06 Combined Neighborhood Opposition Part 2 — original pdf
the Ver8cal Mixed-Use Building Combining District (V) which is so loosely defined that its descrip8on is covered by a single sentence. This vague land use leaves the neighborhood and its residences with no picture of what this project will ul8mately become and how it will affect the South Lamar Neighborhood. It is because these reasons, and many more, that we ask you to reevaluate the project property and what an appropriate use for it would be. We’d suggest that you reengage with the Owner and their Agent to work towards a more amenable outcome for the beZerment of Thornton Rd., the South Lamar Neighborhood, District 5, and the City of Aus8n. Legend for intersection clear patterns: 1) Oltorf eastbound 2) Oltorf westbound + unprotected left onto Thornton 3) Thornton northbound with unprotected turns onto west and eastbound Oltorf Please consider our concerns when reviewing this case. We appreciate your 8me and aZen8on to this maZer. Thanks. Beth Beth Guillot Beth.guillot21@gmail.com 512.699.3083