16 and 17 C14-2024-0125 - Stonehollow Tracts East and C14-2024-0126 - Stonehollow Tracts West; District 7 Zoning Transportation Analysis Memo — original pdf

MEMORAN DUM From: To: CC: Date: Subject: Austin Jones, P.E. Kelly Rees, P.E. Renee Johns, AICP; Ramin Komeili, P.E. September 18, 2024 Stonehollow Multifamily – Zoning Transportation Analysis Fina Memo (C14-2024- 0125, C14-2024-0126) The Transportation & Public Works Department (TPW) has reviewed the September 12th, 2024, “Stonehollow Multifamily Zoning Transportation Analysis”, prepared by Kimley-Horn. The proposal is for a new mid-rise multifamily development consisting of 1,585 dwelling units. The site is located south of Gracy Farms Ln and west of Metric Blvd in the City of Austin, Texas. The site will have access to the surrounding roadway network via three driveways on Gracy Farms Ln and eight driveways on Stonehollow Dr. The proposed driveways will be situated at the same location as the existing driveways that are currently in use for accessing the existing development. The development is anticipated to be constructed in one phase to be completed in 2027. Figure 1. Site Location Page 1 of 3 Roadways Gracy Farm Lane The ASMP classifies Gracy Farm Ln. as 4 travel lanes with a raised median (Level 3) roadway in the vicinity of the site. According to TxDOT average daily traffic counts, the 2020 ADT was approximately 4,922 vehicles per day (vpd). The posted speed limit is 35 mph. ASMP recommends improvements to include constructing additional travel lanes, raised medians, and all ages and abilities bicycle facilities. ROW dedication may be required from new development and commercial redevelopment through the land development process. Required ROW does not apply to single- family home properties. Stonehollow Dr The ASMP classifies Stonehollow Dr. as 4 travel lanes with a raised median (Level 3) roadway in the vicinity of the site. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. ASMP recommends improvements that include adding a raised median, consolidating driveways, and all ages and abilities bicycle facilities. ROW dedication may be required from new development and commercial redevelopment through the land development process. Required ROW does not apply to single-family home properties. Trip Generation and Traffic Analysis The project assumes 1,585 high-rise multi-family dwelling units (ITE Code 222). Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, the proposed development will generate 7,196 vehicle trips per day. See Table 1 for a detailed breakdown of the trip generation. Table 1. Trip Generation Land Use Size 222 - Multifamily Housing (Mid Rise) 1,585 Dwelling Units Total Unadjusted Trips Existing Trips TDM Trips (10% Reduction) TOTAL ADJUSTED TRIPS Trip Generation (Daily) 7,196 7,196 2,372 720 4,104 The existing trips were obtained from tube count data, then site trips were added to these volumes using an estimate of the traffic distribution to and from the proposed site. Table 2 shows both the existing traffic volumes as well as projected volumes on each road in the vicinity of the site. Table 2. Added Traffic Street Gracy Farm Lane Existing Traffic [vpd] 5,659 Proposed New Site Traffic to each Roadway 1,295 Overall Traffic (Existing + Site) [vpd] 6,954 Typical ADT Range Stonehollow Dr (North) 2,280 Stonehollow Dr (South) 2,416 1,619 3,562 3,899 5,978 10,000- 20,000 10,000- 20,000 10,000- 20,000 Page 2 of 3 Recommendations/Conclusions As a condition for approval for the above referenced zoning review case, the applicant shall adhere to the following requirements: 1. The applicant has committed to achieving a trip reduction of 10% through Travel Demand Management (TDM). TDM measures and a sustainable modes analysis will be provided during the Site Plan review process. 2. The City of Austin reserves the right to reevaluate any or all identified improvements associated with this case at the time of Site Plan review. 3. The ASMP ROW requirements have been assessed, and the site may require ROW dedications to meet ASMP standards. This will be confirmed during the Site Plan phase. 4. Street Impact Fee (SIF) Ordinances 20201220-061 and 20201210-062 have been adopted by City Council and are effective as of December 21, 2020. The City has started collecting street impact fees with all building permits issued on or after June 21, 2022. For more information, please visit the City’s Street Impact Fee website. A Street Impact Fee calculation shall be performed at the time of the Site Plan submission to be collected at the time of building permit. 5. All construction items should be designed and incorporated into the site plan, and all street impact fees should be paid in full. No offsets to the proposed development’s SIF will be issued until completion of all identified construction items unless those items are included in the proposed Site Plan application. 6. This ZTA does not relieve a development of its Transportation Assessment or Full TIA requirement at time of site plan. 7. This ZTA does not grant nor guarantee approval of proposed driveway types or locations. Driveway types and locations will be reviewed with the site plan application. Please contact me at austin.jones2@austintexas.gov or (512)-978-1671 if you have questions or require additional information. Austin Jones, P.E. Transportation Public Works Department, City of Austin Page 3 of 3