21 Residential Infill Subdivision Recommendations — original pdf

Residential Infill Subdivision Goal: To create an efficient process for residential infill subdivision, allowing for the creation of fee simple lots in existing neighborhoods on legal tracts with existing drainage patterns, and established utilities and services. A streamlined infill lot process will allow either fee simple ownership, or condo form of ownership with densities, lot sizes, and impervious cover limits already allowed under existing zoning. The Primary goal is for missing middle sites to be treated in proportion to their size and have clear, upfront rules. The current process is subjective with open-ended negotiations, inequitable costs, and lengthy review times. Applies to: Previously platted lots, or land status qualifying lots, under one acre and zoned for residential use. LDC SUGGESTED EDITS BY DEPARTMENT Austin Energy • Reduce aerial setback from 15 ft to 10 ft for infill plats. • Only require easements to accommodate existing facilities or to bring service to the lots. Increase minimum distance from right of way that triggers sprinklers in residential units. Austin Fire • • Allow for multiple units to be served by one driveway. • Reduce aerial setback from 15 ft to 10 ft for infill plats Austin Water • • Add flexibility for lot line crossing per uniform plumbing code. 25-9-33 (F) - No Service Extension is required for re-plats six lots or less and under one acre if flow rate and capacity is sufficient. • Create templated Joint Use Access agreements and set timeline goal of seven day turn around for plats. City Legal Development Services • • • • Establish review timeline goal - 60 Days from submission to completion, including 30 Days Shot Clock State Rule 212.009. Benchmark these goals with other similar cities. 25-4-1 - Infill Plats are not subject to 25-7 (drainage) and 25-8 (water quality, environmental). 25-4-1 (D) - An existing legal tract may be re-platted to include up to six lots or less and under one acre without triggering traditional subdivision review 25-4-1 (D)(1) - Additional plat notes that simply mimic existing code will not be required for re-plats six lots or less and under one acre that do not vacate original plat. New plat notes shall be provided in a standardized form. • 25-4-34 (F) - Original Tract requirement does not apply to infill plats (replats six lots or less and under one acre). • 25-4-84 (E) - Fiscal Surety and Engineer's cost estimate is not required for infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acres) (ie. Road & Utilities already built out). • 25-4-176 (B) - Re-plats six lots or less and under one acre may distribute "usable lot area" such as impervious cover, building area, and FAR if total remains below zoning allowable on original tract. 24-4-177(A)(2)(c) - re-plats six lots or less and under one-acres utilizing "flag lots" will not require or be designated as variances. • • 25-4-177 (C) - flag utility exhibits will be solely feasibility studies and not to be reviewed or denied as final AWU Tap Plan or AE Design and if structures are 150ft from hydrant, sprinklers are sufficient to replace fire driveway T-Head or Fire Lane requirement. Environmental and Community Trees Parks and Recreation Transportation and Public Works 25-8-211 (G) - Water Quality Control is not required for infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acre). Waive Fee in Lieu for Water Quality. • • Reduce redundancy between tree review at subdivision and building permit phase. • Clarify reasonable use and define as it pertains to existing trees. • 25-4-211 (B) - Parkland Dedication or Fee in Lieu do not apply to infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acre). • • 25-6-21 (A)(2) - Add sentence that for re-plats six lots or less and under one acre that only frontage, curb cut, driveway, and joint use easement requirements will apply. 25-6-55 (C) - Dedication of ROW is not required for infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acres). Allow administrative easements without a waiver instead of dedications. Eliminate waivers for efficiency. 25-6-323 (B) - Unpaved alleys are not required to be paved for purposes of infill plat. • • 25-6-351 (G) - Sidewalks are not required to be designated by re-plats six lots or less and under one acre (ie. 25-6-353 already requires sidewalks for building permits or 25-6-354 fee in lieu). 25-6-662 - Waive Street Impact Fee for infill plats. • Watershed Protection • • • • 25-7-8 (C) - No Computation of Storm Runoff are required for infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acres) (ie. Impervious cover is simply regulated by zoning). 25-7-31 (E) - No Drainage Study is required for re-plats six lots or less and under one acres (ie. Existing drainage pattern already established and impervious regulated by zoning). 25-7-62 - No Engineering Certifications required. 25-7-64 (3) - No Drainage Facilities are required for infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acres) (ie. Detention or Water Quality, tying into storm drains, and thus no RSMP participation requirement). 25-7-152(F) - No dedication of easement or ROW is required for infill plats (re-plats six lots or less and under one acres). • • Amend criteria manual to remove 550 ft storm water connection rule. • Amend criteria manual to remove lot to lot drainage requirement. • Amend criteria manual to require drainage to street.