Planning CommissionJune 11, 2024

21 C14-2024-0022 - 2700 Del Curto Rezone; District 5 Public Comment — original pdf

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Re: C14-2024-0022 2700 Del Curto Rezone steve lucas Mon 6/10/2024 8:18 PM To: Hadri, Cynthia <> External Email - Exercise Caution Cynthia, Ok, thought it was listed yesterday and didn't have time and the case was not there this morning. Anyway it's what I told you already: How can this zoning be approved before the tree survey is done? I live and own all the property south of this site and the layout only shows 5 trees to be saved, I know there are a lot more trees that should be on this list and the layout does not show any protection of the area, 75% I believe, of the crown of the trees or the trees under the crown. It showed an access road and buildings next to the trees. I have watched developers level property before the tree survey and when I reported this to the city arborist they could do nothing. I have spent almost 30 years restoring my property and want my work to be saved since the development is next to my trees also. The city has said that they want to maintain and increase the tree cover in the city to 50% and I have read it is now at 40%. Destroying old trees and surrounding trees hurt the environment of the city and none of us will live long enough for any new growth to return if large old trees are destroyed. Because the tree survey has not been done yet I am opposed to this zoning change. I want to oppose this and would like to be kept informed with this and be added to any lists or any documents about this case. If you can pass this along to them to make sure I am at least heard. Thanks, steve lucas Cynthia Hadri Senior Planner | Current Planning City of Ausn, Planning Department O: (512) 974-7620 Please note: E-mail correspondence to and from the City of Ausn is subject to required disclosure under the Texas Public Informaon Act.   From: steve lucas <> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2024 9:58 AM To: Hadri, Cynthia <> Subject: Re: C14-2024-0022 2700 Del Curto Rezone   External Email - Exercise Caution Cynthia, thanks, steve lucas Good afternoon, I was going to submit my comments online through the link provided on the notice for this case (,  the case number is not on the list for me to comment. Is there a reason I can not comment this way as I have plans tomorrow evening? Let me know. On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 4:14 PM Hadri, Cynthia <> wrote: The Planning Commission (PC) agenda is attached and the Staff Report is provided in the link below.  The 2700 Del Curto Rezone case is Item 21 on the agenda. Please refer to page 12 for speaker registration and information regarding presentation / handout materials. Page 13 includes information about Speaker testimony time allocation and parking validation.    Staff report:   ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET ( Please note, the PC meeting has the option of allowing the public to participate via telephone as well as in-person.  In order to address the PC by telephone, please be sure to sign up through the speaker registration link below prior to 2 pm on Tuesday, June 11th. Please email any presentations or handouts to Interim Commission Liaison Nicole Corona by 1:00 PM day of the meeting.   In-person speakers are able to sign up any time prior to 5:30 pm.    Thank you, Cynthia Hadri Senior Planner | Current Planning City of Ausn, Planning Department O: (512) 974-7620 Please note: E-mail correspondence to and from the City of Ausn is subject to required disclosure under the Texas Public Informaon Act.   CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "". CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "".