29 C14-2024-0134 - 701 Baylor St Residence; District 9 - Staff Report Combined — original pdf

ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 9 (6,534 sq. ft.) ZONING TO: SF-3-HD-NP CASE: C14-2024-0134 - 701 Baylor St Residence ZONING FROM: MF-4-HD-NP ADDRESS: 701 Baylor Street SITE AREA: 0.15 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Britten Avenue Properties LLC AGENT: Clean Tag Permits (Linda Sullivan) CASE MANAGER: Cynthia Hadri 512-974-7620, Cynthia.hadri@austintexas.gov STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is to grant family residence – historic area – neighborhood plan (SF-3-HD-NP) combining district. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: November 12, 2024: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: Please note that this property is zoned “HD” as part of a historic district overlay. Additional review by the Historic Preservation Office and Historic Landmark Commission is required prior to development on or changes to HD-zoned sites and structures. Approval of base zoning changes does not remove the historic district zoning overlay, nor does it remove the additional review requirements and design standards triggered by the historic district zoning overlay. Refer to the review process flowchart located at https://www.austintexas.gov/department/historic-preservation for information on review requirements for historic district properties. To ensure efficient public hearing scheduling, please begin the historic review process prior to the rezoning process if possible. C14-2024-134 2 CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is approximately 0.15 acres, developed with one building, has access to Baylor Street Street (level 1) and is currently zoned multifamily residence (moderate-high density) - historic area - neighborhood plan district. The area is characterized as residential with single family residences, duplex residences and multifamily residences to the north, south and west (SF-3-HD-NP, SF-3-H-HD-NP, MF-4-HD-NP). There are various types of offices, retail and restaurants (CS-MU-V-CO-NP and CS) to the east. Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map) and B (Aerial View). Staff is recommending the family residence – historic area – neighborhood plan (SF-3-HD- NP) combining district for the addition of more housing as the current zoning will not allow for any additional housing. Regarding the historic portion to this property, the front (main) building contributes to the historic district. The Historic Preservation Office and Historic Landmark Commission will need to review any changes to the front building or any new ground-up construction the applicant would add to the lot. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The family residence district is the designation for a moderate density single-family residential use and a duplex use on a lot that is a minimum of 5,750 square feet. An SF-3 district designation may be applied to a use in an existing single-family neighborhood with moderate sized lots or to new development of family housing on lots that are 5,750 square feet or more. Up to three units are permitted under single-family residential development standards. The historic area combining district is to protect, enhance, and preserve areas that include structures or sites that are of architectural, historical, archaeological, or cultural significance. The neighborhood plan district denotes a tract located within the boundaries of an adopted Neighborhood Plan. 2. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. The proposed zoning would promote compatibility with nearby uses as the properties to the north, south and west are zoned SF-3-HD-NP or similar. The staff recommends the request for SF-3-HD-NP zoning because the new rezoning would allow for more residential units on the property. Zoning should allow for reasonable use of the property. 3. The property is currently not meeting the current standards for the MF-4 base zoning district as it does not meet the minimum lot size. Therefore it can’t be developed with multifamily, C14-2024-134 3 the downzoning would allow for more housing to be built on the lot and aligns with the City Council’ initiative to provide more housing. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site North South MF-4-HD-NP & CS-MU-V-CO-NP East West LAND USES Duplex Residential Single Family and Duplex Residential Single Family and Duplex Residential Commercial Uses, Retail, Restaurants Single Family, Duplex Residential and Multifamily Residential ZONING MF-4-HD-NP MF-4-HD-NP & SF-3-HD-NP CS & CS-MU-V-CO-NP SF-3-HD-NP & MF-4-HD-NP O Henry Middle School SCENIC ROADWAY: No NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Old West Austin Neighborhood Planning Area WATERSHED: Shoal Creek (Urban) CAPITOL VIEW CORRIDOR: No SCHOOLS: Austin Independent School District Mathews Elementary School COMMUNITY REGISTRY LIST: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Austin Regional Group Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Old West Austin Neighborhood Association AREA CASE HISTORIES: Old West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Preservation Austin SELTexas Save Historic Muny District Save Our Springs Alliance Shoal Creek Conservancy Sierra Club Austin High School NUMBER C14-04-0122 Tuttle REQUEST MF-4-NP to SF-3-NP for Tract 1 and SF- 5-NP for Tract 2 COMMISSION To Grant SF-3-NP for Tract 1 and SF-5-NP for Tract 2 (09/28/2004) C14-2007-0237 - Old West Austin Neighborhood Planning Area The VMU Overlay district includes approximately 30.04 acres. To grant 1) a postponement for Tract 1 V for Tracts 2-11, 17, 19-21, 24-26, 28-34. 2) V with additional uses in office CITY COUNCIL Approved SF-3-NP for Tract 1 and SF-5-NP for Tract 2 as Planning Commission Recommended (November 4, 2004) Approved V and V with additional uses as Planning Commission C14-2024-134 4 Vertical Mixed Use Zonings districts for Tracts 12-16, 18, 22-2, and 27. 3) Approved affordability of 80% MFI to Tracts 2-34 for properties with units less than 1000 SF and at least 2 bedrooms and 70% MFI for Tracts 2-34 that do not meet the 80% MI standards (2/12/2008) To grant the amended boundaries of the VMU overlay to exclude Tract 1 1209 Parkway (3/11/2008) Case was sent to City Council without a recommendation (01/06/2003) Recommended (03/6/2008) Approved the amended boundaries to exclude tract 1 from the VMU overlay as Planning Commission Recommended (03/27/2008) Approved DMU-CO- CURE without a recommendation from Zoning and Platting Commission (02/12/2004) C14-03-0168 Nokonah DMU-CO-CURE to DMU- CO-CURE: To allow medical, professional or administrative and business offices, in addition to the pedestrian oriented uses on the ground floor RELATED CASES: C14-02-0112 - Old West Austin Neighborhood Plan Combining District C14H-2010-0006 - Castle Hill Historic District (initially was Blanco Street Historic District) ADDITIONAL STAFF COMMENTS: Comprehensive Planning: Project Name and Proposed Use: 701 BAYLOR STREET. C14-2024-0134. Project: 701 Baylor St Residence. 0.1580 acres from MF-4-HD-NP to SF-3-HD-NP. Existing: 2-unit residential duplex. Proposed: 3-unit residential triplex. Imagine Austin Decision Guidelines Yes Complete Community Measures * Y Imagine Austin Growth Concept Map: Located within or adjacent to an Imagine Austin Activity Center, Imagine Austin Activity Corridor, or Imagine Austin Job Center as identified the Growth Concept Map. Names of Activity Centers/Activity Corridors/Job Centers *: Adjacent to Lamar BLVD Activity Corridor; 0.05 miles north of 5th/6th Streets/Lake Austin BLVD Activity Corridor; 0.05 miles west of Downtown Regional Center Y Mobility and Public Transit *: Located within 0.25 miles of public transit stop and/or light rail station. 0.09 miles to bus stop along W 6th ST C14-2024-134 5 Mobility and Bike/Ped Access *: Adjoins a public sidewalk, shared path, and/or bike lane. Sidewalk present along Baylor ST Connectivity, Good and Services, Employment *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles to goods and services, and/or employment center. Goods and Services present along N Lamar BLVD, W 6th ST and W 5th ST Connectivity and Food Access *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a grocery store/farmers market. 0.2 miles to Whole Foods Market along N Lamar Connectivity and Education *: Located within 0.50 miles from a public school or university. 0.5 miles to Pease Elementary School Connectivity and Healthy Living *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles from a recreation area, park or walking trail. 0.2 miles to Duncan Neighborhood Park Connectivity and Health *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of health facility (ex: hospital, urgent care, doctor’s office, drugstore clinic, and/or specialized outpatient care.) 0.3 miles to Austin Medical Wellness medical clinic Housing Choice *: Expands the number of units and housing choice that suits a variety of household sizes, incomes, and lifestyle needs of a diverse population (ex: apartments, triplex, granny flat, live/work units, cottage homes, and townhomes) in support of Imagine Austin and the Strategic Housing Blueprint. Housing Affordability *: Provides a minimum of 10% of units for workforce housing (80% MFI or less) and/or fee in lieu for affordable housing. Mixed use *: Provides a mix of residential and non-industrial uses. Culture and Creative Economy *: Provides or is located within 0.50 miles of a cultural resource (ex: library, theater, museum, cultural center). Culture and Historic Preservation: Preserves or enhances a historically and/or culturally significant site. Creative Economy: Expands Austin’s creative economy (ex: live music venue, art studio, film, digital, theater.) Workforce Development, the Economy and Education: Expands the economic base by creating permanent jobs, especially in industries that are currently not represented in a particular area or that promotes a new technology, and/or promotes educational opportunities and workforce development training. Industrial Land: Preserves or enhances industrial land. Not located over Edwards Aquifer Contributing Zone or Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Number of “Yes’s” Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 9 C14-2024-134 6 Drainage: The developer is required to submit a pre- and post-development drainage analysis at the subdivision and site plan stage of the development process. The City’s Land Development Code and Drainage Criteria Manual require that the Applicant demonstrate through engineering analysis that the proposed development will have no identifiable adverse impact on surrounding properties. Environmental: The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is located in the Shoal Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as an Urban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. It is in the Desired Development Zone. Zoning district impervious cover limits apply in the Urban Watershed classification. According to floodplain maps there is no floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. This site is required to provide on-site water quality controls (or payment in lieu of) for all development and/or redevelopment when 8,000 s.f. cumulative is exceeded, and on site control for the two-year storm. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Development Classification One or Two Family Residential 30% 40% Multifamily Residential 40% Commercial % of Net Site Area % NSA with Transfers 40% 55% 55% Fire: There are no comments. PARD – Planning & Design Review: Parkland dedication fees may apply to any future site or subdivision applications resulting from this rezoning. As of January 1, 2024, new commercial non-residential uses are not subject to parkland dedication requirements at the time of site plan and subdivision. C14-2024-134 7 Site Plan: Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. Compatibility Standards The site is subject to compatibility standards due to the proximity/adjacency of SF-3-HD-NP zoning on the North side of the triggering property. Reference 25-2-1051, 25-2-1053 Any structure that is located: At least 50 feet but less than 75 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 60 feet. Less than 50 feet from any part of a triggering property may not exceed 40 feet. Reference 25-2-1061 A 25-foot (15-foot if site is less than 75 feet wide) compatibility buffer is required along the property line shared with the triggering property. No vertical structures are permitted in the compatibility buffer. Reference 25-2-1062(B) An on-site amenity, including a swimming pool, tennis court, ball court, or playground, may not be constructed 25 feet or less from the triggering property. Reference 25-2-1062 This tract is already developed, and the proposed zoning change is a footprint within the existing development. FYI this tract is within the Old West Austin Neighborhood Planning Area. Austin Transportation Department – Engineering Review: Assessment of required transportation mitigation, including the potential dedication of right of way and easements and participation in roadway and other multi-modal improvements, will occur at the time of site plan application. The traffic impact analysis for this site is not required, the traffic generated by the proposal does not exceed the thresholds established in the City of Austin Land Development Code. [LDC 25-6-113]. BAYLOR ST has sufficient right of way to comply with the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP). [LDC 25-6-51 and 25-6-55]. C14-2024-134 8 Existing Street Characteristics: Name ASMP Classification Existing ROW Existing Pavement Sidewalks Bicycle Route ASMP Required ROW BAYLOR ST Local Mobility - Level 1 58 feet 60 feet 29 feet Incomplete sidewalk No Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) Yes Austin Water Utility: No comments on zoning change. FYI: The landowner intends to serve the site with existing City of Austin water utilities. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. For more information pertaining to the Service Extension Request process and submittal requirements contact the Austin Water SER team at ser@austintexas.gov. INDEX OF EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS TO FOLLOW: A. Zoning Map B. Aerial Map C. Applicant’s Summary Letter Correspondence from Interested Parties W 9TH ST ( APTS. MF-4-NP MF-4-HD-NP ( ( ( ( MF-4-HD-NP ( ( C14H-2018-0013 SF-3-H-HD-NP ( T R S E L S S E R P ( MF-4-NP SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( MF-3-NP ( MF-4-NP ( H99-0007 ( ( 2 9.3 4 1 4-0 0 ( SF-3-H-HD-NP ( ( SF-3-NP MF-4-NP ( ( ( C14-04-0149.32 R SF-3-NP O D L F ( SF-3-NP ( ( 02-0112 ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ! ( ! ! ( T ! AIS S ! R F U A M MF-4-NP C14H-2014-0012 ( ! SF-3-NP ! ! SF-3-H-HD-NP C14-04-0149.06C14H-2009-0067 02-0112 ( ( ( P S C ( ( ( R R O L T AIN S ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( 8 8-1 2 0 4 ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( = SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( E V Y A E L L E H S ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP H93-23 SF-3-H-HD-NP ( ( SF-3-HD-NP ( SF-3-H-HD-NP 91-28 ( ( ( W 10T H S T ( ( MF-3-HD-NP SF-3-NP ( ( 86-262 P-H-HD-NP ( ( SF-3-NP 7 E 9.3 V 6 9.3 Y A 4 1 ( 4-0 4 1 E SF-3-H-NP MF-3-NP 4-0 0 L L C14H-83-021 0 E ( W 9TH H ( SF-3-NP H S ( ( C14-04-0149.37 ALF ST ( SF-3-NP ( P-02-0 C14-04-0149.36 ( ( SF-3-NP C 43 3 ( ( ( ( MF-3-NP SF-3-NP ( MF-4-NP S 7 49.0 1 ( E V Y A ( E L L ( SF-3-NP E H ( S ( MF-4-NP MF-4-H-HD-NP SF-3-H-HD-NP ( C14H-05-0012 SF-3-H-HD-NP C14-04-0149.18 MF-4-HD-NP ( 04-0149.18 ( MF-4-HD-NP ( ( P-NP WEST AUSTIN PARK MF-3-HD-NP SF-3-NP MF-3-NP SF-3-NP ( C14-04-0149.27 ( SF-3-NP T L S E HIL MF-4-NP ( SF-3-NP C14-04-0149.02 MF-3-NP O F C . LR-NP GO-NP 87-82 P A MF-3-NP L T S A C L T S A C ( ( ( ( APARTMENTS MF-4-HD-NP ( T 7 2-2 7 3 E C GO-HD-NP MF-4-NP ( C14-05-0013 CS-MU-CO-NP C14-05-0012 ( NO-MU-NP SF-3-H-HD-NP W 11TH ST SF-3-HD-NP = MF-4-HD-NP 6 9 1 - 3 8 CS-MU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP CS-ETOD-DBETOD 74-48 ( CS-MU-V-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP ( GO-NP ( A U T O D E A L E R CS-MU-V-CO-NP E IC F F O C14-2007-0237 ( ( T O L R A C CS-MU-CO-NP SHOPPING CENTER B A O L T O H P DMU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2020-0052 GO-NP OFC. CS-1-ETOD-DBETOD R K W A Y 95-0027 87-82 P C14-2007-0237 GR-V-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP P C14-2017-0077 SF-3 87-082 S H O A L C R E E K B L V D SF-3 MF-4-ETOD-DBETOD LO-ETOD-DBETOD MF-4-ETOD-DBETOD CS W 12TH ST CRAFTS CS DMU-CO C14-2019-0050 C14-2020-0036 CS-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2022-0141 Y R E K A B Y B A B SF-3-HD-NP ( ( LO-MU-H-CO-HD-NP ( ( C14H-77-026 NPA-2007-0006.01 C14-2007-0201 ( MF-5-CO-NP C14-2019-0151 MF-6-CO-NP CS-MU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP W 11TH ST 86-170 ( SF-3-HD-NP MF-4-HD-NP ( W 10TH ST SF-3-H-HD-NP ( MF-4-NP ( T STRIP CENTER CS-MU-CO-NP ( C14-2007-0237 R S CS-MU-V-CO-NP O CS-MU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP L Y A B CS-MU-CO-NP CS-MU-V-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP CS-ETOD-DBETOD 44-04 SP-00-2079C P MF-4 GO-MU-ETOD-DBETOD GO-ETOD-DBETOD LO-ETOD-DBETOD 80-221 DMU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2021-0078 80-225 W 11TH ST MF-3-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2021-0174 ( 79-96 C14-03-0085 GO-ETOD-DBETOD GO-MU-ETOD-DBETOD GO-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2016-0110 C17-2022-0065 GO-ETOD-DBETOD MF-3-ETOD-DBETOD ( DMU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2011-0010 LO E F I C F O P LO-ETOD-DBETOD 84-458 ( LO-ETOD-DBETOD C14-01-0054 ( LO-MU-ETOD-DBETOD ( W 10TH ST 10th. STREET PARK P 87-082 61-119 LO-ETOD-DBETOD MF-3-ETOD-DBETOD 79-257 62-138 62-138 GO-ETOD-DBETOD C14-2022-0177 ( 75-322 ( C14-2023-0088 ( ( C14H-05-0025 OFFICE W 9TH ST 69-147 87-082 P DUNCAN PARK DMU-H-ETOD-DBETOD C14H-79-020 ( APTS. MF-4-NP ( 04-0149.33 ( T ( 04-0 N S ( O ( C14-04-0149.07 S ( SF-3-NP L E N MF-4-NP SF-3-NP C14-04-0149.41 ( ( ( C14-04-0149.33 SF-3-NP ( 02-0112 APTS. MF-4-NP ( ( ( ( APARTMENTS MF-4-NP ( ( W 8T ( H S T SF-3-HD-NP ( MF-4-HD-NP ( SF-3-HD-NP ( MF-4-HD-NP ( ( APTS. MF-4-HD-NP MF-4-HD-NP ( MF-4-HD-NP ( MF-4-HD-NP ( ( APTS. ( ( ( SF-3-HD-NP C14-04-0149.19 ( MF-4-HD-NP ( ( ( MF-4-HD-NP ( SF-3-H-HD-NP ( C14H-03-0015 C14H-2010-0006 SF-3-HD-NP SF-3-HD-NP C14H-78-051 MF-4-H-HD-NP ( APARTMENTS SF-3-H-HD-NP ( C14-2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP CS-MU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD-NP ( SF-3-HD-NP ( ( GO-NP ( CS-1-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 AUTO SALES CS-ETOD-DBETOD 44-04 ( MF-4-HD-NP 04-0149.08 ( SF-3-HD-NP ( ( ( C14-04-0149.08 MF-4-HD-NP ( SF-3-HD-NP ( ( C14H-2009-0036 ( SF-3-HD-NP ( MF-4-HD-NP SF-3-H-HD-NP ( 73-125 MF-4-HD-NP CS-MU-V-CO-NP -0405CS CS-ETOD-DBETOD STR. 44-04 LO-NP 75-067 CS-MU-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP ( SF-3-NP SF-3-HD-NP WIN ( SF-3-NP ( SF-3-NPMF-4-NP ( MF-4-NP C14-2022-0084 C14H-03-0016 SF-3-H-HD-NP T N S A MF-4-H-HD-NP H T R A H S. T P A SF-3-HD-NP MF-4-HD-NP S. PT A ( CS-MU-CO-HD-NP ( CS-MU-CO-HD-NP C14-2007-0237 O S C N A 59-0 BL 8 2 E R O T S 2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 W 6TH ST SP96-0216D ( 93-59 ( C14H-2010-0006 C14H-92-0002 MF-4-H-HD-NP ( ( SF-3-HD-NP MF-4-HD-NP ( C14-04-0149.46 ( 04-0149.46 C14-02-0112 ( MF-4-HD-NP SF-3-HD-NP C17-2021-0149 ( C14-04-0149.31 ( SF-3-H-HD-NP ( SF-3-HD-NP SF-3-NP MF-4-HD-NP ( SF-3-HD-NP SF-3-HD-NP MF-4-HD-NP SF-3-HD-NP W 7TH ST CONDOS ( ( SF-5-HD-NP C14-04-0122 02-0112 04-0122 MF-4-HD-NP ( SF-4A-HD-NP T SF-3-HD-NP 83-141 ( MF-4-HD-NP G KIN R A P CS-MU-CO-NP C17-2024-0020 RETAIL SHOPS 91-0100 CS-MU-CO-HD-NP ( CS-1-MU-CO-HD-NP SF-3-H-HD-NP APTS. ( ( ( C14-2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP 02-0112 RETAIL ( CS-MU-CO-NP F. F O T MF-4-HD-NP ( ( R S O L Y A B CS-MU-CO-NP ( C14-2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP CS-MU-V-CO-NP D V L R B REALTOR A M A N L SP94-0283AS OFF. RADIO CS PARKING ! ! ! ! MF-4-HD-NP ( !! ! ! CS-MU-V-CO-NP ( C14-2007-0237 STRIP CENTER CS-ETOD-DBETOD 44-04 C14-2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP AUTO SALES AUTO S E L A S R A C DMU-CO\-CURE DMU-CO-CURE C14-03-0168 96-0119 7 4 9-1 6 03-0168 69-10 73-11 SP-97-0483C DEALER OFF. C 0 5 4 -0 6 0 P- S OFF. PKN G CAR LOT CS GO PUD-NP USED CARS SP-96-0329C 02-0112 CS-MU-V-CO-NP ( C14-2007-0237 C14H-04-0016 CS-MU-CO-H-NP ( PUD-NP STO R AG E LI-PDA-NP C14-2021-0081 C14-2007-0237 T CS-MU-CO-NP H S S L A W PARKING JANITORIAL SUPPLY FUR N./UPH ( OL. ! ! ( ! ! ! ( ( SP85-001 ! OFFICE ! ! ! ! LI-CO-NP ! 02-0112 ! P O H S L A T N E O R T U A ( W 4TH ST IRON AND STEEL YARD SHOPPING CENTER OFFICE OFFICE AUTO REPAIR ( CS-MU-CO-NP 02-0112 CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 CS-H-NP CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 W 5TH ST T S S R E Y A S MASSAGE THERAPY OFF. BLD G. ( N84-013 ( ( CS-MU-CO-NP 2007-0237 CS-H-NP CS-MU-CO-NP ( SAYERS ST LI-CO-NP ( ( RESTAURANT ROSE ST E IC F F O G KIN R A P 02-0112 OFFICE ( 02-0112 CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER 2007-0237 CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 02-0112 SP-98-0073C 8 5-0 7 H C 0 9 1 6-0 9 P S P-H-NP 86-165 PARKING SP93-0228CS RETAIL CENTER SP-04-1155C FURNITURE CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2007-0237 T R S CS-MU-CO-NP O L Y A B 04-0135 ELEC. CO. OFFICE B D S R V D S V L B D N R V D S LI-PDA-NP C14-04-0135 W 3RD ST SP-04-0272D R B A M A N L TRAINING CENTER V L R B A M A N L G KIN R A P TRAIN LI-NP STATION LI-CO-NP Y.M.C.A. 02-0112 SPC92-0031C GENERAL\RETAIL GYM SPC-04-0042C DMU T O L DIO U T S SP97-0187C SP-03-0296C SP-06-0519C 05-0136 C14-05-0136 DMU-CURE-CO LOUNGE SPC93-12AS DMU-CO C14-05-0093 DMU-CO C14-05-0093 C14-05-0005 DMU-CURE ZONING 02-0112 S P C 9 2-0 0 3 1 C 88-0033 02-0112 SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ZONING CASE#: C14-2024-0134 LI-CO-NP ANIMAL SHELTER TOWNE LAKE PARK P-NP ± Exhibit A 1 " = 400 ' CS-CO SP- 05-1232C CS-CO BOOK\STORE 93-0106 OFFICE DMU MF-4 83-290 95-57 LO CS 95-58 CS-CO 80-89 CS-CO 8 4 -1 2 8 STUDIO SP95-0126C ( MF-4 MF-3 T N S O S R E D N E H C14-96-0063 96-0063 CS 77-12 87-063 LO MF-3 MF-4 CS PARKING MF-4 ( S R A D C E S U T D S O O W DMU C14-2012-0083 C14-05-0040 DMU-CURE 05-0040 GAS STA. SP95-0132C ( UNDEV ( SP88-170C ( 77-034 ( C14-06-0177 3 0 2 - 8 6 PARKING C GO 0 7 1 - 8 8 P S ( ( C14-99-2124 DMU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD ( ( 87-063 C14-2022-0055 OFC GO-ETOD-DBETOD LO-ETOD-DBETOD W 8TH ST RESIDENTIAL ( ( MF-4-ETOD-DBETOD ( ( GO-ETOD-DBETOD 77-28 DMU-CO ( DMU-CO-ETOD-DBETOD C 5 2 C14-2013-0147 ( 0 H83-25 0 C14-2011-0058 - 7 0 P S ( GO-ETOD-DBETOD W 7TH ST ( C14-2016-0034 OFF. GROCERY\STORE DMU SP-02-0426C T WIE S O B SP-06-0588C C14H-2018-0014 C14-2009-0151(RCA) C14-2009-0151(RCA) C14-2009-0151 C17-2017-0068 DMU C14-2009-0151(RCA3) DMU-CURE P C14-2022-0102 DMU CBD-CO 00-2132 SPC-06-0104A DMU OFFICE EQUIPMENT AUTO SALES P C14-2011-0041 DMU-CURE-CO UNDER CONSTRUCTION CBD-CO 00-2127 CONDOS DMU-CO C14-99-0002 DMU 99-0002 C14-2007-0164 C14-2008-0121 C14-2011-0006 CBD-CO CBD R A B T/ S E R PRINT SHOP CBD R. U S IN C14-06-0183 OFFICE SP-93-0205CS T. S E R CBD F. F O H IT M S K C O L REST. CBD SP-04-0980C SP-04-0416C CBD SP-95-0211A DMU LIQUOR STORE E V T A S E W COCKTAIL CBD GAS OFFICE CBD CAR DEALER T S E D N A R G IO R CONDOS CBD CITY OF AUSTIN SP-01-0325C CBD USED CAR SALES CBD SP93-125CS SP-06-0153C CBD SP93-125CS This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 9/10/2024 Exhibit B Summary Letter for: 701 Baylor St Austin TX 78703 Zoning Change - MF-4 to SF-3 To Whom it may concern, The owners of 701 Baylor St are applying for a zoning change from MF-4-HD-NP to SF-3-HD- NP. The change of zoning from MF to SF more accurately represents the size and use of the property. The lot square footage (6,901 sf) is under the minimum square footage requirements for a MF-4 lot (8,000 sf). The majority of the residential zoning on the Baylor St side of the block between 9th St and 7th St is also zoned SF-3 indicating the zoning change is in keeping with the neighborhood use. Approval of this zoning request will allow both increased density and preservation of the existing structure’s facade and footprint and is in keeping with the wishes of the surrounding neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration. Linda Sullivan on behalf of Britten Avenue Properties Exhibit C