17 C14-2024-0126 - Stonehollow Tracts West; District 7 - Staff Report — original pdf

ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2024-0126 (Stonehollow Tracts West) ADDRESS: Tract 1: 11800, 11800 ½ Stonehollow Drive Tract 2: 11700, 11700 ½ Stonehollow Drive DISTRICT: 7 TO: NBG-CMU-M-NP ZONING FROM: NBG-NR-NP SITE AREA: Tract 1: 3.43 acres Tract 2: 5.92 acres 9.35 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Stonehollow A, Ltd. by IND-HP GP, Inc. (D. Kent Lane, Jr.- Vice President) APPLICANT/AGENT: Dubois Bryant & Campbell, LLP (David Hartman) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends NBG-CMU-M-NP, North Burnet Gateway- Commercial Mixed Use- Midway Subdistrict-Neighborhood Plan Combining District, zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: November 12, 2024 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: C14-2024-0125 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is two tracts consisting of 9.35 acres that are currently developed with a charter school and office/warehouse uses. It is within the North Burnet/Gateway Combined Neighborhood Planning Area and is located at the southwest intersection of Stonehollow Drive and Gracy Farms Lane (please see North Burnet/Gateway Neighborhood Plan FLUM – Exhibit D). The site under consideration is zoned NBG with a Neighborhood Residential subdistrict designation (NBG-NR) (please see North Burnet/Gateway Zoning Subdistrict Map – Exhibit E). To the north, there is a multifamily use (Folio Apartments- Side A) zoned NBG-NR-NP. The lots to the east are developed with office/warehouse structures (Stonehollow 1, 2, and 3) zoned NBG-NR-NP. To the west, there is an office complex (Charles Schwab Corporate Office) zoned NBG-CMU-NP). Directly to the south, there is a newly developed multifamily use (Modera Eado) zoned NBG-NR-NP. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to the NBG with a Commercial Mixed Use-Midway subdistrict designation (CMU-M) to permit the redevelopment of this site with more intensive multifamily uses (Please see Applicant Request Letter – Exhibit C). The current NBG-NR zoning permits a maximum FAR of 2:1 and up to 60 feet in building height with the development bonus (Please see Figure 4-1 NR: NBG Zoning District General Site Development Standards – Exhibit E). The proposed zoning of NBG-CMU-Midway subdistrict will permit a maximum FAR of 10:1 and up to 350 feet in building height with the development bonus (please see Figure 4-1 CMU: NBG Zoning District General Site Development Standards – Exhibit F). The staff’s recommendation is to grant North Burnet/Gateway-Commercial Mixed Use- Midway (CMU-M) District zoning for this property. The conditions and development patterns within the North Burnet/Gateway neighborhood planning area have changed since the regulating plan was adopted, as demonstrated by recent cases including C14-2024-0005 (2700 Gracy Farms) and C14-2024-0090 (11700 Metric). With the rezoning of the property at 11700 Metric to the NMU subdistrict that was approved by City Council on October 24, 2024, this rezoning would establish an upward transition away from Metric and towards the center of the TOD regulating plan. This upzoning is consistent with City Council direction to allow for more intensive development in this area informally referred to as Austin’s “2nd Downtown” near the planned new Capital Metro Broadmoor/Domain rail station on Burnet Road adjacent to the Brandywine Uptown ATX development just north of The Domain and blocks away from Q2 Stadium. The CMU-Midway subdistrict will encourage a mixture of uses and more density at this location. CMU-M designation will allow for an increase in height and FAR, with the development bonus, within the northern portion of the north burnet/gateway plan. Across Metric Boulevard, there are multifamily uses that provide a roughly 400’ buffer between the edge of the north burnet/gateway planning area and the single-family residential neighborhoods to the east. C14-2024-0125 3 The site under consideration is located within the North Burnet/Gateway Station Regional Center, as designated by the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. There are Capital Metro bus routes along Gracy Farms Lane to Stonehollow Drive (466-Kramer/Domain) and to the east along Metric Boulevard (routes #142 and #325) and a bus stop to the north on Stonehollow Drive (stop #5760) and to the south at the southwest corner of Metric Boulevard and Stonehollow Drive (stop #2568). To the west, there is there is the 550-Metro Rail Red Line and the proposed Braker to NWCT Redline Urban Trail. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. North Burnet/Gateway district is the designation for an identified area of existing low density, auto-oriented commercial, warehouse, and industrial uses that is the subject of an approved master plan for redevelopment of the area into a higher density urban mixed- use neighborhood that is more pedestrian friendly and takes advantage of the links to commuter rail transit and the area’s key position in the urban core. Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) is a high density mixed-use subdistrict, appropriate for high rise residential, major employers, destination retail and large scale civic uses. Neighborhood Plan district denotes a tract located within the boundaries of an adopted Neighborhood Plan. 2. The proposed zoning should promote consistency and orderly planning. The CMU-Midway subdistrict will encourage a mixture of uses and more density at this location. CMU-M designation will allow for an increase in height and FAR, with the development bonus, within the northern portion of the north burnet/gateway plan. Across Metric Boulevard, there are multifamily uses that provide a roughly 400’ buffer between the edge of the north burnet/gateway planning area and the single-family residential neighborhoods to the east. 3.The proposed zoning should be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City Council. The property is located within a designated regional center, North Burnet/Gateway Station Regional Center, in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. This upzoning is consistent with City Council direction to allow for more intensive development in this area informally referred to as Austin’s “2nd Downtown” near the planned new Capital Metro Broadmoor/Domain rail station on Burnet Road adjacent to the Brandywine Uptown ATX development to the east of The Domain and to the north of Q2 Stadium. C14-2024-0125 4 EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site ZONING NBG-NR-NP North NBG-NR-NP South NBG-NR-NP NBG-NR-NP East NBG-CMU-NP West LAND USES Charter School (Harmony School of Science), Office/Warehouse Multifamily (Folio Apartments) Multifamily (Modera Eado) Office/Warehouse (Stonehollow 1, 2, and 3) Office (Charles Schwab Corporate Headquarters) NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: North Burnet/Gateway NP NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, North Burnet/Gateway Neighborhood Plan Staff Liaison, North Growth Corridor Alliance, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group SCHOOLS: Austin Independent School District Pillow Elementary School Burnet Middle School Anderson High School AREA CASE HISTORIES: NUMBER C14-2024-0090 (11700 Metric: 11550 and 11550 1/2 Metric Boulevard) C14-2024-0005 (2700 Gracy Farms: 2700 Gracy Farms Lane and 2700 REQUEST NBG-NR-NP to NBG-NMU-NP NBG-NR-NP to NBG-CMU- Midway(CMU- M)-NP COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL 9/24/2024: Approved staff's recommendation of NBG- NMU-NP zoning by consent (10-0, P. Howard, N. Barrera-Ramirez and F. Maxwell-absent); R. Johnson-1st, A. Woods-2nd. 8/13/2024: Approved staff's recommendation of NBG- CMU-M-NP zoning by consent (12-0, P. Howard-absent); A. Azhar-1st, A. Woods-2nd. 10/24/24: Approved NBG- NMU-NP zoning by consent on all 3 readings (11-0); J. Velasquez-1st, N. Harper- Madison-2nd. 9/12/2024: Approved NBG- CMU-M-NP zoning by consent on all 3 readings (11-0), J. Vela-1st, P. Ellis-2nd. C14-2024-0125 5 ½ Gracy Farms Lane) C14-2021-0173 (11911 Burnet Road) NBG-NR-NP to NBG-CMU-NP 12/22/21: Approved staff's recommendation of NBG- CMU-NP zoning by consent (8-0); C. Hempel-1st, P. Howard-2nd. C14-2016-0136 (Broadmoor: 11501 Burnet Road) NBG-CMU-NP to NBG-TOD-NP 3/27/18: Approved staff’s recommendation of NBG-TOD- NP zoning, with conditions, by consent (12-0, P. Seeger- absent); G. Anderson-1st, J. Thompson-2nd. NBG-TOD-NP to NBG-CMU-NP NBG-TOD to NBG-CMU C14-2014-0058 (Esperanza Crossing: 2800 Esperanza Crossing) C14-2011-0050 (Burnet- Kramer Rezoning: 11205 & 11301 Burnet Road) 8/12/14: Approved staff’s recommendation of NBG- CMU-CO-NP zoning, with conditions, on consent (8-0, B. Roark-absent); S. Oliver-1st, N. Zaragoza-2nd. 10/11/11: Approved the staff’s recommendation of NBG- CMU-NP zoning for Tract 2, with the TIA conditions, by consent (9-0); M. Dealey-1st, D. Chimenti-2nd. C14-2010-0087 (The Domain MI-PDA to MI-PDA 8/24/10: Approved staff’s recommendation of MI-PDA zoning (8-1, Chimenti-No), 1/27/22: The public hearing was conducted and a motion to close the public hearing and approve Ordinance No. 20220127-082 for NBG-NP combining district (commercial mixed use subdistrict) zoning was approved on Council Member Kitchen's motion, Council Member Fuentes' second on an 11-0 vote. 4/12/18: Approved NBG-TOD- NP zoning, with conditions, on 1st reading only (6-0, G. Casar- off dais, D. Garza, E. Troxclair, K. Tovo and S. Adler-absent); L. Pool-1st, P. Renteria-2nd. 6/28/18: Ordinance No. 20180628-088 for north burnet/gateway-transit oriented development-gateway zone- neighborhood plan (NBG-TOD- NP) combining district zoning, with conditions was approved on Council Member Troxclair’s motion, Council Member Garza’s second on an 11-0 vote. 8/28/14 : Approved NBG-CO- NP zoning, with conditions, on consent on all 3 readings (7-0); B. Spelman-1st, L. Morrison- 2nd. 11/10/11: Approved NBG- CMU-NP zoning with conditions on consent on 1st reading only (7-0); Spelman-1st, M. Martinez-2nd. 12/08/11: Approved NBG- CMU-NP zoning, with conditions, on consent on 2nd/3rd readings (6-0); C. Riley-1st, S. Cole-2nd. 8/26/10: The public hearing will remain open and the first reading of the case was C14-2024-0125 6 Rezoning- Simon) with the following additional conditions: 1) Require the applicant to provide bicycle access for a portion Bicycle Route Segment #905.04 (Please see Public Works Department Memorandum – “Attachment B”) to allow for continuity for bicycle traffic to and through the Domain development. 2) Require a public restrictive covenant that will limit one acre of land on the Endeavor- Domain site to zero percent impervious cover to be signed and recorded before the 3rd reading of this zoning case at City Council. approved for MI-PDA zoning (7-0); Morrison-1st, Spelman- 2nd, with the following additional conditions: 1) The applicant is to provide bicycle access for a portion of Bicycle Route Segment #905.04 to allow for continuity for bicycle traffic to and through the Domain development. 2) A public restrictive covenant that will limit one acre of land on the Endeavor- Domain site to zero percent impervious cover will be signed and recorded before the third reading of this zoning case. 10/14/10: Approved MI-PDA zoning on2nd/3rd readings (7-0); Spelman-1st, Leffingwell-2nd, with the following amendments: 1) Part 3, C, 1 of the ordinance should read: “A pedestrian/bicycle entrance shall be provided between the existing pedestrian/bicycle trail under Mopac Expressway and the Simon Project internal drive as shown on the attached Exhibit B. A minimum 12-foot wide paved path shall be constructed with an associated curb cut connecting to the internal drive prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a building on Lot 5A, Block A, the Domain Shopping Center Section 3 Subdivision.”; 2) Add a new paragraph to Part 3, Section D to read: “The two trees on the property numbered 5068 and 5081 as shown on Exhibit D may not be removed, unless the City Arborist approved otherwise based on the health of the individual trees.”; 3) The fourth WHERAS of the restrictive covenant should read: “WHEREAS, the requirements of the Land C14-2024-0125 7 Development Code for both the Endeavor Tract and the Simon Tract allow for a combined maximum of eighty percent(80%) net site area impervious cover resulting in a total allowable impervious cover area of 135.36 acres for the Endeavor Tract and 40.54 for the Simon Tract. 10/16/08: Approved NBG-NP or NBG-H-NP (7-0); 1st reading 3/12/09: Approved NBG-NP or NBG-H-NP (6-0); 2nd/3rd readings 10/18/07: Approved 1st reading of Phase 1 of NP (6-0) 11/01/07: Approved Phase 1 of NP zonings (5-0); 2nd/3rd readings 11/01/07: Approved MI-PDA zoning on consent (6-0); all 3 readings 09/28/06: Approved MI-PDA (7-0); 1st reading 10/05/06: Approved MI-PDA changes as a condition of zoning (6-0); 2nd/3rd readings 3/01/07: Approved MI-PDA zoning with the addition of low albedo roofing materials, one star construction for the total site and two star construction for 50% of the office and residential construction (7-0); McCracken-1st, Dunkerley-2nd. Add NP designation to existing zoning 9/09/08: Approved rezoning of certain tracts to NBG-NP or NBG-H-NP, with conditions (8-0) 9/25/07: Approved staff rec. with amendments (8-0) MI-PDA to MI-PDA 10/09/07: Approved staff rec. of MI-PDA by consent (9-0) C14-2008-0182 (North Burnet /Gateway NP Rezoning: Metric Boulevard) C14-2007-0157 (North Burnet /Gateway Neighborhood Plan Rezoning) C14-2007-0171 (The Domain: 10700-11000 Burnet Road, 11100-11900 Burnet Road, 2800 Block of Braker Lane, 3300 W. Braker Lane) C14-06-0154 (The Domain: 11400 Burnet Road) MI-PDA to MI- PDA 8/08/06: Approved staff rec. of MI-PDA by consent (8-0) MI-PDA to MI- PDA C14-06-0121 (The Domain RCA: 10712, 10728, 10800, 11000, 11500, 11600 Burnet Road; 11601 Domain Drive; 2900, 3001, 3101 Esperanza Crossing) 2/13/07: Approved staff’s rec. zoning with for MI-PDA additional conditions of: • 2 star Green Building rating • natural landscaping of all water quality ponds (existing and future); • be in compliance with TIA conditions; C14-2024-0125 8 • applicant’s parkland the requested dedication proposal; • height base of 140-ft; plus an additional 12- stories based on electing to provide some of the public benefits as listed North in Burnet/Gateway Neighborhood Plan. • Maximum height of 308 the feet. Vote: (9-0); J.Reddy-1st, G. Stegeman-2nd. 11/23/04: Approved staff recommendation of MI-PDA, with Environmental Board conditions (9-0). 11/9/04: Approved staff’s recommendation of CH zoning with conditions (9-0) 6/11/03: Approved staff’s recommendation of MI-PDA zoning, with inclusion of original PDA conditions (as read into the record) from Ordinance #000608-67 (8-0, R. Pratt-off dais) 6/11/03: Approved staff's recommendation of MI-PDA zoning (8-0, R. Pratt-off dais) 6/11/03: Approved staff's recommendation of CS-CO zoning (8-0, R. Pratt-off dais) 12/16/04: Approved MI-PDA (7-0); all 3 readings 12/2/04: Approved CH zoning (7-0); all 3 readings 7/31/03: Granted MI-PDA on all 3 readings (7-0) 7/31/03: Granted MI-PDA on all 3 readings (7-0) 7/31/03: Granted CS-CO on all 3 readings 6/12/02: Approved CS-1 by consent (8-0) 7/11/02: Approved PC rec. of CS-1 (7-0); all 3 readings 10/24/00: Approved staff rec. of LI-PDA (TR1), LI-PDA-H (TR2) by consent (9-0) 11/30/00: Approved LI-PDA (TR1) and LI-PDA-H (TR2); (7-0); all 3 readings MI-PDA to MI- PDA P to CH MI-PDA to MI-PDA MI to MI-PDA MI to CS LI to CS-1 LI-PDA to LI-PDA C14-04-0151 (The Domain: 11400 Burnet Road) C14-04-0146 (The Shops at Arbor Walk: 10515 North Mopac Expressway) C14-03-0017 (The Domain- 200.286 acres: 11400 Burnet Road) C14-03-0016 (Multek: 3300 West Braker Lane) C14-03-0015 (The Domain- 0.783 acres: 11400 Burnet Road) C14-02-0062 (11005 Burnet Road) C14H-00-2177 (Braker Pointe/ Rogers Homestead: 10801 N. C14-2024-0125 9 MOPAC NB Expressway C14-00-2065 (Austin Tech Park: 11400 Burnet Road) MI to MI-PDA 6/8/00: Approved MI-PDA, with changes agreed to with neighborhood association (7-0); all 3 readings The total number of 5/9/00: Approved staff rec. of MI-PDA by consent (8-0); with the following conditions: 1) That minimum lot size be 1 acre provided for any lots that directly abut Braker Lane and Burnet Road (but not both) and which are less than 3 acres in size. 2) additional curb cuts on Braker Lane & Burnet Road providing access to such lots shall not exceed 50 % of the total number of such lots. 3) The foregoing limitation shall not apply to any lot of more than 3 acres, which abut Braker Lane and Burnet Road. 4/20/99: Approved staff alternate rec. of GR-CO, with CO for 2,200 vehicle trip limit, by consent (7-0) MI to GR C14-99-0024 (Woodfin Suite Hotel: 2618 Kramer Lane) 5/20/99: Approved PC rec. of GR-CO w/ conditions (7-0); 1st reading 6/3/99: Approved GR-CO w/ conditions (7-0); 2nd/3rd readings RELATED CASES: C14-2024-0126, C14-2008-0182 – Previous Zoning Cases C14-2024-0125 10 OTHER STAFF COMMENTS: Comprehensive Planning The subject property located at 11800 Stonehollow Drive is currently developed as distribution warehouses and a public charter school on an 9.3-acre site. The site is adjacent to the CMU zoning district and seeking the CMU-Midway zoning district intended to provide high-density mix of uses including high-rise residential, major employers, destination retail, and large-scale civic uses. The site is adjacent to two existing NBG Pedestrian Priority Collectors shown in Figure 1-3: NBG Zoning District Roadway Types Map and Figure 3-12 NBG Zoning District Collector Street Plan. It appears existing zoning capacity established in the NBG Master and Regulating Plans was not ambitious enough to allow the subject property and others like it to respond to market forces which desire to fulfill the intent of the NBG plan through the creation of transit- supportive, higher-density mix of uses. The zoning request appears to be consistent with the intent of the North Burnet Gateway Master Plan as well as urban planning and design best practices primarily by increasing intensity and density of a mix of land uses in the urban core along a transit route within 1 mile of a station for the city’s only operational rail line. NBG Master Plan: “1. Provide zoning entitlements that allow high density housing developments in the North Burnet/Gateway area (see “Land Use and Zoning” section of this chapter), to increase the supply of housing in Austin and begin to accommodate some of the housing demand that will be generated from expected population growth in the region. 2. Encourage high density housing in close proximity to transit to help reduce vehicle dependency.” p94 NBG MP ‘Housing’ “1f. Provide for a variety of housing options and affordability, so that people of all income levels can live and work in the area. Encourage housing to be developed in close proximity to potential jobsites as well as public transit so that residents may reduce their dependency on personal vehicles and save on transportation costs.” p64 Master Plan Goals “2a. Create more compact, denser development clustered in activity centers to encourage a greater percentage of travel accomplished by walking, biking, and transit.” p64 Master Plan Goals NBG Regulating Plan: “General Intent 1.1.6. To allow for and encourage significant higher density residential uses to accommodate some of the region’s expected population growth;” p13 NBG RP “Site Development Standards Intent 4.1.3. Provide opportunities for roadside uses that enliven and enrich the roadway and pedestrian environment, such as outdoor dining, porches, patios, and landscape features;” p56 NBG RP C14-2024-0125 11 Current Request NBG-NP Neighborhood Residential (NR) (Figure 1-2) NBG-NP CMU-Midway (CMU-M) 11800 Stonehollow Drive Zoning Land Use Base Maximum Height Base Maximum FAR Development Bonus Warehouse 40 feet (Figure 4-4) 0.75:1 (Figure 4-2) Maximum Height: 60 feet (Figure 4-5) Maximum FAR: 1:1 (Figure 4-3) Building Setbacks Interior Side Yard: 0’ Rear Yard: 5’ Mixed-Use 60 feet 2:1 Maximum Height: 350 feet Maximum FAR: 10:1 Interior Side Yard: 0’ Rear Yard: 0’ Maximum Impervious Cover 60% or maximum allowed by LDC 25-8 (Figure 4-6) 80% or maximum allowed by LDC 25-8 Compatibility Standards Yes Active Edge (Figure 1-6) N/A (Figure 1-2) Yes N/A Adjacent Roadway Types Stonehollow Drive and Gracy Farms Lane are NBG Pedestrian Priority Collector existing streets (Figure 1-3) Stonehollow Drive and Gracy Farms Lane are NBG Pedestrian Priority Collector existing streets (Figure 1-3) Future Streets N/A (Figure 1-3) N/A (Figure 1-3) Environmental The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is in the Walnut Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as a Suburban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. The site is in the Desired Development Zone. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment on this site will be subject to the following impervious cover limits: C14-2024-0125 12 Development Classification % of Gross Site Area % of Gross Site Area Single-Family (minimum lot size 5750 sq. ft.) Other Single-Family or Duplex Multifamily Commercial 50% 55% 60% 80% with Transfers 60% 60% 70% 90% According to floodplain maps there is no floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment requires water quality control with increased capture volume and control of the 2 year storm on site. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Fire No comments. Parks and Recreation Residential units that are certified affordable under the SMART Housing Policy are exempt from the parkland dedication requirements per City Code § 25-1-601(C)(3). Parkland dedication will be required for any new market-rate residential units that may be proposed by this development, at the time of subdivision or site plan application for new residential units, per City Code § 25-1-601, as amended. The proposed development meets the criteria for land dedication in City Code Title 25, Article 14. As such, a partial land dedication will be required, as well as any remaining fees in-lieu. The site is not a park deficient area, defined as being outside walking distance to existing parks. If developed with residential units, parkland dedication will be required for the new residential units. The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) would consider greenbelt connections to the existing parkland and midblock greenbelt connections with emphasis on tying together parks on both sides of Stonehollow. The parkland would go toward satisfying the requirement at time of permitting (whether subdivision or site plan). Should there be any remaining fees in-lieu, those fees shall be used toward park investments in the form of land acquisition and/or park amenities within the surrounding area, per the Parkland Dedication Operating Procedures § 14.3.11 and City Code § 25-1-609. C14-2024-0125 13 Should the applicant wish to discuss parkland dedication requirements in advance of site plan or subdivision applications, please contact this reviewer: ann.desanctis@austintexas.gov. At the applicant’s request, PARD can provide an early determination letter of the requirements as stated in this review. Site Plan Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. This tract is already developed, and the proposed zoning change is a footprint within the existing development. FYI this tract is within the North Burnet Neighborhood Planning area. Transportation Zoning transportation analysis shall be performed at zoning where anticipated trips are anticipated to exceed 2,000 unadjusted trips to satisfy the LDC requirement for a TIA but does not diminish the authority to require a traffic impact analysis at site plan. LDC 25-6, TCM 10.5.0. The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) calls for 116 feet of right-of-way for Stonehollow Dr. It is recommended that 58 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline should be dedicated for Stonehollow Dr according to the Transportation Plan with the first subdivision or site plan application. [LDC 25-6-51 and 25-6-55]. The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) calls for 116 feet of right-of-way for Gracy Farms Lane. It is recommended that 58 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline should be dedicated for Gracy Farms Ln according to the Transportation Plan with the first subdivision or site plan application. [LDC 25-6-51 and 25-6-55]. The adjacent street characteristics table is provided below: Name ASMP Classification ASMP Required ROW Existing ROW Existing Pavement Sidewalks Bicycle Route Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) Stonehollow Dr Level 3 116 feet Yes Yes Yes Approx 82 feet Approx 57 feet C14-2024-0125 14 Gracy Farms Ln Level 3 116 Approx 45 Yes Yes Yes Approx 80 feet Water Utility No comments on zoning change. FYI: The landowner intends to serve the site with existing City of Austin water utilities. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. For more information pertaining to the Service Extension Request process and submittal requirements contact the Austin Water SER team at ser@austintexas.gov. INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW A: Zoning Map B. Aerial Map C. Applicant’s Request Letter D. North Burnet Gateway Neighborhood Plan FLUM E. North Burnet/Gateway Zoning Subdistrict Map F. Figure 4-1 NR: NBG Zoning District General Site Development Standards G. Figure 4-1 CMU: NBG Zoning District General Site Development Standards NBG-NP NPA-2023-0024.01 86-163R.C. Y H O R B H O B T E C S SP92-0461C 95-0216C NBG-TOD-NP NPA-2023-0024.01 G L XIN U Z A OFFICE BLDG. G A U LT L N 85-149R.C. NBG-NP C14-90-0033 SP-00-2183C RR-NP SP-93-0559C 85-149R C SP-00-2138C 93-0006 85-149R.C. 86-163R.C. SP-93-0559C SP-93-0508C 93-0025 93-0006 NBG-NP C14-2008-0182 EXHIBIT A 87-009 SP87-021 SP-91-0103A AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS C14-2008-0182 C14-2007-0157 93-0011 S C H W A B W A Y NBG-TOD-NP C14-2016-0136 E V E A RIS Y K S P C14-2020-0128 85-362 ± SP-05-1201C 93-0011 NBG-NP 2008-0182 C14-2008-0182 SP95-0239C 85-149 R.C. 93-0025 85-149.40R.C. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 85-149 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP-96-0175C ! ! SP96-0373C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R W D O L L O H E N O T S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 84-390 SP89-0079D NBG-NP SP96-0373C SP96-0390C SP95-0239C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 94-150 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP-90-0135 C14-2007-0157 84-390 SP86-020 NBG-NP C14-2008-0182 C14-93-0119 95-0191 93-0028 SP-93-0507C SP-89-0079D SP96-0390C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! ! ! ! ! ! G R A C Y F A R M S LN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SP-98-0030C C O S N P-88-0245 V. ST 95-0179C R E O C 94-0150 APARTMENTS 84-390 C14-2008-0182 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! D LV RIC B T E M APARTMENTS 90-0083 MF-3-CO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-2007-0157 ! ! ! SP85-071 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GOLD WING DR MF-3-CO ! ! ! ! ! ! ( ( PUD ( PUD ( ( SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ZONING ZONING CASE#: C14-2024-0126 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by the Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 8/27/2024 EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C David Hartman (512) 685-3409 dhartman@dbcllp.com 303 Colorado, Suite 2300 Austin, TX 78701 www.dbcllp.com August 15, 2024 Lauren Middleton-Pratt Director, Planning Department City of Austin 1000 E. 11th Street, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78702 Re: Stonehollow Tracts Zoning and NPA Applications - Rezoning Application for 28.59 acres at 11801, 11525 Bldg. A, 11525 Bldg. B, 11525 ½, 11701, 11701 ½, Stonehollow Dr, and 2029 and 2105 Gracy Farms Ln. (“Stonehollow Tracts East”); Rezoning Application for 9.35 acres at 11800, 11800 ½, 11700, 11700 ½ Stonehollow Dr. (“Stonehollow Tracts West”); Neighborhood Plan Application (“NPA”) covering the Stonehollow Tracts East and Stonehollow Tracts West. Dear Ms. Middleton-Pratt: We respectfully submit the enclosed rezoning applications for the above stated Stonehollow Tracts East (“Zoning Application East”) and Stonehollow Tracts West (“Zoning Application West”, together the Zoning Application East and Zoning Application West, being collectively referred to as the “Zoning Applications”) as representatives of the property owners. The tracts that comprise the Stonehollow Tracts East and Stonehollow Tracts West covered by the Zoning Applications and the related NPA are identified in the attached Exhibit “A”. The Stonehollow Tracts East and Stonehollow Tracts West (together the Stonehollow Tracts East and Stonehollow Tracts West, being collectively referred to as the “Property”) are currently zoned NBG-NR-NP (North Burnet/Gateway – Neighborhood Residential Subdistrict - Neighborhood Plan), with a subdistrict designation of Neighborhood Residential (NR). The Zoning Applications seek to rezone the Property from NBG-NR-NP to NBG- CMU-M (Midway Zone)-NP (North Burnet/Gateway-Commercial Mixed Use-Midway Subdistrict-Neighborhood Plan), with a subdistrict designation of CMU-M (Midway Zone) Subdistrict. Adjacent zoning includes NBG-NP zoning with the following subdistricts: Transit-Oriented Development – Gateway Zone (TOD-Gateway Zone) Subdistrict, Transit-Oriented Development – Midway (TOD-Midway) Subdistrict, and CMU (Commercial Mixed- Use) Subdistrict. The proposed CMU-M (Midway Zone) Subdistrict authorizes redevelopment of the Property for transit-oriented development, including much-needed housing (including affordable housing) in this area identified in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan as the North Burnet/Gateway Regional Center and Austin’s “second downtown.” The Property is located within the North Burnet/Gateway Neighborhood Planning Area. This Neighborhood Plan designates the Property as Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map (“FLUM”). A Neighborhood Plan Amendment application covering the Property is filed in conjunction with the Zoning Applications to change the FLUM from Mixed Use to High Density Mixed Use. The Property is located at Stonehollow and Gracy Farms Lane, and near Metric Blvd. and Burnet Road with robust multimodal connectivity. The Property is located within ½ mile of the proposed Capital Metro Red Line Broadmoor Station commuter rail station, and is near multiple bus stops/routes along Stonehollow Dr. and Metric Boulevard. Stonehollow Dr., Gracy Farms Ln., and Metric Blvd. are ASMP Level 3 Streets. Burnet Rd. is an Imagine Austin Corridor, an ASMP Level 3 Street, an ASMP Transit Priority Network street, and a Core Transit Corridor. 4096149.1 1 A Zoning Traffic Analysis is required per the enclosed TIA Determination Worksheet signed by Ramin Komeili, P.E., on 8/12/24. If you have any questions about the application or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Very truly yours, David Hartman cc: Joi Harden, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Maureen Meredith, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) 4096149.1 2 Property Profile Legend Appraisal Districts TCAD Parcels Zoning 1 Zoning Text Zoning 2 Regulating Plan Subdistrict NBG Commercial Mixed Use NBG Neighborhood Mixed Use NBG Neighborhood Residential Transit Oriented Development 0 500 1000 ft 8/15/2024 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Notes This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. ETT O E E K S R L P A H WILL This product has been produced by the Housing and Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. C A R TH U N DER C R S U G N A R E S E A R C H S WITC H G AW NE X O O S H F N I N U Z R C A T T E D T O P C S R A S K H O H N U N S D O E U S P O O LIS E S R O Z U H R E D NI C L O U D D U LL K K E BI G NIF E K S R R A O P T H K L E S FA WIN AY RIV NIA LO D R G ERO G N A A T A C O D E T O L A BL F O X E R M AL A G A AS A N D B L A S P A LM ALUSIA ALCONE S W O O D S C O R D O VA GALA ALH L L E A N D W M A D R I D VE R D E A M CIA B R A E L L A C AMBLESIDE SCRIBE N O E T A N A B TRI A C N O N A T N O M E R F N SKIPTO E L A D N E P S A T S R E H M A DUVAL K R A P S R E T A W M O PAC SB C A LE A F NT E R T O R R M E A P M O P A C NET R U B G A U LT MA I N O D OC K R O S E R PALM S K A O R RY U T OGERS N E C A R R E T L A R OSALIN D ESPERANZA S OLARIS E H O R S H O B B Y RIS Y K S E C H W A B S SETON H A MILTO N C E N T E R CELETA S TONELAKE B AL C O N E S C ENTER YORK B S H C R A E S E R O T B S C A P O M T UDOR GREAT HI L L S C APITAL OF TEXAS G R E A T H R I L E S L S E A T R O C H R E S B L V E A D V I L R C L S E B JOLLY M O P A C N B T O DOM I N I O N A S E M S I L V N TI S U A KRAMER GRACIE KILTZ L I A T E R A C E Q UIA C R EA TIVITY N TIO A R O L P X E O V E B CLYDEDAVIS READ GRANBERRY R E N O B P C N O S P M O H T S EIL N IN N O V ATION LO N G H O R N M C N E I L EID R F ORD CENTRE BROCK T N O E R I C T A E B BRAKER R A L I U G A D O N L E Y A T L E D D E N T O N MC HALE A L L A C K M N A T I L O P E O R T E M RUTLAND N E R G Y B O YE R C E N TIM ETE R W O D EA M N E D L O G R O BIN W O O D R E S E A R C H N B E R S P R I N G L L W O O D A T H YRI DGE BIE B K O A R A O CIM TIEN E E L K C U S Y E N O H K R A P S S E N I S U B A LI E M A C SEREN A E L A Z A K C I W O L IL NE W CIMA T S A E B U L C SO UTH C E B ER RY E E R T T N E B T E N N O S A S S A P Y B K C E T S C A P O M N TE S C K IN D U S T RIAL D E NIT U ER T A W M O P A N B T O K TH R U S H W C N N A C C M R E S Y P EX E A R C H C A P MO OA H S L C R E E E G RID D A W N O O D D O O LW E S O R M R P I L I T S CROS Y A W L L M I I W E V E L A D B E N S C R B R O O K KW O O D EE K D O O W N A R F C O P R EN N Y AY R G K C E B H A R L I Q PAYTON GIN TO Y A W A H T A H I F R E S I D E T S E W E AT G H T R O N R E S E A R C H N B M A N T U P R U N D B U I N ER G P ARTRID S R E NT U H W O D A E AIL M U Q O N Y CREEK D O O W E L POINTER A G C G E OL O N EB RID G E North Burnet-Gateway Combined Neighborhood Planning Area Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Housing and Planning Department Updated: 11/29/2023 Mixed Use Civic High Density Mixed Use Recreation & Open Space Industry 0 360 720 1,440 2,160 2,880 Feet EXHIBIT D L A M P LI G H T V I L L A G E ALOCK OO K R B R E LD A D Y E R L EL D R T O N A P B L NET ACE A M TO T H O R N C EDAR WIL BEN T D S O N T Y EN F E R R PARK BEND R I C T E M N R O H W O L SE T O R E N HOLL O W O T S G R A C Y HIL SUN FARMS MEADO W F IR E WOODWIND D O D FIEL W O O UITW L L TA FR R F P F U R N A E G D RI H C LO N E H E E S U L AI U Q O R AIRI HID D E N G BIT TE D H E O C H A L S T N R R O L EIN AIS TA B AR C HET W EA RIN N E G S W O H O LL O W MIG OLL H R T E TA K P RIC HIRE EIN W S ER N A P L P TO US ALT E B G A S C M ACM O R A RT E S E D L A T MBER O M LOSS B BOFFI N JOR D A B EL L PIN E Q U A I L K N O L L R I D Y G E E N L U M E A R N S O M A E K A H O D O W MEADGREEN M EADOWS D N U O H RT E B K R A L NEAN S C L I C K AIL U Q N E D OL G C RIP R E D D L K FIE R A P CLIFF REEK C PLE ASPEN QU AIL G E R N RID G E L L O W S T I L A Q U V A L R R CHU K A K A O S P T RIN H O R VIL L A CREE E U L B G E K ¯ EXHIBIT E Exhibit "A" Revised 08-04-22 ?-4 141 // i l 13--1 , 1 jks.. /X UJ 5 1 --%--2? L_bti#q 94 4% 0,5='94 41[TM t.- -£-11 04 1 tV E-' --1=5*14 -f- -t*IN?g l NER 428+ 2, 421*14 Tl- %__93941 727.0--, --7 --*f 1. 1 Figure 1-2: North Burnet / Gateway (NBG) Zoning District Subdistrio Mop LEGEND NBG Subdistricts : ? Transit - Oriented Development (TOD / TOD Midway) N d 5*2?34. ₫,Q[lgta':302?*:EWR??)4? 4899?34@fl?? u BulImlitti@ Mmiff?FrE - i t·+44UIERTN %44446#Fmu., rTT?rrUIDI[mION 97« iRMIL- \46-4\1 -- \ A-t / ' 1 [ITTTY) j :CU?9O.UVAL,." A 11- f ₫z)-1. -7- . , r- -'4 A V-- 4 4 34 .... ... .... ? TOD - Gateway Zone ? Commercial Mixed - Use (CMU) ... : CMU - Midway Zone 23 CMU . Gotewoy Zone ? Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU) Neighborhood Residential (NR) Warehouse Mixed Use (WMU) 5* Commercial Industrial (Cl) - Active Edges - -NBG Planning Areo Boundary Parcel Boundary - Railroads 77 i-loof°fr '. 0?EFLA???2.<414??3?2,41 FT.-277_111.01111%fri 91 f- / L- 9LJ -C=ILH/// \ *C--3, f // -2 le&- i1/ ) 1 ? Ok-i--g f 7 I ti 21·17 14 i 4_I> f 1 0 \11 h Ul Z d D S 2 1.-... j 1 1 -1 -*--/ r \\ 9 \ 1' Ph Wa//////1 BRAKER..?'-/??? -11.11, \ -1-1 1- \ -1 ,2 1 3 r r, j ? ?« I rG k11 ?. Al -? 1 12,4 91\: •••••••••••• U blot••••••• r -?.?41-1 ......... 6«o: C ».................... ,¤2911(1 /6................... . .........1 Z 0 U') 1, \6.... l I ......... -1 "2©9@g I Nr=j-==2-,?ff'x,?tuQR? 7 1 1 49ty,4- _ _ $40 1 L - 1/. A?E ??. »? _?? ..ktihil 1.-, 4-1 1--r=? k»-74!-* 9 E-7©gp.₫₺itm M<>633,28# 121 - _ _1 'tty ' I T<©,et 1 t 121=16-Eiu-- ?UTLAND 1705/M, ; ----i-2 4 --tuot>· JJ-1 -1-04} 1--₫«₫- Id h,#.3 l? ?1 f 4% LT? i.-j P-1 U 1#Ail A- ki ./.1 129 1 © t-L / r 1 11 0 1 11 1_ ..._ l--- - lili . - Emil*«14 #14 tititi-08,--- £ 0 ............... 0••/•••••••••...1 ............ 1 As·I:::t ::::26 ....... ... 1 r _© 9 - - 2\ d»0*2,71*RifI?-ih r J:.?.1 1 - >2-2 13- -' 70€¢14* 4 7-31 ,? TI-1 5& 3?"A< 0-4 <v 161. Al U L 3411#9)11)13-i ₫74-1_23?r9·,1/i- i :'/i?LM/1₫, -J---L- I -37 7 4 1 -2*,ke==a - - /2- 1-/-233-1 -f -4[zoi/Ff-70·*il·cji-a LE= ₫47*fij?Oitfjilt497=2 4 .,..l__ 6 ?? NORTH 1 MILE 6 2-?1 M.619.4- - u 12 k 63*6.'r 1»-1 948021 j ? .1 4.--1 ..VIn hf?L-?0? M MO F _ A?G44 -L« h 1101 1 1/7. 1 .1,6, 9 ·7 44 1 .LF 14, f 7 1 1.-7 .... D 10 ACRES 1, f. f I 4 1 1 \ £' L - M i 1 U 0 FIGURE 4 - 1 NR : NBG ZONING DISTRICT GENERAL SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL (NR) SUBDISTRICT LOT SIZE FLOOR TO AREA RATIO EXHIBIT F Maximum Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) by Right: Established on Figure 4-2 (Based on the maximum FAR allowed by the prop- erty’s zoning prior to adoption of this Document) Maximum Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) with Development Bonus: 2:1 is FAR may be granted in exchange e development bonus criteria and stan- dards are detailed in Article 6. BUILDING HEIGHT* Minimum Building Height: Not applicable Maximum Building Height by Right: Established on Figure 4-4 (Based on the maximum height allowed by the prop- erty’s zoning prior to adoption of this Document.) is building height may be granted in exchange for the provision of public e development bonus criteria and standards are detailed in Article 6. * Properties may be required to comply with the building height restrictions in Subsection 4.2.10 Compatibility Stan- dards, if triggered by a property outside of the NBG Planning Area. Minimum Lot Size 1,600 SF Minimum Lot Width 20 Feet MINIMUM SETBACKS Front Yard and Street Side Yard*: No ground-level front yard or street side yard setbacks are required. Instead, development must meet the building placement standards in Section 4.3. Front and Street Side Upper-Story Building Facade Stepbacks: e building facade at the 6th story and above must be stepped back 30 feet from the ground-level building facade line. Interior Side Yard: Rear Yard: 0 Feet 5 Feet * If the street right-of-way is less than 60 feet in width, the minimum front yard setback for buildings three or more stories in height shall be 30 feet from MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVER If located in an urban watershed (Shoal or Little Walnut Creek) : Established on Figure 4-6 (Based on the maximum impervious cover allowed by the property’s zoning prior to adoption of the this Document.) If located in a suburban watershed (Walnut Creek)*: 60% is requirement supersedes imper- * vious cover requirements of Section 25-8-394(C) of the LDC. 60’ Story Max. Height with Development Bonus access. re Maximum Building Height with Development Bonus: 60 Feet Typical examples of buildings in the Neighborhood Residential Subdistrict. FIGURE 4-1 CMU : NBG ZONING DISTRICT GENERAL SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMERCIAL MIXED USE (CMU) SUBDISTRICT EXHIBIT G ?,?,? FLOOR TO AREA RATIO Maximum Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) by Right: Established on Figure 4-2 (Based on the maximum FAR allowed by the prop- erty's zoning prior to adoption of this I)ocunient) Maximum Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) with Development Bonus: CMU Zone CMU Midway Zone CMU Gateway Zone 3:1 10:1 12:1 This FAR may be granted in exchange for the provision ofpublic benefits. The development bonus criteria and standards are detailed in Article 6. "r Irt *i t Exhibit "B" Revised 08-04-22 -4*.i» BUILDING HEIGHT.,;?? Minimum Building Height: Not applicable Maximum Building Height by Right: Established on Figure 4-4 (Based on the maximum height allowed by the prop- erty's zoning prior to adoption of this Document.) Maximum Building Height with Development Bonus*: CMU Zone CMU Midway Zone CMU Gateway Zone 180 Feet 350 Feet 420 Feet lhis building height may be granted in exchange for the provision of public ben- efits. The development bonus criteria and 4 standards are detailed in Article 6. /1? RException: If adjaccnt t..... u...... th: street from ER Subdistrict the maximum % > 1:Jight 13 120 fuel the center line of the street to ensure fire 0./2.-1 access. 1 Typical examples of buildings in the Commercial Mixed Use Subdistrict. . ... LOT SIZE Minimum Lot Size 2,500 SF Minimum Lot Width 20 Feet MINIMUM SETBACKS Front Yard and Street Side Yard*: No ground-level front yard or street side yard setbacks are required. development must meet the building placement standards in Section 4.3. Instead, 1 lullt aild Slit,.1 S:.1& Uppw-Stok y -₩aAM//?alpedpad...3.h?....?..?..A?5.?- The building facadc at the Eth story and above must bc stepped back 30 fuct from the ground level building facadc line. Interior Side Yard: 0 Feet Rear Yard: 0 Feet If the street right-of-way is less than 60 feet in width, the minimum front yard setback for buildings three or more stories in height shall be 30 feet from * MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVER 11*6 If located in an urban watershed (Shoal or Little Walnut Creek): Established on Figure 4-6 (Based on the maximum impervious cover allowed by the property's zoning prior to adoption of the this I)ocument.) If located in a suburban watershed (Walnut Creek)*· * This requirement supersedes imper- vious cover requirements of Section 25-8-394(C) of the LDC. 80% PLATTING REQUIREMENTS If located in the CMU Gateway Zone: Section 24-4-171(Access to Lots) of the City Code is modified to permit a lot to abut a dedicated public street or a Major Internal Drive. 420'Max. Height with Development Bonus (CMU - Gateway) 350' Max. Height with Development Bonus (CMU - Midwal 30 180' Max. Heigh. with Development Bonus 5 Stories