02 and 03 NPA-2023-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 10 Applicant Indefinite Postponement — original pdf
City of Austin Planning Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752 P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 -1088 (512) 974-2000 ♦ h ttp s:/ / w w w.a u st in tex a s .g ov / d epa r tm e n t/ plan n in g - de part men t MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Claire Hempel, Chair & Planning Commission Members Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner, Long-Range Planning Division Cynthia Hadri, Senior Planner, Current Planning Division Planning Department DATE: December 11, 2024 RE: NPA-2023-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051_Rawson Saunders/Tarrytown Christian Church Improvement 2614, 2614 ½ Exposition Blvd, 2702 McCullough St, 2611 and 2615 ½ Hillview Road Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area (WANG) The Applicant requests an indefinite postponement of the above-referenced cases. See attached letter from Victoria Haase, Thrower Design, LLP. The postponement request was made in a timely manner and meets the Planning Commission’s policy. Attachments: Letter from Victoria Haase, Thrower Design, LLP Plan Amendment Map Zoning Map The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 101 of 4The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 102 of 4The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 103 of 4The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 104 of 4