37 Residential Infill Subdivision and Site Plan Lite Amendments Part 2 — original pdf

Item (Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat) Commissioner Proposing Amendment # Reference Document Pg # / Section # of document Proposed Amendment Proposed Text Change, IF necessary (Underline added text/Strikethrough deleted text) References and Notes AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTIONS 25-1-21, 25-5-2, AND 25-5- 3... Add a new Part 1 and renumber subsequent Parts accordingly. PART 1. Subsection (B)(10) and Subsection (B)(11) of City Code Section 25-5-2 (Site Plan Exemptions) is amended to read: (10) construction or alteration of a townhouse in the Mueller Planned Unit Development or the area identified in Section 1.2.5.B (Conflicting Provisions) of the Regulating Plan for the Lamar Blvd./Justin Lane Transit Oriented Development; and, (11) Residential Infill where the impervious cover for the project is less than or equal to the impervious cover allowed by SF-1 zoning as of the date of this ordinance or the date of the initial application, whichever is greater. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTIONS 25-1-21, 25-5-2, AND 25-5-3. Add a new Part 1 and renumber subsequent Parts accordingly. PART 1. Subsection (B) of City Code Section 25-5-2 (Site Plan Exemptions) is amended to read: (B) A site plan is not required for the following development: (1) construction or alteration of four or fewer residential units per lot or tract, if: (a) the proposed construction is located on a legal lots or tracts that contains four or fewer residential units per lot or tract, not to exceed sixteen units, including proposed and existing units; and (b) a proposed improvement is not located in the 100 year flood plain, or the director determines that the proposed improvement will have an insignificant effect on the waterway; Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat 1 Haney https://services. austintexas.gov/ edims/documen t.cfm?id=439445 Pg 12 of 15, line 2 and new section Exempt certain Residential Infill projects with impervious cover less than that required of an SF-1 lot from the requirement for a site plan. Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat 2 Haney https://services. austintexas.gov/ edims/documen t.cfm?id=439445 Pg 12 of 15, line 2 and new section Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat 3 Haney https://services. austintexas.gov/ edims/documen t.cfm?id=439445 General Amendment Exempt certain Residential Infill projects of not less than four lots from the requirement for a site plan. One staff person should develop, monitor, and enforce a review schedule that will allow the total review to be completed within 90 calendar days of filing unless good cause is provable for setting a different schedule.