02 and 03 NPA-2023-0015.03 and C14-2024-0122 - Cherrylawn Circle Applicant Withdrawal — original pdf
From: Meade, Nikelle < > Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 9:28 AM To: Tomko, Jonathan <Jonathan.Tomko@austintexas.gov>; Meredith, Maureen <Maureen.Meredith@austintexas.gov> Cc: Thomas, Eric <Eric.Thomas@austintexas.gov>; Harden, Joi <Joi.Harden@austintexas.gov> Subject: Withdrawal of Zoning Application and NPA Application - Cherrylawn Good morning, Jonathan and Maureen, and Happy New Year. The Applicant in these pending cases has agreed to withdraw the cases to allow for a fresh start in discussions with the neighbors. As such, please accept this email as our withdrawal of both C14-2024- 0122 and NPA-2024-0015.03. Please let me know if you need anything additional from me for the withdrawal. Thank you. Nikelle Meade Partner HUSCH BLACKWELL 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1400 Austin, TX 78701-4093 Direct: 512-479-1147 Mobile: 512-992-6001 Fax: 512-226-7373 Nikelle.Meade@huschblackwell.com huschblackwell.com vBio | vCard . 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0015.03 and C14-2024-0122 - Cherrylawn Rezoning; District 11 of 1