, it should be counted towards the amount of new impervious cover. ECM 1.9.2.A WQ 3 – Current Status: Cleared sheet.  U1: The square footage information requested is provided in the Impervious Cover Breakdown  U0: It is evident that base impervious cover is being claimed for this development. As a result, it is necessary to provide the square footage for the base, redeveloped, and new impervious cover as outlined in section 1.9.2 of the ECM. Clearly identify these areas separately in the site plan with suitable shading and labeling to differentiate each type of impervious cover. The site plan should reflect this information in a manner similar to what is depicted in the “Impervious Cover Update” exhibit. This information is necessary to verify that water quality controls are not required. WQ 4 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: Please update the inconsistencies found in the different types of impervious cover depicted in both the “Impervious Cover Exhibit” and the “Overall Site Layout”. WQ 5 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: The milling of the asphalt currently in place does not go beyond 18-in as shown in the Site Plan Details (2 of 2) sheet, thereby meeting the criteria for maintenance of IC.  U0: It appears that maintenance of impervious cover is being claimed. This definition only applies for impervious cover remaining as the same use (e.g., parking to parking). For proposed construction that meets this definition, water quality controls do not need to be provided; however, the current level of treatment must be upheld. Additionally, the applicant must demonstrate the existing impervious cover to be maintained meets the definition of base impervious cover. ECM 1.9.2, ECM 1.9.4 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 114 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C WQ 6 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: The consultant’s reponse indicates that a pre-construction meeting with the environmental inspector will be conducted, and erosion controls and tree protection fencing will be installed in accordance with City standards.  U0: In addition to WQ5, to differentiate between redeveloped and maintenance activities, existing impervious cover currently being used as parking lots, driveways, roadways and sidewalks may be resurfaced and repaired without requiring water quality controls as long as the following conditions are met. Please demonstrate compliance. o A pre-construction meeting is held with the environmental inspector from the Planning and Development Review Department, and it is determined that the conditions of subsections 2 and 3 below are met: o There will be no change in layout or existing drainage patterns and the excavation proposed is only that necessary for repair of the base material. Excavated depth cannot exceed 18 inches; and o Erosion controls and tree protections fencing are installed to City standards, and all construction materials are stockpiled in areas where erosion/sedimentation potential and ground disturbance is minimized. WQ 7 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Detail provided on the Site Plan Details (2 of 2) sheet.  U0: Provide a cross-section detail for the pavement to be either redeveloped or repaired. WQ 8 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: This comment has been addressed.  U0: On-site control of the two-year storm is achieved when the developed-conditions peak runoff rate leaving the site for a given drainage area is less than or equal to 0.5 cfs more than the existing-conditions runoff rate and there are no existing erosion issues downstream of the site. Please demonstrate compliance. ECM 1.6.8, LDC 25-7-61 WQ 9 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Note provided.  U0: Provide a cover sheet note indicating the watershed name and classification within which this project is located. WQ 10 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Note provided.  U0: Provide a cover sheet note indicating this project’s location within or outside the Edward’s Aquifer Recharge Zone. WQ 11 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Note provided.  U0: Please ensure that the construction plans accurately identify the existing city-maintained pond, which is located along N. Pleasant Valley Rd. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 115 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C WQ 12 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: A Note has been provided for the previously permitted site plan under file number: SPC-90- 0134C.  U0: Because the Water Quality facility for this development was constructed with another permitted development, please add the following note to the cover sheet: - “The Water Quality for this site plan was constructed with the [subdivision/site plan name] construction plans [subdivision/site plan number].” WQ 13 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: Copies of the existing pond plan sheet have been provided.  U0: Provide a copy of all the existing pond plan sheets, calculations, and drainage area maps to demonstrate that the existing pond is designed to treat the additional impervious cover proposed with this site plan. WQ 14 – Current Status: Informal.  U1: Note provided. Awaiting inspection report. Any deficiencies noted in report must be addressed with this application.  U0: Provide a copy of the most recent pond inspection for the existing pond. Any red tags will need to be addressed prior to issuance of permit. Inspection report can be found through a PIR request: the address is: Alternatively, add a note to the cover sheet stating that if any violations exist on an existing pond the pond may not be approved for use until the red tag is cleared. Prior to construction, EV inspections will confirm the existing pond is in good standing. WQ 15 – Current Status: Cleared exceed 8,000 sf threshold.  U1: Impervious Cover Breakdown sheet provided. The total of new and redeveloped IC does not  U0: Water quality controls are required when the cumulative total of both new and redeveloped impervious cover exceeds 8,000 square feet. Provide required water quality controls. LDC 25-8- 211 WQ 16 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: The consultant’s response to WQ15 indicates that the combined area of new and redeveloped IC does not exceed 8,000 sf threshold.  U0: For Urban Watersheds, an alternative to providing on-site water quality controls is provided for in LDC Section 25-8-214, Optional Payment instead of Structural Water Quality Controls. Additional information is provided in Appendix T of the Environmental Criteria Manual, "Request for Fee Instead of Water Quality Controls." WQ 17 – Current Status: Cleared  U1: The consultant’s response to WQ15 indicates that payment in lieu of WQ controls is un necessary.  U0: Along with WQ16, it would be necessary to submit a fully completed current Appendix T application, which is available online at 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 116 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C management. Once this reviewer has approved the provided Appendix T form, this reviewer will sign it and return it to the applicant. WQ 18 – Current Status: Informal  U1: Comment to remain until all WQ comments have been addressed.  U0: Additional comments may be generated from new material submitted during your next update. City Arborist Review – Jim Rooni 1/21/2025 Update 1 Note: Please e-mail me if you have any questions, concerns, or require additional information about these comments: You may also e-mail me if you would like to schedule a phone or virtual meeting to clarify the review comments. Updates cannot be reviewed outside of the update review cycle. GENERAL TREE SURVEY STANDARDS CA1 Current Status: Cleared. U1: Comment cleared. U0: Plan Graphics: Existing trees are to be represented on plans as follows: a) Trees proposed to be retained are to be represented by a solid circle. b) Trees proposed to be removed are to be represented by a dashed circle. c) Trees proposed to be retained but have not met preservation requirements are to be represented by a shaded circle. d) Trees proposed to be planted are to be graphically differentiated from existing trees. STANDARD PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS CA2 Current Status: Cleared. U1: Comment cleared. U0: Tree Protection Fencing Please show tree fencing / protection on all regulated trees (8” in diameter or greater) to be preserved within or adjacent to the limits of construction (ref: Tree # 950, 956, 953-955, and 958). 1. If possible, extend all tree protection fencing to the full extent of the critical root zone (CRZ). If fencing cannot be installed around the full CRZ: (a) Place the fencing at the Half CRZ and add 8” of hardwood mulch from the Half CRZ to the full CRZ. (b) Provide call-outs stating: “2x4x6 or greater size lumber shall be strapped vertically to the tree and 8” of hardwood mulch shall be applied within the Full CRZ.” Per standard detail 610S-4 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 117 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C Reference: ECM 3.6.1 CA3 Current Status: Cleared. U1: Comment cleared. U0: Existing Impacts (Ref: Tree # 951): Proposed impacts in the Half or Quarter CRZ are allowed within the footprint of existing impacts if they do not exceed the depth or width of those impacts. On the plan set, please provide a callout showing the location (below) where the use of low-impact excavation methods, such as hand digging, compressed air will be required during the retaining wall replacement to prevent damage to significant roots that are 1 ½ inches in diameter or greater. Reference: ECM 3.5.2.B.4.a TREE CA4 Current Status: Pending MITIGATION U1: Comment cleared. U0: Provide a Tree Mitigation Plan compliant with ECM 3.5.4 (Ref: Tree # 959). Note: Planting new trees or preservation of unregulated trees are the primary forms of mitigation. Alternative mitigation may be approved by the City Arborist when a site is unsuitable for planting. Reference: ECM 3.5.4 FYI - Tree mitigation must be provided (at minimum) at the following rates: o Heritage trees: 300% o 19 inches and greater, ECM Appendix F trees: 100% o 8 to 18.9 inches, ECM Appendix F trees: 50% o 19 inches and greater, all other trees: 50% 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 118 of 21 Project Name: CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway Address: 2800 WEBBERVILLE RD File Number: SPC-2024-0259C o 8 to 18.9 inches, all other trees: 25% END OF MASTER COMMENT REPORT Comment Resolution Process: You can submit a Comment Resolution Request if: 1. You have identified two or more comments in your Master Comment Report that conflict with each other; and 2. You do not believe that the comments can be satisfied. Comment Resolution Requests can only be submitted and resolved between review cycles. They cannot be submitted while the site plan is in review. Use the Comment Resolution Request Web Form to submit your request. Questions or Concerns? Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns or if you require more information about this report, please do not hesitate to contact your Case Manager at the email address listed at the top of this report or by writing to the City of Austin, Development Services Department, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767. 05 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 119 of 21 City of A u stin P ark la n d LEGEND LANDSCAPED AREAS STAGING AREA SIDEWALK PEDESTRIAN HAND RAIL RETAINING WALL LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 100YR FLOODPLAIN EROSION HAZARD ZONE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE SITE DATA TABLE IMPERVIOUS COVER (ACRES) EXISTNG PROPOSED ZONING TOTAL LOC (ACRES) 3.91 3.90 P-NP 1.69 AC IMPERVIOUS COVER EXISTING 3.906 AC 66.32% PROPOSED 3.903 AC 66.26% SITE AREA / LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION FRONT BACK WEST TOTAL 31121.53 SQFT 0.71 AC 24903.82 SQFT 0.57 AC 17446.41 SQFT 0.41 AC 73,471.76 SQFT 1.69 AC Parking Facility FRONT ENTRANCE WEST SIDE ENTRANCE BACK ENTRANCE TOTAL T E EXISTING E T Total Number of Parking Spaces R E S N I L 70 60 73 202 PROPOSED EXISTING PROPOSED Total Number of Parking Spaces Accessible Parking Spaces Required Accessible Parking Spaces Provided Accessible Parking Spaces Provided 67 55 73 195 3 3 3 9 4 4 6 15 3 6 6 14 City of A u stin P arkla n d BACK ENTRANCE L O C 19.5 56.7 C L O 17.0 C O L LO C LOC N . P L E A S A N T V A L L E Y R O A D 0 30 60 SCALE: 1" = 30' NOTES: 1. THIS SITE HAS NO EXISTING EASEMENTS. 2. THIS SITE IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODPLAIN. C O L LOC 20.0 30.0 LO C LO C LO C L O C FRONT ENTRANCE LOC L O C D A O E R L V I L R E B B W E arkla n d u stin P C ity of A LOC LOC L O C L O C L O C B O G G Y C R E E K 18' L O C 56' WEST SIDE ENTRANCE L O C C O L C L O L O C EROSION HAZARD ZONE 100-YR FLOOD PLAIN TREE MITIGATION PLANTING AREA City of Austin Parkland I T U O Y A L E T S L L A R E V O I M A R G O R P T M R E P N A L P E T S I S P M A R A D A D N A S Y A W K L A W R E T N E C D O O H R O B H G E N A S O G A R A Z - D O O W E S O R I I I E C F F O T M R E P N A L P E T S I I S N O S V E R I S K R A M E R E T A D Y B . O N T E OF TE X A S S T A TRAVIS M. MICHEL P R O L F E S 95805 ICE N S E S I O A L N E D N R E E G IN 1/8/25 Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-2614 SPC-2024-0259C 4 36 P L A N N I N G E N G I N E E R I N G PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 8911 N. CAPITAL OF TEXAS HIGHWAY BUILDING 2, SUITE 2300 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 Tel 512-338-4212 1/9/251/10/2505 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 120 of 21 1. IF DISTURBED AREA IS NOT TO BE WORKED FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS, DISTURBED AREA NEEDS TO BE STABILIZED BY REVEGETATION, MULCH, TARP, OR REVEGETATION MATTING. [ECM 1.4.4.B.3, SECTION 5.I]. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ADD AND/OR MODIFY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS ON SITE TO KEEP PROJECT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF AUSTIN RULES AND REGULATIONS [LDC 25-8-182]. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE DUST CONTROL MEASURES DURING SITE CONSTRUCTION SUCH AS IRRIGATION 4. TRUCKS AND MULCHING AS PER ECM 1.4.5(A), OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. THE CONTRACTOR WILL CLEAN UP SPOILS THAT MIGRATE ONTO THE ROADS A MINIMUM OF ONCE DAILY. [ECM 1.4.4.D.4] 6. 5. PER LDC 25-8-323(C), FOR AREAS ON THE SITE THAT ARE TO REMAIN PERVIOUS AFTER DEVELOPMENT, ANY SOILS THAT ARE COMPACTED DURING SITE GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS MUST BE DECOMPACTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ECM AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH SSM 661S. FINISHED ELEVATION FOR PARKING-LOT ISLANDS, MEDIANS, PENINSULAS, AND SIMILAR LANDSCAPE AREAS MUST BE AT LEAST SIX (6) INCHES BELOW THE FINISHED CURB ELEVATION TO ALLOW FOR PLACEMENT OF SIX (6) INCHES OF TOPSOIL [ECM 1.4.7]. FOR WORK ADJACENT TO TREE #951 CONTRACTOR SHALL USE LOW IMPACT EXCAVATION METHODS FOR RAMP AND RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO SIGNIFICANT ROOTS THAT ARE 1 1/2" IN DIAMETER OR GREATER. 7. LEGEND NOTES: LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION MAJOR CONTOURS MINOR CONTOURS PROP. 2x4x6 PLANKS AROUND TREE PROP. TREE PROTECTION EROSION HAZARD ZONE FLOW DIRECTION ARROW 100YR FLOODPLAIN STAGING AREA TFD TFD PROP. TRIANGULAR FILTER DIKE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LUMBER OF 2X4X6 OR GREATER SHALL BE STRAPPED VERTICALLY TO THE TREE AND 8" OF HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN THE FULL CRZ LOC LOC SF S F SF TFD TFD LOC TFD STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE L O C CONCRETE WASHOUT SEE DETAIL SHT. 10 TFD R 7 R 7 - - 8 P 8 T T F D T F D 1 8 ' L O C T F D T F D T F D R 7 - 8 T 5 6 ' L O C D F T L O C D F T C O L TFD TFD L O C PROPOSED STAGING AREA 100-YR FLOOD PLAIN LUMBER OF 2X4X6 OR GREATER SHALL BE STRAPPED VERTICALLY TO THE TREE AND 8" OF HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN THE FULL CRZ PROPOSED STAGING AREA 6 . 7 5 T F D LOC T F D L O C T F D 9 . 5 1 TFD TFD LOC TFD D F T 7 . 0 1 TFD TFD D F T D F T S F CONCRETE WASHOUT SEE DETAIL SHT. 10 T F D T F D C O L L O C N . P L E A S A N T V A L L E Y R O A D PROPOSED STAGING AREA C O L USE OF LOW- IMPACT EXCAVATION METHODS REQUIRED LOC 0 . 0 2 T F D T F D L O C T F D T F D L O C T F D D F T T F D 0 . 0 3 T F D LUMBER OF 2X4X6 OR GREATER SHALL BE STRAPPED VERTICALLY TO THE TREE AND 8" OF HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN THE FULL CRZ LUMBER OF 2X4X6 OR GREATER SHALL BE STRAPPED VERTICALLY TO THE TREE AND 8" OF HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN THE FULL CRZ LOC T F D T F D L O C T F D LOC CONCRETE WASHOUT SEE DETAIL SHT. 10 LOC LOC WEBBERVILLE ROAD 0 30 60 SCALE: 1" = 30' L L A R E V O - I N A L P L O R T N O C N O T A T N E M D E S & N O S O R E I I I M A R G O R P T M R E P N A L P E T S I S P M A R A D A D N A S Y A W K L A W R E T N E C D O O H R O B H G E N A S O G A R A Z - D O O W E S O R I I I E C F F O T M R E P N A L P E T S I I S N O S V E R I S K R A M E R E T A D Y B . O N T E OF TE X A S S T A TRAVIS M. MICHEL P R O L F E S 95805 ICE N S E S I O A L N E D N R E E G IN 1/8/25 Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-2614 SPC-2024-0259C 5 36 P L A N N I N G E N G I N E E R I N G PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 8911 N. CAPITAL OF TEXAS HIGHWAY BUILDING 2, SUITE 2300 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 Tel 512-338-4212 1/9/251/10/2505 SPC-2024-0259C - CIP - Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center Walkway; District 121 of 21