14 C14-2024-0114 - 5210 Bruning Avenue; District 9 Public Comment — original pdf
• Outlook Hi Teresa, Re: Rezoning for three cases -public hearing 1/14 at 6 pm From Hadri, Date Fri 1/10/2025 To Teresa Anderson <Cynthia.Hadri@austintexas.gov> Cynthia 5:19 PM I will include your email and objections tree, this will be addressed at the time of site plan, not rezoning. letters in the backup given to the commissioners. Regarding the Best regards, Cynthia Hadri Senior Planner I Current Planning City of Austin, 0: (512) 974-7620 Planning Department Please note: E-mail correspondence to and from the City of Austin is subject to required disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act. From: Teresa Anderson Sent: Friday, To: Hadri, Subject: January 10, 2025 4:06 PM Cynthia <Cynthia.Hadri@austin texas.gov> 1/14 at 6 pm hearing Rezoning for three cases - public I External Email -Exercise Caution Ave. E.g., the public Good afternoon, attending I plan on The owner has been a terrible 5210 Bruning would be a $2,000 My former "Thank Officer, investigation. number: BRUNING They abandoned you for reporting 79-00305895, Below are details reported cars and neighbor 2079-766290 CC Inspector AVE City: AUSTIN Zip Code: 78751" as I object hearing, land use commercial company the rezoning and has several that the JEV Family LTD is intending. at especially put signs in the alley saying violations, it In Aug 2019, Tammy Lewis (code inspector) fine for littering, as they have so much litter. this on Aug 12, 2019: needs. your city services has been closed Your service request for Austin and transferred to the Austin contact their Inspector, Phone: Name: Edmond Su Inspector Code Code -Request system for Code Department's information, and your case 572-974-2519 Address: 5210 on the assigned put them in the alley and sometimes parked on my property: My former garage was burgled three times in 2013 and emailed to my 'hood: The residents of 5210 Bruning Ave were probably the burglers. Here's the attempted burglary at my back door, even though my house has a security system. Glad for my later residential neighbors built an ADU, so my property is looked after them.