37 Residential Infill Subdivision and Site Plan Lite Amendments — original pdf

Proposed Amendment Proposed Text Change, IF necessary (Underline added text/Strikethrough deleted text) References and Notes (if needed) Text Change Included in Amendment (YES/NO) Yes Resolution No. 20221201-048 (“Site Plan Lite”) and Resolution No. 20230504-023 (“Infill Plats”) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTIONS 25-1-21, 25- 8-64 AND 25-5-3... 25-1-21 is amended to add: RESIDENTIAL INFILL means development on any site of not more than 1.5-acres in size of A) Five to 16 residential units; or B) A subdivision of land to create multiple residential lots on property zoned SF-1, SF-2, and SF-3. Subsection (B) of City Code Section 25-5-3 (Small Projects) is amended to read: ... (7) Residential Infill, with a site development permit to be issued within 90 business days construction of five to 16 dwelling units that meet all applicable requirements for review under Section 25-7-67 (Modified Drainage Standards for Residential Infill); Yes Resolution No. 20221201-048 (“Site Plan Lite”) and Resolution No. 20230504-023 (“Infill Plats”) No. Item (Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat) Commissioner Proposing Amendment Reference Document 1 Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Pg #/ Section # of document Pg 12 of 15, line 2 and new section 2 Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat Pg 13 of 15, line 37 to 39 Align the definition of Residential Infill with the initiating resolutions and define in the definitions section. Define Residential Infill in using units and maximum tract size in low-intensity single-family zoning categories as the only criteria. Align the definition of Residential Infill with the initiating resolutions and add the 90 business day review time. Planning Commission Ordinance version three: https: //services. austintexas. gov/edims/docume nt.cfm?id=439445 Planning Commission Ordinance version three: https: //services. austintexas. gov/edims/docume nt.cfm?id=439445 Planning Commission Ordinance version three: https: //services. austintexas. gov/edims/docume nt.cfm?id=439445 Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore 3 Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat Pg 14 and 15 of 15, line 62 onward, § 25- 7-67 MODIFIED DRAINAGE STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIA L INFILL Utilize impervious cover requirements as the governing factor for modified drainage standards, establish a small project drainage fee and a scaled water quality fee in lieu, and renumber the section accordingly. Yes § 25-7-67 MODIFIED DRAINAGE STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL INFILL. (A) This section applies to: (1) a resubdivision that: (a) does not exceed a gross site area of one acre; (b) includes only land within a subdivision that was originally platted as a residential subdivision; and (c) does not require a plat vacation; and (2) a site plan that: (a) does not exceed a gross site area of 0.50 acres; and (b) is limited to development of 5 to 16 dwelling units on a legal lot or tract. (B) For any portion of a Residential Infill development that exceeds the maximum amount of impervious cover allowed under the applicable zoning district regulations as of the date of this ordinance, the applicant must: (1) provide a drainage plan demonstrating that all stormwater runoff from that portion will be discharged: (a) to an existing storm drainage system; or (b) into right-of-way; and pay a small project drainage fee and a scaled fee-in-lieu of water quality (FILO) only for the increase in impervious cover above the maximum amount allowed as of the date of this ordinance; or (2) Provide infrastructure, studies, fees or analyses to demonstrate that the increase in impervious cover above the maximum amount allowed as of the date of this ordinance complies with Section 25-7-61 (Criteria for Approval of Development Applications), Section 25-7-151 (Stormwater Conveyance and Drainage Facilities), or Section 25-7-152 (Dedication of Easements and Right-of-Way). 4 Site Plan Lite Anderson, General Amendment Planning Commission Ordinance version three Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore 5 Site Plan Lite Anderson, General Amendment Planning Commission Ordinance version three General Amendment General Amendment Planning Commission Ordinance version three Planning Commission Ordinance version three Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore 6 Site Plan Lite Anderson, 7 Site Plan Lite Anderson, 8 Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Planning Commission Ordinance version three General Amendment 9 Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat 10 Site Plan Lite / Infill Plat Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Planning Commission Ordinance version three Planning Commission Ordinance version three General Amendment General Amendment 11 Site Plan Lite Anderson, General Amendment Planning Commission Ordinance version three Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Create a small project and scaled drainage fee that can be applied to address localized flooding issues in the same watershed. (Re-calibrate RSMP fee to apply only to increases in IC above what is allowed as of date of ordinance.) Re-calibrate Water Quality Fee in Lieu for Residential Infill projects to lower costs to levels appropriate to development. Allow water quality fee in lieu for residential infill projects. Develop simpler, standardized methods to control lot to lot drainage based on regulations enacted by peer cities in Texas. Residential infill projects that increase impervious cover above what is allowed as of the date of the ordinance must provide a lot to lot drainage affidavit at building permit (similar to peer cities in Texas) Revise, and reduce wherever possible, all existing development fees, such as RSMP, SIF, Parkland etc., for residential infill projects based on the size of the project and the number of units. Establish a dedicated rapid interdepartmental conflict resolution team for residential infill projects Approve residential infill projects within 90 calendar days by reducing departmental response times for all departments to less than 10 days. Dedicate all necessary resources and revise processes to achieve this goal. Remove the requirement that a detention pond cannot be located within 50' of a residence. No No No No No No No No Example: residential infill grading waiver affidavit Time for approval is the biggest barrier to residential infill projects. It is impossible to approve quickly with 21 day response times. Prioritize residential infill projects with dedicated staff. Institute a case manager system to ensure deadlines are met and conflicts resolved. 12 Site Plan Lite Anderson, 13 Site Plan Lite Anderson, Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell Planning Commission Ordinance version three Planning Commission Ordinance version three General Amendment General Amendment Do not require a stormwater system tie to an existing system beyond the frontage of the lot. Develop simpler, standardized methods and processes for the design, approval and construction of residential infill detention ponds, similar to those used by other cities. 14 Site Plan Lite Anderson, General Amendment Planning Commission Ordinance version three Azhar, Haney, Johnson, Maxwell, Skidmore Utilize infrastructure and climate resiliency general obligation bonds and leverage the Capital Improvement Program to address flooding concerns by creating regional stormwater infrastructure based on comprehensive watershed drainage studies. No No No Staff should explore how other cities consider downstream impacts as compared to Austin's "no adverse impact" (to anyone downstream) engineering standard, which is a very stringent standard and requires more extensive study to ensure compliance? Can the same pond design be built with or without 'no adverse impact" standard applied like other cities that use standard designs for cisterns, rain gardens etc. for drainage requirements, reducing review time and expense?