01 Draft Meeting Minutes October 21, 2024 — original pdf

PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2024 The Planning Commission convened in a special called meeting on Monday October 21, 2024, at Austin City Hall, Board and Commission, Room 1101, 301 W. Second Street, in Austin, Texas. Chair Hempel called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Claire Hempel Casey Haney Ryan Johnson Alberta Phillips Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Greg Anderson Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Adam Haynes Felicity Maxwell Danielle Skidmore Alice Woods Grayson Cox Board Members/Commissioners absent: Awais Azhar Patrick Howard Ex-Officio Members in Attendance: Jessica Cohen PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL List name of speaker(s) and brief description of topic. 1 DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion and action to recommend that Council amend the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to add the Equity-Based Preservation Plan, which is a historic preservation plan, to the City’s comprehensive plan. Presentation by Cara Bertron, 512-974- 1446, cara.bertron@austintexas.gov, Planning Department. The public hearing was closed on Commissioner Phillip’s motion, Commissioner Johnson second on a 11-0 vote. Vice chair Awais Azhar and Commissioner Howard were absent. The motion to amend the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to include the transfer of development rights with a strong recommendation to continue with working with community-based ambassadors to enhance communication and outreach was approved on Commissioner Phillips motion, Commissioner Johnson’s second, on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. The motion to provide a general amendment that the Planning Commission emphasize recommendation 81 in the plan to urge City Council to move quickly to begin to examine a TDR program for the City of Austin was approved on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Anderson’s second, on a 10-0 vote. The motion for City Council amend the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to add the Equity-Based Preservation Plan, which is a historic preservation plan, to the City’s comprehensive plan, as amended, was approved on Chair Hempel’s motion, Commissioner Haney’s second, on a 10-0 vote. 2. Discussion and action recommending adoption of the Austin Core Transportation Plan (ACT Plan) as an attachment to the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP). Presentation by Cole Kitten, 512-974-6442, cole.kitten@austintexas.gov, Transportation and Public Works Department. This item was postponed by Staff. STAFF BRIEFINGS 3. Staff briefing regarding the zoning cases received to date requesting the Density Bonus 90 (DB90) District. Presentation by Eric Thomas, 512-974-7940, eric.thomas@austintexas.gov, Planning Department. The presentation was made by Eric Thomas, Division Manager, Development Services Planning Department. 4. Staff briefing regarding demographic trends and population growth in Austin. Presentation by Lila Valencia, 512-978-1559, lila.valencia@austintexas.gov, Planning Department. The presentation was made by Lila Valencia, Demographic Planner, Planning Department. 2 Chair Hempel adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m. without objection. 3