Planning CommissionOct. 22, 2024

21 C20-2023-045 - Site Plan Lite Phase 2 & Infill Lots Affordability Impact Statement — original pdf

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Affordability Impact Statement Infill Plats & Site Plan Lite, Phase 2 Initiated by: Resolution No. 20221201-048, 20230504-023 Case number: C20-2023-045 Date: October 21, 2024 Proposed Regulation The proposed amendments would do the following: Infill Plats • • • • Provides small-scale residential developments with a streamlined subdivision review process to facilitate fee-simple ownership of lots as an alternative to condominium regimes. • Aligns impervious cover assumptions used in the streamlined subdivision review with impervious cover limits imposed by zoning regulations, which will provide more flexible subdivision options, allowing landowners to create smaller lots without triggering full subdivision review. The modified drainage standards are limited to applications that meet the following criteria: Less than one acre in site area; o Not located within the Wildland Urban Interface; o Is within a previously platted residential subdivision; and o Does not require a plat vacation. Projects under 11,500 square feet are not required to provide a drainage study or onsite detention. Projects between 11,500 square feet and one acre must provide a drainage plan demonstrating that, without altering natural topography, stormwater will discharge to an existing storm drainage system or right-of-way. Site Plan Lite, Phase 2 • • • The modified drainage standards are limited to applications that meet the following criteria: o Less than 11,500 square feet in site area; and o 5 to 16 units on a single lot. • Qualifying projects must provide a drainage plan demonstrating that, without altering natural topography, stormwater will discharge to an existing storm drainage system or right-of-way. Establishes a new “small-project” category for developments of 5 to 16 units that qualify for the modified drainage standards, streamlining the review process with shorter review times and reduced fees. Land Use/Zoning Impacts on Housing Costs The proposed changes would have a positive impact on housing costs by facilitating the delivery of missing middle projects through a less onerous permitting process and by expanding options for “fee simple” ownership of units on separate lots rather than condominium regimes. Like Home I and Home II, this housing strategy is aimed at increasing attainable housing options for middle-income Austinites, which is supported by many of the Strategic Housing Blueprint and Imagine Austin Goals to encourage diverse housing types throughout Austin. The modified drainage standards apply only to areas outside the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). However, further analysis and discussion are necessary to determine if these standards are entirely unavailable in all proximity zones within the WUI or only in areas with the highest fire hazard risk, depending on the structure's distance from the wildland. Impact on Development Cost The proposed changes would have a positive impact on development costs by potentially reducing fees and time associated with replatting and permitting. When the process is fully implemented, requiring changes to applications and review procedures, staff anticipates a quicker and easier review process. Impact on Affordable Housing The proposed changes would have a positive impact on affordable housing. The proposed changes would make it easier for the City and affordable housing developers to reduce costs associated with re-subdivision and permitting and generate more affordable housing units. City Policies Implemented  Imagine Austin: Land Use and Transportation Action 2: Promote diverse infill housing such as small- scale apartments, smaller-lot single-family houses, town and row houses, and garage apartments that complement and enhance the character of existing neighborhoods.  Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint Action: Allow the Development of Smaller Houses on Smaller Lots  Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint Action: Better Utilize Land for Affordable Housing  Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint Action: Preserve and Create Ownership Options for Households at 80% to 120% MFI Other Housing Policy Considerations  Infill-plat amendments will enable an easier process for applicants to subdivide into smaller lot sizes proposed in HOME-2 amendments. The amendments will also support an easier process for creation of flag lots under revised requirements proposed in HOME-2. Manager’s Signature ________ __________