21 Site Plan Lite Recommendations — original pdf

Site Plan Lite Goal: To create an efficient process for Site Plan Lite to accommodate missing middle residential projects up to 16 units where allowed by zone that can be approved quickly and efficiently. The site plan light review process for missing middle should closely mirror the review process for similarly sized projects under HOME 1 that utilize a condo regime. The primary goal is for missing middle sites to be treated in proportion to their size and have clear, upfront rules. The current process is subjective with open-ended negotiations, inequitable costs, and lengthy review times. There is a tremendous difference between obtaining permits for two or three units on a property compared to 5-16 units. Applies to: Properties able to accommodate 16 units by zone, up to two acres. It’s critical that the size of the tract be large enough to achieve up to 16 units while also accommodating site conditions like trees and topography. List of recommended changes by department Austin Energy • Reduce aerial setback from 15 ft to 10 ft for infill plats. Austin Water • • Add flexibility for lot line crossing per uniform plumbing code. 25-9-33 (F) No Service Extension is required for re-plats 6 lots or less and under one acre if flow rate and capacity is sufficient City Legal Development Services • Create templates for Joint Use Access and other easement agreements. • • Allow unified processing of easements at a legal “one stop shop.” Track legal approvals in Amanda and in the approval timeline, including response times and customer service information. • • • 25-5-3 - Small Projects. Include provision that any site plan that proposes 5-16 units is qualified as a Small Project. 25-5-21 - Phased Site Plans. Any site that proposes 5-16 units is not required to phase the site plan to allow for individual buildings to gain a separate certificate of occupancy. A site plan with 5-16 units is not required to break out phases for compliance for any code requirement. The Site Plan shall comply with all code requirements as a whole property and not by phase, regardless of the pace of construction. 25-5-62 - Site Plan Extensions. A site plan with 5-16 units may be extended by the Director for a period up to five years without any additional requirements. Environmental and Community Trees 25-8-211 (G) - Fee in Lieu for Water Quality shall be allowed. • • Reduce redundancy between tree review at subdivision and building permit phase. • Clarify reasonable use and define as it pertains to existing trees. Parks and Recreation • 25-4-211 (B) Reduce or waive Parkland Dedication requirements for fee in lieu for site plans with 5-16 units. • • • • • • • Transportation and Public Works 25-6-55 (C) – Do not require dedication of right of way for site plans with 5-16 units. Allow administrative easements without a waiver instead of dedications. Eliminate waivers for efficiency and predictability. 25-6-101 - Traffic Impact Analysis. Site Plans with 5-16 units or zoning cases for 5-16 units are not subject to Neighborhood Traffic Analysis and are not subject to mitigations for transportation impacts. 25-6-116 - Desirable Operating Levels for certain streets. Site Plans with 5-16 units or zoning cases for 5-16 units are not subject to any limitations relating to operating levels of streets. 25-6-323 (B) - Unpaved alleys are only required to be paved for purposes of site plans with 5-16 units except where fire access is required and only to the extent of the point of access to the alley. • 25-6-351 (G) - Sidewalks are not required to be designated by re-plats 6 lots or less and under one acre (ie. 25-6-353 already requires sidewalks for building permits or 25-6-354 fee in lieu). 25-6-657 - Waive Street Impact Fee for site plans 5-16 units. • • Amend criteria manual to allow two curb cuts on a lot. Watershed Protection 25-7-31 - Drainage studies. A Drainage study and subsequent impacts is only required for a site plan with 5-16 units where the impervious cover exceeds that allowed on a property on March 1984 and only to the extent of the impacts above the allowable impervious cover on that date. Regional Stormwater Management Program shall be allowed for the delta. 25-7-151 - Stormwater Conveyance and Drainage Facilities. Section B is modified to only require exiting offsite flows through a site with 5-16 units. 25-7-64 (3) - No Drainage Facilities are required (ie. Detention or Water Quality, tying into storm drains, and thus no Regional Stormwater Management Program participation requirement). • Amend criteria manual to remove 550 ft storm water connection rule. • Amend criteria manual to remove lot to lot drainage requirement. • Amend criteria manual to remove requirement that requires projects drain to the street.