Planning CommissionDec. 10, 2024

04 and 05 NPA-2024-0015.03 and C14-2024-0122 - Cherrylawn EMLK Contact Team Letter — original pdf

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EMLK Contact Team Re: 6102, 6106, and 6108 Cherrylawn Circle case Cases NPA-2024-0015.03 and C14-2024-0122 Dec 6, 2024 Hello Planning Commission, City Council Members, Mayor Pro Tem and Mayor, The EMLK NPCT offers the following letter of recommendation regarding the potential rezoning & FLUM change of 6102, 6106, and 6108 Cherrylawn Circle. We have been excited to observe a very active as well as self-organized, with the Pecan Springs-Springdale Hills Neighborhood Association (PSSNA) offering support. For context, these properties are located in a cul de sac, Cherrylawn Circle, connected to Manor Rd via an interior neighborhood street, Walnut Hills Dr. This area has both multi family housing and single family housing nearby. EMLK Contact Team voted unanimously against rezoning the properties from Single Family to General Office - Mixed Use & FLUM change, at our Nov 18, 2024 meeting. See neighbor concerns listed below. 8 members, including multi-generation Austin families, attended our meeting and all were against the rezoning. Another 8 neighbors attended and voiced concerns, but are not yet voting members. Neighbor concerns that have not been sufficiently addressed: ● Zoning should satisfy a general need and not a special privilege. The office space proposal here would not satisfy a general need. ● Cherrylawn Circle is a quiet, residential, cul de sac street and this and Walnut Hills Dr are not built to handle commercial traffic. Additionally, there is no available parking for the proposed offices other than street parking that would disrupt the residents ● This area has almost no amenities to benefit office workers within walking distance. Some other relevant considerations: ● We commend the organizing neighbors, Shirley Terry, John Leigh, for communicating regularly with the immediate neighbors over the past many months, as well as collecting over 50 signatures in the immediate neighborhood. ● Neighbors have consulted with Commissioner Howard, District 1, as well as City Council District 1 Staff, taking guidance, but clearly communicating the neighborhood character, history, and current needs. ● Neighbors also attended multiple meetings with the agent and applicant, but the messages have been inconsistent and unspecific. The cases have been postponed multiple times, stretching throughout the fall. The developer claims to have engaged multiple times with the neighbors but their efforts have been strained, and residents don’t feel that a good faith effort has been made to put updated plans in writing or responding to their needs. ● On Oct 2, the neighbors were notified from the case managers that both the Zoning Team and Long Range Planning Team met, and neither are recommending the applicant's request. For the reasons above, we request that this application be denied. Thank you, Nadia Barbot, Dianna Dean, Alexandria Anderson, Angela B Garza Co-Chairs, East MLK Neighborhood Plan Contact Team