09 C14-2023-0021 - 200 W. Mary; District 9 Public Comment — original pdf

before the public hearing. Your to the board or commission (or the contact should comments must be submitted on the notice) board or commission's Written comments listed person include the and the Case Number and the hearing, person Correspondence and information to the City of Austin Information the Texas Public name, the scheduled submitted contact date of the public listed on the notice. are subject to Act (Chapter 552) and will be published online. PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION hearings: Commission applicants before the Land Use will be reviewed and acted upon at two and the City Council. and/or their agent(s) be This zoning/rezoning request public Although are expected public hearing, you are not to participate. conducted opportunity change. participate or environmental affecting application will have the development on how to in the public hearings. You may in an an interest both online and at which you to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed or for further information to participate This meeting will your neighborhood. that has expressed organization the case manager in�person required Contact in a also contact a neighborhood Jody Zemel conducting a pilot program to receive Staff is case-related comments online accessed through this link or QR code: https://bit.ly/ATXZoningComment. which can be . . •. � [ij • • !- •■·}ii C14-2023-0021 Case Number: Contact: Public Hearing: May 28, 2024, Planning Jonathan Tomko, 512-974-1057 Commission Your Name (please print) D I am in favor XI object 1817 Eva Street, Austin TX 7871./ June 6, 2124 Date commission the board or hearing hearing, an application's During its public continue City staff's recommendation and public input recommendation to announces a specific that is not later than 60 is required. Dayti e Tele one: ____ ____ ___ _ djacent neighbors and members CNA Neighborhood Plan Contact team met on lU:23 with the applicant's attorney, lecia continuation e supplied further the City Council. 1f the date and time for a postponement or or the its own forwarding days from the announcement, no our feedback and concerns at that time. team and of the BCNA Neighborhood executive date or may evaluate board or commission may postpone Mosadomi. to a later notice During its public hearing, request the land to a less or rezone in no case will it grant a more the City Council may grant or deny a zoning than requested zoning but intensive intensive zoning. use development, the Council DlSTRlCT to certain the BCNPCT, I am forced to conclude that the applicant has no interest in ember of ur concerns. ...oppose the upzoning i.:eque&t-fur..(JR:MtJ·NP at 200 and 204 W. Mary St. districts. in order to allow for mixed However, may add the MIXED USE (MU) COMBINING commercial The MU Combining residential commercial allows uses within the combination development. uses already to those addition uses in a single District allowed simply allows zoning districts. As a result, the MU Combining of office, retail, commercial, and use this form to comment, in the seven it may be returned If you District City of Austin� Planning Depa1tment residential Jonathan Tomko P. 0. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767-8810 to: For additional infonnation visit process, on the City of Austin's land development our website: www.austintexas.gov/planning. Or email to: jonathan.tomko@austintexas �gov • Meade, Nikelle <Nikelle.Meade@huschblackwell.com> tome• Hi Jody, Aug 1, 2023, 5:21 PM * • . I think city staff let you know this, but please pass on to your folks that the notifications for public hearings for the Mary cases at Commission next week will only be for postponements. We, obviously, are still working on the cases. Nikelle Meade Partner HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1400 Austin, TX 78701-4093 Direct: 512-479-1147 Mobile: 512-992-6001 Fax: 512-226-7373 Nikelle. Meade@huschblackw ell. com huschblackwell. com vBio I vCard Husch Blackwell is a different kind of law firm-structured around our clients' industries and built on a culture of selfless service. Our 900+ lawyers collaborate across the U.S. from more than 20 offices and our virtual office, The Link, to provide uncommon solutions to our clients' most complex challenges . ............................ Begin Notice from Husch B/acl<Well LLP ............................ .. This e-mail message and all attachments, if anr, may contain confldenUal and privileged material and are intended only for the intended recipient Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribuUon is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail or by calling (816) 983-8000 and destroy the original and any copies of this e-mail . ........................... End Notice from Husch B/acl<Well LLP ............................... .. City of Austin Plann ing Departmen t P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 -1088 (512) 974-3100 ♦ Fax (512) 974-3112 ♦ h tt ps://www.aust i nt exas.g ov/depar t ment /h ousi ng -and- planni ng MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Todd W. Shaw, Chair & Planning Commission Members Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner, Inclusive Planning Division Jonathan Tomko, Principal Planner, Current Planning Division Planning Department DATE: November 7, 2023 RE: NPA-2023-0013.01_200 W. Mary Street C14-2023-0021_200 W. Mary Street Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Planning Area The applicant requests a postponement of the above-referenced cases from the November 14, 2023 Planning Commission hearing to the December 12, 2023 hearing date to allow additional time to work with the neighborhood. See attached email from Nikelle Meade, the applicant’s agent. The postponement request was made in a timely manner and meets the Planning Commission’s policy. Attachments: Nikelle Meade’s email from Husch Blackwell, LLP Plan Amendment Map Zoning Map The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 1 of 405 C14-2023-0021 - 200 W. Mary; District 9From: Meade, Nikelle Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 11:47 AM To: Tomko, Jonathan <Jonathan.Tomko@austintexas.gov> Cc: Harden, Joi <Joi.Harden@austintexas.gov>; Meredith, Maureen <Maureen.Meredith@austintexas.gov> Subject: Re: 200 W. Mary St. C14-2023-0021 & NPA-2023-0013.01 External Email - Exercise Caution Hi Jonathan. I needed to get confirmation from my client, but 12/12 is fine, and I am fine with it being an applicant postponement. Do you need me to send a formal request? Jonathan From: Meade, Nikelle < Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 11:23 AM To: Tomko, Jonathan <Jonathan.Tomko@austintexas.gov> Cc: Meredith, Maureen <Maureen.Meredith@austintexas.gov> Subject: RE: 200 W. Mary St. C14-2023-0021 & NPA-2023-0013.01 External Email - Exercise Caution Hi Jonathan and Maureen, Wanted to check back in with you. We are making good progress on this case but still need to reach back out to the neighbors. I am not 100% sure we are going to be ready on 11/14, but I don’t think we need more than a couple more weeks. Is there a possibility of one more definite postponement, or is indefinite the only option? Nikelle Meade Partner HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1400 Austin, TX 78701-4093 Direct: 512-479-1147 Mobile: 512-992-6001 Fax: 512-226-7373 Nikelle.Meade@huschblackwell.com huschblackwell.com vBio | vCard The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 2 of 405 C14-2023-0021 - 200 W. Mary; District 9The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 3 of 405 C14-2023-0021 - 200 W. Mary; District 9__.-:--H.1< NPA-2023-0013.01 - 200 W. Mary; District 9 1 of 4 J')> � City of Austin Planning Department P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 -1088 (512) 974-3100 I Fax (512) 974-3112 I https:/ / www.austintexas.gov/ department/ housing-and-planning MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Claire Hempel, Chair & Planning Commission Members Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner, Inclusive Planning Division Jonathan Tomko, Principal Planner, Current Planning Division Planning Department DATE: December 5, 2023 RE: NPA-2023-0013.01_200 and 204 W. Mary Street C14-2023-0021_200 & 204 W. Mary Street Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Planning Area The applicant requests an Indefinite Postponement of the above-referenced cases from to allow additional time to work with the neighborhood. See attached email from Nikelle Meade, the applicant's agent. The postponement request was made in a timely manner and meets the Planning Commission's policy. Attachments: Nikelle Meade's email from Husch Blackwell, LLP Plan Amendment Map Zoning Map The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 08 NPA-2023-0013.01 - 200 W. Mary; District 9 2 of 4 From: Meade, Nikelle Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 11:24 AM To: Meredith, Maureen <Maureen.Meredith@austintexas.gov> Cc: Tomko,Jonathan <Jonathan.Tomko@austintexas.gov>; Harden,Joi <J oi.Harden@austintexas.gov> Subject: Request for Postponement - 200 W. Mary St. Zoning and NPA/C14-2023-0021 and NPA-2023-0013.01 External Email - Exercise Caution Hi Maureen and Jonathan, By this email, I am requesting further postponement of both above-referenced cases and understand that the duration will need to be indefinite. We would like additional time to discuss the case with stakeholders. Please let me know if any additional info. is needed from me for this request. Thank you! Nikelle Meade Partner HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1400 Austin, TX 78701-4093 Direct: 512-479-1147 Mobile: 512-992-6001 Fax: 512-226-7373 Nikelle.Meade@huschblackwell.com huschblackwell .com vBio I vCard The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request.